LOVE LIKE HIS - Chapter 35 - TURNING POINT - An Original Story by @papa-pepper

in #fiction7 years ago


Instantly, Cromwell is sober.

What’s left of his heart is almost breaking… partially because of Gary’s lost child, and partially because of who he has allowed himself to become. Part of Cromwell, the old part, wants to raise his drawn piece at the door and unload. However, he can’t.

For a very long time, he just stands there, facing the door, completely dumbfounded. Inside, Gary has turned to prayer once again.

Slowly, the detective holsters his pistol.

It is not an all-together conscious move on his part, but more of his body admitting that this over. For the first time ever since Cromwell has begun to investigate this case, he actually believes Gary. Recalling the memories of his own family life, he is actually attempting to look at things from someone else’s point of view, and he is beginning to have compassion for Mr. Swier.

He lost so much. To never be able to hold his child. To never hear that first cry, or smell that sweet infant scent. To never watch the first steps, or hear the first words. All of those tiny hugs that come from a little one that loves you more than anything.

Still facing the door, tears begin to pour down Cromwell’s face.

He’s been hit, hard, and his tough outer shell is cracking. Strange things are beginning to leak out of those cracks. Things like emotions.

This has been a very long time for the detective. For a while after the death of his wife and son, he spent a lot of time crying, but then he turned to the bottle. Once the liquid started coming in, the other liquid stopped coming out. Soon, Cromwell became saturated with alcohol and his tears dried up.

“You already know that you’re a guilty sinner who should be held accountable by Someone for his actions, you’re just afraid to admit it.”

As he contemplates Gary’s words, he can’t help but recall the ancient words of his dead wife. She too had tried to share this with him. He thought it was funny, at first, until he realized how serious he was. It’s not that he was blind to his actions, he would just prefer not to view them in that light. Labels, like “bad,” just didn’t sit right with him.

Oh, all these memories of his wife are beginning to tear him up inside. These are the type of thoughts that he doesn’t welcome and prefers to drown out. A desolate loneliness is overcoming him, and his feelings are too exposed for it not to agonize him.

He’s got no comforter to turn to now, and the guilt that is attacking him is relentless. His lip starts to twitch. He’s had more than enough!

Cromwell has reached a turning point. His entire future, and perhaps even his eternity hangs on what he chooses to do next. Without a doubt, he's facing a turning point, and there is a real fork in the road. However, old habits die hard, and the detective pulls a U-turn instead, heading back the way that he came from.

“I need a drink.”

Having lost his interest currently in Gary, Cromwell returns to his car. This is too much for him, so he’s crawling back into his bottle.


Thank you, and stay tuned for LOVE LIKE HIS : Chapter 36 - Coming soon to a steemit near you!

Did you know that besides the audiobook version, the Spanish translation, and the Portuguese translation, this book is also now being translated into German! Click here to check it out!

As always, if you enjoyed this chapter, let me know by leaving a real comment. Thanks!

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @malos10



you are a great person papa, when you are busy with your hard work, you still have time to play ddan writing in steemit with various posts .. i salute with you, you are very wise in sharing time between work, family, play and so forth
Succes and health always @papa-pepper

papa if Indonesian is a father .. !!
Hey papa

fery good bud ...

This has been a great ride. I am sad to think that the conclusion is coming. I have enjoyed this immensely. Thanks, @papa-pepper.

Hopefully you will like it until the end. Maybe then I'll have to had it made into a movie!

A movie! That would be so cool! Fingers crossed...

Hi @papa-pepper wow what a chapter it was indeed to read across perhaps it was a very interesting chapter unveiling how love like this can make a turning point in a person's life,indeed i would like to read the whole book starting from the beginning so that i can get to understand it well,so @papa-pepper trust me this was a very interesting chapter to read and indeed i would like to see chapter 36 untill the end of this book,so keep on posting the rest of this book untill the end of Love Like This,lastly thank you sir for your post and keep posting such good content stuff on steemit.

Thank you very much!

A very interesting story @papa-pepper. I read it. thank you.

a very interesting story from @papa-pepper

Still facing the door, tears begin to pour down Cromwell’s face?
so sad.. at some how alcohol helps to forget things.. but after the effect of alcohol that destabilized your thoughts.. everything back to normal.. it is better to face all the challenges and accept the fact what is happening. My father also died last year and its been a year now.. though its hard to move yet I need to be brave for my mother. its okay to show your weakness side but being optimistic is better rather than acting that your are weak.

@papa-pepper Really good post.

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