Journeys Chapter One p15steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

That's step one. Patryg thought as he continued to watch, his part would come soon enough.

After saluting the spirit of the dragon, the door warden sheathed his sword and withdrew a few steps. I should have volunteered to stay. He thought to himself. But this place isn't for me anymore. Guard it well, Arael, my old teacher.

A silent figure wearing a simple wooden mask approached the gate and whispered, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow, all is seen, all is written, all is forgotten. Memories made, lost, and dispersed to time itself.” The figure, one of the grail knights, raised a chalice and took a drink. “To new memories we drink, to old memories we call, to those forgotten, we weep. Drink with us Zaniel.”

For a moment, there was silence, then a soft keening echoed from the northwest tower. “Na cuimhneachain agam, bidh an tè agad a 'dìon. Do dhìomhaireachd, mum a chumail. Tha an t-àm maireannach, thuit e na chadal. Na le bhith a 'gàireachdainn, a' bàsachadh no a 'caoidh a-riamh ” (1) The window opened and an eldrich spirit peeked out, her long black hair flowing in the wind. The masked figure raised the chalice once more, then stepped back into the shadows. “It is done.” Tendrils of icey breath began to encircle the keep, drawing shivers from several of gathered knights, despite it being a warm day out.

This preternatual chill even effected those who were somewhat used to it, and it echoed in the paleness of faces. “It is our turn, sister,” Larena whispered as she took Eva's hand and squeezed. Eva nodded slightly and drew a deep breath as she and Larena stepped forward and raised their hands to the sky. “As darkness shrouds the land, giving way to night.” Their hands fluttered to the gound. “As the moon wanes to a sliver, muting all in pale light.” They knelt and drew the symbol of opposites, a circle split by a wavy line. “We entreat the spirits of those who have gone before. We beg Myrial and Dynes to dance their fae magyks across the floor.”

For just an instant, there was absolute silence, then a pair of fae whisps danced around the battlements, bobbing and weaving in time to phantom music. “We have heard, and we obey, our sisters wish for us to play. These things we guard, utnil you return someday.” The spirits laughed and giggled like little children. “Fare thee well, sisters. Fare thee well.”

A single tear fell from Eva's eye as she took a step back and dropped to one knee, a move thas echoed by her friend. “I didn't think it would be so hard. We've always been told, but nobody really knew.” She looked over at her husband. “It's going to be harder on him. He's going to need us.”
Larena nodded, then called out to Patryg, “It's your turn, Grand Maser.”

Everyone's attention turned to where Patryg was standing, head bowed, deep in silence.

(1) My memories, yours will guard. Your secrets, mine to keep. Time is eternal, all it touches shall fall aslumber. Never to laugh, die, or weep – translated from the old Daoine a bhios a 'siubhal.

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You're doing great @josephlweiss! Aren't you glad you took the plunge?

Yes, @citizenzero, I am. It gave me a chance to dig the manuscript out of the desk drawer and let people read it. Thank you for encouraging me.

Gotta follow those dreams! I'm happy for you. :-)

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“To new memories we drink, to old memories we call, to those forgotten, we weep. Drink with us Zaniel.”

I love that toast line. The closing of the keep, a sad time for all concerned, One day their sons and daughters may return. And so the journey is begun, what will the arrogant king do? Will he chase them down, will he try to breach the keep, will he burn it down in spite. Lots of ways for the story to go, I am glad you dug the manuscript out of the desk drawer and let people read it. I have been enjoying it immensely. @citizenzero, thank you for bringing @josephlweiss to us, so he could share his wonderful story with us. I really have been enjoying reading it.

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