Journeys Chapter One p22

in #fiction7 years ago

The next morning, after everyone had eaten breakfast, they started heading northwest, aiming for the nearest Daoine bhon talamh outpost, hoping for, praying for help.

Always thinking ahead, Patryg sent out men to scout the way. When they returned with the news that all was clear, the Grand Master let out a sigh of relief. After listening to the scouting reports, Patryg dismissed the men and watched as they spurred their mounts and rode off to rejoin their squads. Five minutes later, he reigned his horse and turned in his saddle as Jaymes rode up behind him.

“Jaymes, you look like death warmed over.” Patryg stated as gave his son the once over. “You better get some sleep.”

Jaymes yawned. “At least I look like I feel.” He saluted, then rode back down the length of the wagon train. He had just reached the halfway mark, when he was stopped by Garan.

“Where are you off to?” the Arch Knight inquired. When the novitiate said that he was going to try to find a wagon to sleep in, Garan arched a brow, then gestured down the line. “Son, you can bunk down in our wagon for the day. I'm sure that Samantha would be ecstatic to have the company, even if it is a sleeping person.”

Jaymes cracked his stiff neck. “Are you sure, sir?” At Garan's nod, Jaymes thanked him and made his way down the line of wagons until he found the one he was looking for.

As his horse fell into step beside the wagon, Samantha looked up. “You look like death warmed over.” She stated. “You need to get some sleep before you fall out of that saddle.”

Jaymes chuckled, “That's what dad said.”

The young woman kept one eye on the road, “Then why are you here?”

The novitiate sighed softly. “Your dad said that I could bunk down in this wagon for the day.”

Her eyes widened sightly. “This wagon? My dad?” She was slightly confused, but quickly saw that she'd have her beloved near her all day long. She looked at Jaymes, her thoughts racing.

Jaymes yawned, “Yes, this wagon, and yes, your dad.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Unless you don't want me to join you. If you don't, I'll understand.”

Samantha smiled, “You, kind sir, can slumber in my wagon any time you wish.” She patted the seat next to her. “Shall I stop?”

“Not on your life.” Jaymes said as he moved the horse closer to the wagon. “Give me a few minutes and I'll be right there.”

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