in #fiction6 years ago

Today I want to pour my heart out on a subject that many women today still do not understand and yet they find it easy to label men beasts; when they gave up themselves to be fed on.



Claire is a very pretty young damsel from a family of four, she is the eldest and the prettiest of all three girls born by her parents and enjoys the attention her cute big eyes always gets her. One thing she had going for her was her brains, which was as hot as hot could be with an IQ well above average.

Her story wasn’t really different from the stories we hear about typical African homes where there is so much affluence in the family and suddenly all fades into nothingness.

Claire’s life was about to take a different turn soon as she gained admission into the University of Portharcourt, Nigeria.

It’s been years since her family found a way to survive year after year, getting off with barely enough money to keep a roof over their heads as well as train the kids through secondary school. Now Claire was the first of the girls who was going to be leaving home and going to another city to have her college education. Lagos was about to be boring for Amaka and Janel who felt their big sister was leaving them to run away for good.

Now in college, slim Claire easily made friends of both sexes and was also easily loved, somehow she never lost consciousness of the fact that she was pretty nor did she forget the charm her big eyes carried. The only thing that always stood to haunt her, giving her deep concerns was the seemingly average financial status of her family. She was determined to do something about this.

It didn’t take her time to quickly resolve to model and do ushering jobs, her slim figure ensured she got the perfect jobs at the perfect places; still that somehow wasn’t enough because she was from a God-fearing home and wasn’t about to do what some other girls do in the business to get along faster. Now all she had were jobs that didn’t pay much, jobs that would eventually take a whole lot of your time and leave you with so much stress and a little change to get along till the week runs out, or till you score another gig.

Now in her third year in the university, it was obvious that these jobs were fatal to her stay in the university as her grades were interestingly plummeting. She had moved out of the accommodation provided for her by the school and decided to get an apartment close to school which she now shared with a friend. This room-mate relationship only lasted for a year because her friend who she had to split the rent with was in her finals and soon after her final exams left the room and the burden of the rent for young Claire.


Claire obviously knew that that rent wasn’t about to be paid anytime soon and her parents weren’t buoyant enough to foot the entire bill, so she asked that one of her cousins come and stay with her. Her cousin came around and eventually the rent was paid. Claire and Nengy looked so much like sisters and they enjoyed the attention they got in the building where they lived. Now Nengy was a very interestingly smallish young woman. She had a guy who she was dating for about 4 months now and each time he came around Claire had to give them some room to do whatever it was they did. Little did she know that this was going to be the start of an interesting part of her life.

Everytime Mark came to see Nengy, Claire would always go to a neighbors room to pass time whilst she waited for their business to be done, gladly Mark never stayed over. After about a month of constantly going to different neighbors rooms, she decided to only go to Jake’s room, because she felt a connection with him and was seemingly at ease whenever she was around him. Now Jake was a very tall athletic young man who loves his privacy and was very reserved. He took a liking to Claire and one of the nights when she came to carry out her usual ”give-Nengy-space” routine, Jake kissed Claire, and that was the beginning of the end.

Claire was happy that she finally had a guy figure to call her own, she opened up to Jake and he loved her for who she was irrespective of all he got to know about her. Most times Jake helped Claire with some petty cash to do some certain things and sometimes he also assisted with some bills from school. Claire was in love, at least that was what she believed after their first night of crazy-unprotected sex. They now were an item in their building, everyone knew they were dating, even down the block where their apartments were located, they would often be seen in the company of each other, hands interlocked and smiles beaming off each other’s faces.

Claire now found love and financial security in Jake.


OMG!!! Claire, what happened to you? Has Jake seen this? How did this happen? Baby, are you okay?

Claire just looked at Nengy as she threw all these questions and cried the more. Her swollen face wasn’t her biggest concern, her heart was.

Nengy, (she eventually speaks) , Jake did this to me, I think I got him angry. I don’t know what I really did to make him that upset. I really hate myself right now. I…

(Nengy angrily cuts in) You must be joking, you mean Jake raised his hand on you and you are here feeling sorry for offending a man that hits a lady. You have either gone mad or you are simply possessed of some ancestral evil spirits. You are not going back to that room, a man that hits a lady is a weak coward, I mean c’mon sister, even if you dismembered his private parts, hitting you is never even an option.

