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RE: How Zombies were created in a basement (Zombie Chronicles, Part 1)

in #fiction7 years ago

A refreshing look on the old zombie mythos, this was a really fun piece to read!

I particularly enjoyed your scientific approach to the subject matter, science has a way of making horror way more chilling. I read some of your other stories too, and I really like your style, Suesa, it’s rather uncommon to see science and narrative be put together to such a good use!

On that line, I would honestly love to see the flair of your prose in other genres. At the moment, my partner and I are hosting “Cryptails”, a digital narrative contest. This week’s theme is “technological-horror”, so I can only imagine the power of the story you could write on that topic. We would be thrilled to read an entry from you. This is a personal invitation.

All best,


Hey Jean,

Thank you so much for the invitation! I will look into the contest but I'm not absolutely sure if I can participate. You see, biology is something I actually study, I'm not sure if I could write a good technological horror story.

But maybe I'll try, it sounds really fun!

Again, thanks for the invitation and your kind words,


Hi, Sue! Oh, biology can be a thing of horror from the pen of a good writer. Biotech is also tech, so your expertise could certainly be used to create something chilling!

Hope you decide to jump in, I'm really looking forward to reading one of your stories in our contest = )

Just posted my entry :)

Amazing news, Sue. I'm really happy you decided to hop in!

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