"The Wishmonger", Episode 42, Links to previous episodes

in #fiction7 years ago

Today on The Wishmonger, Roger has another dream, time may be getting short for Wishful!

It was after 1 Am when Roger fell into bed. He had been asking his Dad to pray with him in his room each night and this was no exception, “Dad, how do you pray for someone who’s in trouble?”

“What kind of trouble, son? It isn’t one of your friends is it?”

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He made a choice to tell the truth, “It’s Ike, Dad. He might lose his ice cream parlor if he can’t find the money to make repairs. If he gets shut down the bank will probably foreclose.”

James smiled quietly it seemed Roger was becoming more aware of the needs of others. “I won’t ask how you know because I’m afraid I might not like the answer. It sounds like Ike could use a business partner to help him make improvements. I can make a few calls tomorrow. I might know a few people who would be interested. But, we can definitely ask God to provide the right person and be with Ike and his family,” so they did.

Roger fell into a deep sleep almost before the door to his room had closed and almost immediately, he found himself in another dream. The dragon returned and swooped down over the town of Wishful on dark, leathery wings, it's white eyes glowing greedily as it extended it's gnarled talons so that they scratched the pavement as it landed in front of Ike’s Ice cream Emporium.

The beast's chest heaved, nostrils flaring as it drew in a mighty breath, releasing it with a roar as flames from its nostrils blasted the tiny ice cream parlor from it's foundation, and swallowed it down in one gulp, leaving the plumbing stems and a few loose boards behind like the bones of a carcass picked clean by scavengers. The dragon's tail swept a path of toppled street signs and waste bins as it spun and headed for its next target, Strong’s garage.

In the darkened alley behind the garage Roger stood, a sword grasped firmly in his hands, the moonlight gleaming from the silver armor that encased him. Beside him the other members of the order of the wish including Prunella and Matthias, stood at the ready, similarly clad in gleaming armor, with drawn swords.

Hoof beats echoed through the alley as a white horse, armored in the same gleaming silver, galloped up and stood beside Roger, its silver saddle shining in the light of the dragons fire, chest heaving, hooves pawing the pavement and nostrils flaring boldly.

Roger looked around for the hero that would surely take his place on this mighty steed. Wasn’t anyone going to do something? Suddenly Roger realized that every eye was turned to him. He felt Matthias' hand on his shoulder, “It’s up to you son,” he said, his voice echoed eerily in the helmet he wore.

Roger turned to the horse and, with Joey's help, climbed up into the saddle, sheathing his sword. Joey handed up a long lance. Roger balanced the lance across the saddle and pointed it at the Dragon's breast. He took the reigns in his hand and tilted his head forward until the visor of his helmet closed, leaving him with a view of nothing but the dragon. The horse snorted, pawed the ground, and with a slight tap from Roger, charged headlong toward the scaly monster.

The dragon’s ears perked up as it turned toward Roger. Blind, milky white dragon eyes glared at him over the top of a pair of black sunglasses. The dragon's face was somehow familiar and the realization of why crept into Roger's mind as the horse pounded on, the tip of the lance aimed squarely at where the beast's heart lay underneath it's scale armored chest. Just as his lance reached the dragon’s chest, Roger's eyes flew open and he sat bolt upright in his bed.

A cold chill rolled down the boy's spine as the image of the dragon's blind eyes danced before him, coming into focus sharply, the scales faded and the face morphed into one that he recognized all too well. The dragon, was his uncle!

Why hadn’t he realized this before? He had heard that his uncle owned Wishful First Bank and Trust but he hadn’t connected the dots. It was his uncle who would soon own Ike’s unless something could be done. And what about Strong’s service station? What could the dream mean?



interesting and thrilling stories. I love it.
I'am a Novelis to. Warm regards from Ghost Sniper

Thanks! I appreciate the comment.

In English, the word is "novelist" with a t, by the way. I see you used it this way twice, I hope that helps.

oh.. I feel silly😊. hehe.. thank you for reminding me.

Well, people on here have a tendency to not take you seriously if they see typos, but I see you're hustling, so, whatever I can do to help.

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