The Expedition. A short story for Bananafish Contest

in #fiction5 years ago

Image of humming3578 at Pixabay

Image of Free-Photos at Pixabay

The research team had left early in the morning from Coral Bay (Australia) aboard of the Crypto, in search of a strange species that inhabited deep in the Indian Ocean: the @bananafish. A magical and strange underwater creature that very few knew about.

@calluna, @f3nix, @theironfelix, @vasigo, @agmoore2, @jadams, @oivas, @cyemela, @raj808, @gwilberiol, @dirge, @tristancarax, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @marcoriccardi were part of a group of researchers, explorers, conservationists, lovers of marine nature; anxious to start a new adventure.

It was a splendid morning, the sun rose from the horizon and warmed the numb bodies of the expeditionaries; @calluna and @theironfelix were leaning overboard, they loved to feel the sea breeze crashing against their faces, whirling their hair, soaking their lips with a very characteristic salty taste. The squawking of a few seagulls accompanied them out to sea.

@jadams, @oivas, and @dirge were on the bridge, plotting the best route to reach the last coordinates where such wonderful creatures had been sighted.

"Look!" Shouted @calluna and @theironfelix together, drawing the attention of those on deck. A group of dolphins swam hurriedly to port and starboard of the boat, jumping towards the surface, sprinkled with the foam generated by the hull of the Crypto, when rising on the waves. The tiny drops of salt water reflected the rays of the sun creating a kaleidoscope of colors, rainbows that vanished giving way to new ones with each ramming of the ship.

@cyemela, @raj808, @gwilberiol began to feel the effects of the continuous sway of the boat, the perennial ups and downs wreaked havoc on the food they had not yet finished digesting in their stomachs.

When they reached the indicated coordinates, they stopped the boat and dropped the anchor. The whole group took action.

@dirge, @tristancarax, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @marcoriccardi put on their diving suits and took the underwater cameras.

The others adjusted the controls of the scanning sonar and video equipment in search of the mythical creature.

There were many multicolored aquatic species living among the coral reefs, around the filamentous algae, and on the sandy-rocky bottom, painting a watercolor under the sea. The Acanthurus, Amphiprions (families of the famous little fish Nemo), Anampses, Bodianus, Chaetodon, wore their fluorescent shades.

Image of Free-Photos at Pixabay

The sun was beginning to fall. In the distance, appeared stormy weather in the direction of the Crypto. @f3nix indicated that they had to return so as not to be caught by the storm. Discouraged at not finding the legendary specimen, the crew picked up all their equipment and followed the captain's safety advice.

Although the Crypto was sailing fast, the storm caught up with it. The entire crew was under deck clinging to the closest they had to avoid being thrown to the ground with every impact the boat received. The ship was whipped like a small leaf, trembling in the face of the ravages of the strong wind.

The captain had lost his way in the face of poor visibility and his continued struggle against the large waves that threatened to sink the boat. The distress signal was emitted by radiotelephony to all the authorities present in the area.

Suddenly a beam of light under the torrential sea appeared in front of them, opening a safe path to the coasts of the oceanic continent. It was a shoal of @bananafishes who had come to the rescue of the group of explorers. Surrounding the whole ship, shining with a yellowish color.

The storm took a different course, leaving the battered ship alone. Already out of danger and eager to take a picture of this species, all the researchers happily threw themselves into the sea to get a closer look at the @bananafishes.

They peacefully accepted their contact with the explorers who shared bananas with them.

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Heck ya! we get to eat bananas with the bananafish. I'm so glad that we found the nice kind.

Great intro. It really pulled me into this Banana Tribe adventure!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it

This is an amazing adventure, with such beautiful descriptions! The stunning outset, scuba diving, the fishes, I very much want to actually go on this trip!

Adore how you've worked so many people in here, and very much appreciate how well suited to the roles each person is ahaha. Of course @theironfelix - who so often claims first blood, would spot the shoal with their eagle eyes. And then of course i very much would be hanging over the edge with them, tasting that salty spray! Then you, @oivas and @dirge who's twists and turns always feel like a well plotted course! Our long standing members @cyemela, @raj808 and @gwilberiol have very much been there though all the tummy churning ups and downs! To have @dirge, @tristancarax, @brisby, @maverickinvictus and @marcoriccardi as deep sea divers couldn't be more fitting ahaha!! @dirge and @tristancarax who are fearless in the darkest depths, who plunge into the abyss below the waves and bring us back the darkest tales, and then @brisby and @marcoriccardi who dive deep in a whole different way - really getting to understand the depths of peoples stories and haiku's, and then @maverickinvictus - who we are very much hoping resurfaces! And of course, not forgetting our fearless leader @f3nix who forged the way, we follow him in faith through poor visibility to the uncharted oceans where our instruments can't plot the way, and he still delivers us through the storm!

Love the beautiful descriptions, entertaining use of characters and fun plot, an enjoyable entry!

Your comments are too spectacular

(I will be saying this on all entries, these comments were remade in a quickie after realizing I had not only left them on a different machine but that I didn't import them. So sorry if this is not the usual you expect of me :c ) HA HARGH! A GOOD TALE INDEED WITH ME LASSIE-FRIEND @calluna and the rest of the @bananafish crew doing cool stuff. I really loved the familial adventure we were taking (skipping over the billion and one arguments we would all be having :p ) and that everybody was taking a part in this. Really knotted it all well. And the ocean with the Bananafish is an undeniably great "power move" right there. (Power move is more of a meme phrase on the internet, basically the equivalent of one saying it was really cool, unexpected, powerful [words are fun!] or batshit insane.) This really puts @cyemela's story in danger, as ye two chiefs (and probably more when I get done commenting) have made fine dishes. But I shall save the Gordon Ramsey talk with @calluna!~

HARRGHH!!! You've been saying the same to all...

Oh god of the giant comments, thee has't alloweth me down, i has't certes offend'd thee! (Oh god of the giant comments, you have let me down, I have surely offended you!)

I found an English to Shakespearean web page:

I also thank you for commenting on my post. I've always liked your gigantic comments.

Of course!~

Thou art needeth speak to th' corpse of Shakespeare when thee wishes to speak to me! Also, my only reaction: \ :p \

Neaterino on that web page.

Welcome for the comment!!!!~

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