Love among the redwoods - a short story

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Ah, the best laid plans! I wrote this story for the daily writing challenge by @mydivathings, using today's story prompt, which is the first image I'll share below. The image totally inspired this story, and it made me think of all my trips to the redwoods in Northern California.

Once I had written the story, I decided I wanted more pictures to accompany it, so I found a few on Pixabay. And then something funny happened. I went back to the original image, and I realized it's not a redwood tree!

So... here's the prompt picture, followed by the story, illustrated by other pictures of California highways and redwoods (thank you, Pixabay).

(Image credit: Brian Minear, Unsplash)

Love among the redwoods

Nick and Franny drove up Highway 101 from Garberville in Nick’s ancient, coughing VW bus. It was hot. Wild fires had burned throughout Northern California in recent weeks and a gray haze and the smell of smoke lingered like a bad memory. Franny turned up the AC and tried to find a radio station, but it was no use up here in the toolies.


She wanted to go back to Santa Rosa. She wanted to get into their apartment swimming pool in her bikini and put on a good play list. Maybe some Stones. Yeah. Then she would sip a gin and tonic from a water bottle. That was how you had to do it, or else “the management,” which was basically a fake blonde named Lottie, kicked you out of the pool.

They had been fighting. Nick was turning out to be a control freak, and Franny now regretted moving in with him. He was cute, but cute wore off after a while. Especially when it came with a whole lot of suggestions, like you should put out your cigarette, and you look better with less make-up, and maybe you need more exercise. Ass hole.

He was looking at her. She could feel it. She didn’t look back. “Keep your eyes on the road, hey? I don’t want to go flying off of one of these 500 foot embankments.” She looked down into a valley far below the curving road. It was covered in pine and scrub. Presumably, there were bears, too.

“I’m sorry.” Nick took one hand off the stearing wheel and it seemed he might reach over, perhaps to touch her hand, or pat her leg. But then he put it back on the steering wheel.


She thought about her parents and their squabbles that cast a pall over every dinner, every family event, and every road trip. That had lasted throughout her childhood, and they both explained later that they had stayed together as long as they had for her sake. People did the dumbest things, herself included. Maybe she was just reincarnating their sad, snippy relationship. The guy before Nick was a piece of work too. Except he wasn’t controlling. He was just an angry person.

“No, I mean it,” he said. “I don’t know what came over me. I’m just… like, tense about finals or something.”

She took a drink from her Coke. “I said alright.”

The air was cooling as they went north. Maybe it was Franny’s imagination. But she cranked the window down and put her hand out to feel the breeze. It had been 100 according to the bank clock in Willits, and the gas station attendant in Garberville said it was 90. Franny would put it at 80 now.

After a few miles, they turned off at a town called Weott and pretty soon they were driving along a winding green river. Down on the river bank, a family played in the water. Two little girls in bright yellow and pink swimsuits ran along the river bank and then jumped in and splashed. The dad sat on the bank, watching their antics. Meanwhile, the mom rode around on a bright green raft, and the girls, who were wearing water wings, paddled to her. Franny couldn’t have said why, but this uplifting scene changed her mood just a little. It made her think things weren’t so hopeless, somehow.


The road narrowed, then, and they were driving under a canopy of enormous redwoods. The river had disappeared from view. It seemed quiet under the trees, as if the redwoods formed an enormous ancient library and it was improper to speak at full volume.

Nick pulled off the road into a little parking area and turned to smile at her. “We’re here. Come on.”


The redwoods were far more enormous than Franny had ever imagined--not only in height but in girth. Nick hugged one of the fattest ones, and he looked like a bug. It was that much bigger than him. She laughed.

“Some of these are more than 2,000 years old,” he said. “As old as Jesus.”

They walked along a path that wound through the trees, with the redwood duff dry and spongy under their feet. Finally, they came to one of the tallest trees. And they looked up.


Franny felt dizzy. “Oh! That’s amazing!” She nearly fell backward, but Nick caught her. And he held her in his arms as they breathed in the thick woody aroma that made the air feel dense around them.

She wanted to say she was sorry too, then, because all the things that had been bothering her seemed small and insignificant now. But for the moment, at least, it didn’t seem important to say anything, or do anything, except to listen to the creaking and swaying of the ancient trees.



