The First Annual Steemit Pie Eating Contest: Pie, Blood, and Tears Everywhere!

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

The first annual Steemit Pie Eating Contest was held this past weekend and now it is time to announce the winner! For those of you just joining us I gave my fellow Steemians a challenge to write a story about a pie eating competition for the chance to win a prize of 10 Steem Dollars!

Links To The Competitors Stories
@dottie Story Entry Here
@poetrychick Story Entry Here
@kiwideb Story Entry Here
@jeezzle Story Entry Here

And what better way to announce the winner of a story writing contest but to write a story of my own:


Welcome To The First Annual Steemit Pie Eating Contest!

It was a beautiful day in Steemit city as the contestants for the first annual pumpkin pie eating competition were arriving. Each person was ready to fight for the chance to win the title of Pumpkin Pie Eating Champion with a prize of 10 Steem Dollars.

@marxrab was excited for the competition because her virtual business, The Steemit Diner, was holding the competition. Each and every pie was baked fresh that morning and were sitting in the kitchen awaiting the destruction that would behold them when they met the competitors mouths. The rabbit stared at all her beautiful pumpkin pies with pride! Every single one had a slice missing. Marxrab hiccuped a little. She couldn't resist tasting her work and was feeling a little bloated after all those slices.


The first competitor to arrive at the diner was @dottie . Dottie sat in a corner booth waiting for the games to begin. Quietly she whispered "You've got this! You can do this. You can eat those pies!" over and over. She was dressed in a lovely sun dress with a diamond ring on her finger. When Marxrab went to sign her into the contest Dottie showed her the ring.

"I won this in my last pie eating contest!" She said with pride. Marxrab was impressed by the size of the diamond.

Next to arrive was @poetrychick. She traveled from the far off town of Pumpkinburg to join the contest. As Marxrab signed her in Poetrychick told her all about how in Pumpkinburg they train all citizens to compete in pie eating competitions. She'd won first place on several occasions and was determined to fight for the chance to win Steemit Towns title. As Marxrab walked away she thought she heard her bark.

@kiwideb walked into the diner holding her phone over her head. It was playing "Eye of the Tiger" as she walked in pumping her fists in the air. "You are all going down" she yelled as Marxrab signed her in and gave her a name tag. She sat down at a table and pulled out a cook book full of healthy recipes to read while she waited for the game to begin.

The last competitor to arrive was @jeezzle. He looked like a wreck and was covered in red liquid. "I hope that's not blood" Marxrab thought as Jeezzle dripped some red liquid onto her nice clean floors.

As more Steemians arrived to watch the competition, Marxrab gathered the contestants to the front of the diner to sit at a table covered with a white table cloth. Jeezzle dripped some more red liquid on it but quickly wiped it away with his sleeve.

"Alright everyone! Take your places and grab a pie! When the whistle blows begin eating. The person who eats the most pies in 20 minutes wins!"

The whistle sounded and everyone began eating. Pie after pie was devoured and pumpkin filling and crust went everywhere. After eating 3 pies Dottie stopped and said sadly "I thought there would be rings and money baked in the pies!" She continued eating but not as vigorously as before.

Kiwideb was on her first pie picking at it when she asked "Are these pies gluten free, Paleo, vegan, and dairy-sugar free? These pies taste very unhealthy."

Marxrab replied "Oh no! I baked the crust using lard just like grandma taught me. I also used sugar in the pie and crust! Grandma always used cream to make her pies! I guess they aren't so healthy."

Kiwideb said "I'm an expert in healthy food and I can tell you need to work on making your pies more nutritious."

Poetrychick was on her fifth pie when Marxrab noticed something strange. She looked underneath the table to see a dog sitting on Poetrychick's lap. Every few seconds when she thought no one was looking she would sneak a bite of pie under the table! Marxrab had to disqualify her from the contest for cheating.

"But Barca was hungry! I only gave her a few slices!"

Marxrab took her and Barca to the kitchen to get the pup something to eat. Poetrychick seemed happy as her puppy munched on some nice boiled chicken.

Jeezzle ate pie after pie. By the time he ate his sixth one he wasn't looking too good. He gagged and coughed something that looked like a small green water hose up. He was dripping red liquid all over the floor. As the clock hit 20 minutes Marxrab blew the whistle to end the competition.

"What's up with you Jeezzle" she said.

"I was out catching snakes earlier today so I can freeze their meat for cooking. I was hungry so I ate one of them raw and whole."

Marxrab grimaced in disgust. "Next time please take a bath after you kill snakes. I'm going to have to wash the whole store down now! And if you need someone to cook it feel free to ask."

Marxrab looked at the competitors empty pie plates and counted up the pies eaten:

The results are in:
Dottie ate 4 pies
Kiwideb ate 1 pie
Poetrychick was disqualified
Jeezzle ate 6 pies.

"And the winner of the competition is Jeezzle!!! The prize is 10 Steem Dollars!"

Jeezzle looked like he was about to throw up. He smiled but looked in pain. Poetrychick was still happily feeding her dog chicken and the pup looked like he was stuffed but thrilled. Kiwideb seemed relieved it was over and to make things up to her Marxrab had her chef make up the healthiest vegan, gluten free pie he could make. Dottie was disappointed she didn't win but her beautiful ring attracted attention from many of the other female patrons. She got lots of compliments at it's beauty and size and seemed happy to show it off.

Marxrab stood up and thanked everyone for competing! She told them she planned on having future competitions at the Steemit Diner and welcomed all of them to return for future games.

Congrats @jeezzle for winning the story writing competition

And thank you to @dottie @kiwideb and @poetrychick for competing. Just for playing you each win 1 Steem Dollar. All your stories were wonderful and I know you all worked hard on them. Thanks for joining in on the fun!

If you've never heard of the Steemit Diner then stop on by my tale of humble beginnings to catch up.

follow me marx rab.jpg


Well done @jeezzle! You would have been the winner if I was judging too. @dottie and @poetrychick would have been second equal. @marxrab would have been highly commended.

Thanks for the recognition of our efforts @marxrab, and I look forward to competing again.

By the way, I highly recommend lard for pie crusts...

Thank you for saying that. It was really fun and I'm glad that you enjoyed my story. I look forward to entering the next competition as well.

If I have to look at another slice of pumpkin pie, I'll, I'll...

Great contest, and good to visit your diner again... ;)


How about a nice slice of apple pie instead? lol. Thanks for coming back. I love regular customers to serve food to!

Apple will do nicely, dear, as long as it's a-la-mode... :D

Lol! That was a fabulous way to announce the winner! It was very fun to read. I should have known that Barca would get me in trouble! Hahahaha.... Thanks for the competition. :)

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