
I really really did!!!! :) I left you some encouragement (hopefully) on the last comment.. hehehe

You seem to be doing well with your posts financially - why do you think your comment engagement is low?

Everybody left when the money dried up.

Did you know that my vote used to be worth $4.52? One vote.

Actually though, I post two kinds of content.

1 - Standard motivational blogs, and I do get some pretty good engagement on those. Easy reading.

2 - Fiction stories. I don't get a lot of engagement, because it takes a lot of effort to read a long fiction story, and aside from my upvote there isn't much of a reward. I had to stop on chapter 4 of my last story because no one was reading it. I even began to offer large upvotes to any good commenters, but I couldn't get many.

I would love to start a large fiction Community but it would require some sort of the delegation. People love to read about everyday lives, and they will go out of their way to stay up late reading about something that they can connect with easily like that. However, reading fiction is a very subjective thing. Even if it's good.... your reader may not like it.


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