I love and miss those beautiful trees in Cali. Love your story. :-)

Thanks, @pixiehunter. The feeling of being near them is amazing, isn't it? I'm so glad they have preserved the redwood groves in that area.

It used to amaze me how beautiful mother nature can be. Those may be the last trees on earth at the rate we are going. :-(

Thankfully there are many people and organizations working toward positive change. I try to keep the faith. Have you ever heard of “Drawdown”?

Sure haven't. Sounds like something to google. :-) Just wish they'd stop cutting all our trees down out here.

I think you captured something quite descriptive of lot of relationships. Nothing worse than a man who thinks you exist for his approval. I have had one of those and it wasn't pleasant. But then when they feel you slipping away, they pull out the magic. I say hug the tree and leave Nick in the dust. Great write, Jayna. I enjoyed:)

Thank you, @prydefoltz! I am so glad you enjoyed the story. I was in a relationship like that for a long time, with a guy who tried to change me and make me be the way he wanted. He always said he was sorry. And then he would control me again. In this story, I tried to not make it all the guy's fault. Franny has her own issues! :-)

All relationships are complementary or they wouldn't be, but I have gotten to the point where I don't want to control anyone and I certainly will not be controlled. Needles to say, I'm single ... lol:) But I don't envy the romantic relationships of others either. Freedom to evolve as I would have it, feels wonderful:)

Oh, I hope you find someone that balances you out, neither controlling nor needing to be controlled. Freedom to evolve is good and necesssry for us all at various junctures, though!

Really nice to see you do the challenge. Enjoyed the story and yeah leave him I say!

Maybe that's the subject of the next story....! We shall see. Thanks for the fun prompt!

Wow. You captured so much here. I felt like I was reading her mind and willing her to listen to her gut! Not to repeat her parents mistakes... and then thinking of my mom and her 5 marriages, repeating the same mistakes over and over. And my own marriage and wondering how our kids and their relationships will turn out.

Holy beans, I guess you brought up a lot of emotion and thoughts in me. I felt like I got that same head rush feeling Franny did when she looked up into the trees as well.

Very cool writing.


Thank you, Byn. It's such a pleasure getting to know you. Thank you for sharing the bits. Wow, my goodness. Five marriages! I think people do tend to repeat mistakes over and over again. It's because it's comfortable and familiar. I also think that's why people leave an abusive or controlling relationship and end up in another one. It's not their fault; it's just all they know. This is one of the reasons I love writing fiction. It allows you to explore people's personalities and behavior patterns. And even when there's a familiar storyline, there are countless ways to tell it so that it resonates and makes us examine who we are.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

I enjoyed your weaving in the California scenery in the story, especially the redwoods at the end and how they allowed Franny to put things in perspective.

But I most enjoyed how easily you conveyed some complex emotions within a relationships here. Great story @jayna

Thank you, @cizzo. Like you, I really enjoy the flash fiction format as a way to explore fairly complex ideas in a condensed little story. They can be surprisingly impactful.

As always, such a pleasant and easy to read story.

I've been to the redwoods of California, so I have the pleasure of being able to identify with how small they make you feel. Even if you are a 'bad guy' (Nick), it's entirely possible this sort of thing can be perspective-changing and life-changing for him. I'll choose to believe that he'll be a better man in the future.

Thanks for your thoughts! I think that is a fine assumption. It’s quite possible he can change for the better. At least he took ownership and apologized. Without that, I wouldn’t give him a chance. 😊

Congratulations. This post is featured in this week's Muxxybot Fiction Curation post.

Yay! Thank you, @muxxybot!

Jaynaaaaa!! This was so good! Tbh, it may be one of my favorite stories you’ve written.
I caught an unintentional pun at one point, it said “the redwoods formed a library and it wasn’t improper to speak at full volume.” VOLUME! Get it? Like a book? :PPPP

Ha ha. Or an audio book (my chosen medium), where you can turn UP the volume. We are so clever. Glad you liked the story! You’re so sweet. Thank you for the nice comment.

“We are so clever.” You’re a nut! I love it tho :p
And you’re welcome!

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