But I love him… I love …. (She resumes with the tears)


How many ladies today suffer through relationships In the name of love and financial security, eventually getting married to a woman batterer and then, in turn, blaming the men for being beasts who prey on the innocence of the female species. Claire’s story is a representation of what many young ladies face today, and somehow they get to justify their love scars with tales of love that really isn’t there.

I THINK IT’S TIME, WOMEN IN OUR GENERATION TAKE A STAND TO ADD VALUE TO THE SOCIETY AND THEIR PERSONAL LIVES IN GENERAL. It would be hard to find a man who hits a lady that knows what she truly wants from life and is busy going about achieving it no matter the challenges that stand in her way.


yours truly @klynic



Wow! The story is not so different from the every day woman batterer stories I hear but the note after the story struck my heart.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of spell was cast upon them , for they always return back even after they have turned into a punching bag.
Indeed ,it's high time the women take a stand to add value to their lives and the society.

....@mizdais signing out....

@stoptheabuse, it's a nice hashtag, but my question remains the same.

Why in the name of God are the ladies still there?

I wish I had the answer to that question.

you should not lost yourself for loving others...

she needed to stand up for herself

Hello @klynic.
Nice story I must say, I was intrigued till the end. Now I'm very much against people who abuse women. I however have a problem with this story. It just feels incomplete to me. For every act of violence there is an underlying reason, especially in a case where the person isn't a consistent abuser, and this trait hasn't popped up in months or years of a relationship.

He may have been under the influence of something or probably has an issues dealing with anger that's why he's calm. Not everybody handles anger in a sane way, some people may just need space to cool off and she might have intentional stepped into that space to see his reaction. Either way it's no excuse, my only problem is that this story feels incomplete and ends up painting the guy as a wicked abuser..

I once dated someone who spent one entire day trying to push my anger to the limit to see how I would react, what if I wasn't able to control that anger that day and I snapped. Does that make me an abuser....
Or the one time I saw my uncle who is literally the human version of calm, and holds women in high regard, almost lose it and hurt his wife because she intentionally drove him to that dark place over and over again...

My point is, for some people it's a one time grave mistake that they make, for others, it's something they joy over. Lumping both categories of people as one, as your story did, isn't just right to me...

Okay, I get your point kind sir.
My stand still remains the same, no matter what a lady does to you, and I repeat, no matter what a lady does to you. If you say you love her you CAN'T raise your hands on her. No excuse is good enough and my stance on that isn't about to change.

Why should you even have a limit, why should you have that dark place where every ounce of forgiveness flies off the door.

Christ even said forgive 70 times 7 so why should you have a limit.

Imagine explaining to your kid that Mummy crossed the line so it was okay for you to lose your cool that one time. What message would you be passing to the young boy or girl who would grow up with the mindset that it is okay to hit a lady when she crosses the point of no return.

What if that one-time grave mistake was a deadly blow to her head rendering her a vegetable for life, how would you live with that on your conscience.

The point still remains, whether it's a one-time thing or a recurring fact, there is no justifiable reason to raise your hand on a lady.

Remember the guy who enjoys beating women started as a one-time mistake he eventually felt cool with.

Christ even said forgive 70 times 7 so why should you have a limit.

70 times 7 is 490. That's a figure, which means there's a limit. In as much as we try to deny this, everything has a limit. We may try to push it to the extreme, or lie to ourselves that it doesn't exist but its there. Now the question we should ask ourselves is why should any sane person push another to a point way past his limit.

As I've said earlier, I don't support women beaters, they are shameful entities. But we always dwell and criticize the person that pulled the trigger, failing to ask why the person who was shot was at the end of a barrel, or what the person did to warrant a sane person to pick a gun, load it up, turn off the safety, cork it, point it at someone he loves and shot.

One-sided stories or one-sided opinions kill...

I'm not sure if the demonization of men these days is because of abuse. Social Justice Warrior women have been brainwashed by the left. You know, they are trying to prevent procreation! No one wants to mate with a screaming banshee.

Generally women who allow this to have this to happen to them have lower self esteem or an abusive parent.

When my husband's schizophrenia got out of control, he started to beat and starve me. The worst part was, when I told family or friends of the abuse, no one believed me. It was not until he dragged me out the front door and tried crushing my skull on the concrete. With so many witnesses, I was vindicated. He was arrested and I ended my marriage. Till death do you part was not going to be mine by his hands. He died a few years later.
C'est la vie

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