Journeys Chapter One p17

in #fiction7 years ago

With the ceremony out of the way, Patryg felt unable to move for a moment. He stood there, still staring at the spot where his Grandfather had stood. The heartbreak was almost more than he could bear. I thought I was over it. It's only been twenty years. He thought as he tried to bring himself back to the present. Oh spirits, I don't think I can do this. I'm too attached to this place.

Just as his knees were about to buckle, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and a female form held him close. “It's okay, amica mea. We'll get through this.” A pair of lips murmured against his ear. “I know it's hard, but we have be going.”

Patryg took a minute to draw strength from his wife's touch. “You're right, cor meum. It's time to go.” He relaxed into her touch, then drew himself together, “I didn't expect it to be so hard. I thought I was over it.”

He turned in her arms and gazed into her eyes. “You never get over it.” She whispered as she just held him until he was ready to move.

Patryg nodded and stepped back, drawing himself to his full height. He looked around, seeing the understanding looks on his friends faces. With a nod to each one, he turned his back on the keep and walked Eva over to the wagon that she and Larena would be driving. After helping her into the wagon, he walked back to his horse and mounted up. “Forward, Ho.!” He called out, and then slowly moved toward the head of column.

By nightfall, they had only made it thirteen leagues from the Temple, and as he called a halt, Patryg thought to himself, It's going to be a long trip. It's eight hundred leagues to Pheron, if our information is correct. Sixty-two days of careful travel, sixty-two days in which anything can go wrong. He sighed as he gestured for the wagons to circle up. It would take them the better part of an hour to get their temporary fortifications just right before they bunk down for the night.

“Set camp,” Patryk ordered as he surveyed the place that would be home for the night. “Place fifty men on watch.” After taking care of his horse, he set off toward the mess tent, where he figured he would find Eva.

“Aye, sir,” His aide replied, riding off to start the process. Ten minutes after leaving Patryg, the aide found Jaymes oiling his sword. Riding up to the stack of wood, which would be blazing in an hour. He came to a stop and looked down at the young man. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat, “Jaymes.”

Upon hearing the voice of the archknight, the young shield novitiate leapt to his feet and snapped to attention. “Sir?” His voice trembled.

(Amica Mea - My love. Cor meum - My heart.)

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I liked the human touch there. Father passed 20 years ago, having to leave his home, the sadness in Patryk could be felt, sadness for his keep, but more for a father dearly missed. Very well written @josephlwiess

Do you know anyone else who would like to read it? If so, resteem it away.

resteemed, I hope that more drop by and read it, I am really enjoying it, and think that others would also.

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