The house at the end of street - Chapter 3 - Original fiction

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

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When Sarah arrived back at the office, she immediately locked all the signed documents including the sealed blue envelope in the safe in her office.  She asked her secretary to bring her some coffee and then dived into the heap of files on her desk. It was nearly eight o clock in the evening when she finally decided to pack up to go home.  

At 38, Sarah was still very much single.  Her parents died years before in a car crash, just after Sarah graduated from Harvard Law school, and she was so focused on her career at that stage, and to get over her parents' death, that she had no time for relationships and never had time ever since. 

She had no brothers or sisters and the only living relative she had was an aunt that lived in San Francisco.  Her whole life consisted only of work, but every now and then she treated herself to a weekend trip to lake Michigan.  She loved hiking and these weekends gave her time to find herself again after a long week of work.  

It has been a long day and while she walked to the elevator, her thoughts drifted back to Rich. They were very fond of each other and she knew that she would miss him terribly when he was gone.  


She was startled when the phone rang next to her the next morning. It was the office. Her secretary informed her that her 9 o' clock meeting had been rescheduled.  Seeing that she was awake now, Sarah decided to take a quick shower and to go down to the Lula cafe to have some breakfast.

She only lived three blocks away from the office and often stopped there to have breakfast. It was shortly after eleven when she went to the office.  She had a partners meeting at one o'clock, two meetings scheduled with clients that afternoon and about sixty pages of new tax laws that she had to read through somewhere during the day.  

She had a stack of messages on her desk and managed to return all calls before the meeting at one.  It was shortly after three when the meeting finished and Sarah suddenly had the urge to get out of the office.  She took the new tax laws with her just for in case and walked over to the elevator.  

It was nippy outside and Sarah decided to take a cab home, but then instantly changed her mind and gave the cabdriver the address to Rich's house.  She arrived just in time to see Dr Fischer leave, and knew that she arrived at the right time. Rich was always on his best behavior after a visit from Dr Fischer.  

Rich was clear and alert and he did not seem quite as frail as the day before. He was extremely glad to see her and apologized profusely for falling asleep the day before. They had a lovely afternoon chat and talked in great length about a new tax law that might benefit his estate. Rich even made some jokes about her working too hard and that she must remember that there is more to life than just work.  

"Mark my words day you will be sorry if you don't do it. Next time I see you I want to hear all about your vacation Sarah, take a cruise, pick up some guys, go tan on a beach somewhere .....cut loose a little...."

"What advise is this to give to someone from a person who has only been on two vacations in his whole lifetime?" Sarah laughed at his suggestions.

Rich suddenly seemed tired and she decided that it was time to go home.  She kissed him on the cheek this time and he smiled at her.  

"Take some advice from an old man Sarah. Life is more than just work. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  Don't let your life go past without you living it."  

Sarah just smiled at him and said:

 " I'll try, but I can't promise anything.  Be good, I will see you next week Rich."

"You should try harder. I might not be here next week, but you will be.... put in some effort and book that vacation."

Sarah walked down the back stairs and decided to walk through the house for the first time.  It was more than she could have ever imagined. 

"How could someone live in a house like this and not live here? " 

Sarah was saddened by the thought of Rich only using that one room in this beautiful old house.  

"What an absolute waste.." she thought to herself.   

When Sarah finally got into bed that night, she dreamt of crisp clean open beaches with golden sand and crystal blue oceans.... and the next morning she decided to follow Rich's advice.  

I really appreciate all the feedback that I get.  Please leave  a comment if you enjoy my story! I also need some critics so please  feel welcome to throw in your two cents! 

Chapter 1 -

Chapter 2 -

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I supposed Sarah will be taking a vacation after all....will Rich be around the next morning to know her decision??
Are going to finish the story or up to us to draw the conclusion?

I hope he's around the next morning!

Nope..I will add one chapter daily. Thanks for reading!

You know when I like a story? Nothing major happens but the style of writing leaves you craving for more and you cannot wait to see what happens next. Love your stories

Thank you...I wish I could become a fulltime writer...

Me too.... then I can be your assistant hahaha

This is going to be a very interesting story, hope you enjoy writing it.

Excellent chapter dear!

@giantbear you have more talent than you believe. You captivated me from the beginning of this story and today after reading chapter three, I am even more engrossed in your story. I think you have the makings of a real fiction writer. You write so well that you just draw the reader in. I am very glad you are sharing your story with us. I love it! :D :D :D

I am glad that you enjoy my story. This is a great compliment. Thank you. Perhaps I need to do a little bit of research on self publishing. Let's see what happens! :)

I really think you should because it never hurts to try. I've known people who had to take many trials but one day they all made it. I think that part of life is to have to struggle in order to get better and better. You really do have the makings for writing and I love they way you create your own story line. Everyone should pursue their get rewarded by just trying! :D

I just discovered you and I love your style of writing. I look forward to the sequel.

Thank you...ha ha..I have never been discovered before...

Another masterpiece. Kudos!!

Hi think? I have no clue where this is going to end up though...just writing as it comes in my head, but now that I've started I must finish

I know you'll be able to end it with a bang. Just like what you always do with all your work.

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