in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#128: Henry Drake - Full Throttle


“I think I’ve had enough fun for a while” Henry told them. “I feel the need to be around people for a little bit.”

Bob and Angel were confused.

“Oh I don’t mean you two. Although I appreciate your company. You’re welcome to stay on board as long as you.............huh. I just had a thought.?” Henry stopped talking.

“Did it hurt?” Angel asked. She was a feisty one alright.

“It happens so rarely I was stunned for a minute.” Henry grinned.

“How’d you two like to have something like Fluffy.” he asked

“That name is.....” Bob began

“Embarrassing.” Angel finished.

“We accept the offer” Bob said

“On one condition” Angle chimed in.

“What?” Henry really wanted to know.

“That we can call it something besides FLUFFY!!” Bob and Angel said is stereo.

“I imagine that’ll be alright.” Henry said. “I’ve been thinking about a new name myself.”

“What?” Bob asked

“Cthulhu” Angel said.

“How did you get to know me so well?” Henry looked at her in surprise.

“It just seemed logical.” Angel said “ After all it was those dear departed souls worst nightmare.”

“Point” Bob said. “I like it.”

“I can’t pronounce that wurd. How bout Grape?“ Henry asked?

“Grape?” they both were confused.

“You squeezed some of them Kiddnappers like grapes?” Henry prompted. “The Grapes of Wrath?”

Bot and Angel groaned...Bob even face palmed.

“Good one.” Angel said.” Of course you can name it anything you want to.”

“But?” Henry prompted

“Perhaps Retribution would be more suitable?” She ventured.

Bob nodded. “I like it.”

Henry agreed “The Banana Slug Harvester: Retribution”

Bob and Angel thought about it for a moment.

“It has a certain charm.” They said reluctantly.

“Yup it do.” Henry agreed. “Retribution it is.”

Then he said “Hang on. I gotta make a call. Ya’ll can listen and join in if you want to.”


“If you got the dime we got the time” Karl answered Henry’s call. “Banana Slug help desk. How may I direct your call?”

“Cut the crap Karl. Gimme the Wiz” Henry said.

“Oh...Hi Henry” Karl said “Sure thing”

It wasn’t long before Shelby appeared on the screen.

“Howdy Henry. How they hangin?” he said.

“One lower than the other or I couldn’t walk” Henry replied blandly.

Angel looked at Henry in shock...then she looked at Bob and grinned.

“I’m getting a hankering for some food I didn’t cook myself. Do you happened to know of a place I can buy a steak?” Henry continued, unaware of the byplay.

“As a matter of fact I do.” Shelby said “It’s named ‘The Three Amigo’s’ but everyone calls it ‘Ernies’. I eat there all the time. Good food. You coming to pay us a visit?”

“I thought I might.” Henry said

“Who’re your friends” Shelby said “the least you can do is introduce us”

“Oh yeah...that.” Henry said. “ Where are my manners? Bob and Angel meet the ArchMage, sometimes called the Wiz. Wiz...the ugly one is Bob. The not ugly one is Angel.”

“So gallant” Angel muttered. Bob snickered.

“Pleased to meet you both.” Shelby replied and frowned at Henry, which had the same effect as spraying water on a duck. “My name is actually Shelby Winslow.”

“Mr. Shelby Wizard ArchMage Winslow sir.” Angel said “If I might ask a question?”

“Certainly my dear.” Shelby replied.

“We’re interested in acquiring a ...cough ...a Fluffy.” Bob said.

“That’s an embarrassing name for such an AWESOME ship” Angel giggled.

“Ain’t it just” Shelby agreed. “We might ought to think about changing that one day. There are more than one Fluffy now. Soon it’ll be confusing if they all have the same name, hard to tell them apart. “

“Done that” Henry said “It is now the Banana Slug Harvester (Fluffy Class), Retribution. Kinda catchy name don’t ya think?”

Shelby blinked. Then his brow furrowed in thought. “Indeed it is. I like the BSH part. Good touch.”

Then he asked Bob and Angel “As for you two acquiring one? I’m sure we can work something out. If you qualify.”

“Qualify how?” Angel asked.

“That would be for the Dragon Lady to decide.” Shelby told her. “She’ll talk with you for a while and if she says ok we’ll work out a deal.”

“And the cost?” Bob asked.

“Never you mind that.” Shelby said. “If Kamiko gives her approval it’s a go. If she says no...then not.”

“That works for us.” Bob said and Angel nodded her head in approval.

“When do you expect to be here?” Shelby ask Henry.

“I dunno where you’re at.” Henry said.

“Oh.” Shelby nodded. “ Hang on...I’m sending you a map.”


“And there it is” Henry looked at the screen. “Looks like it’s about five or six hundred miles from here. I figger we’ll be there by dark.”

Shelby blinked..then he blinked again.

“Oooookay.” he said. “Fluffy...er...the BSH:Retribution that is, can go that fast? We never tried to see how fast it could go.”

“You might be surprised at it’s top speed.” Henry said. “It’ll be interesting to see what it is. I’ve never opened ‘er up to full throttle yet. This’ll be the perfect opportunity. It’ll be fun.”

Bob and Angel grew very still and pale, eyes open in shock.

The First Episode Was
#129: Melvin's Marauders -Hunting for the Feral RiverBarge…
The Previous Episode was
#127 : Melvin's Marauders -Tired of Tex-Mex…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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My books on Amazon.
I engage in political commentary
generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Seems like Henry really likes to go fast, a speed freak, when that meant speed not drugs, the thrill of the chase, the run, the freedom to go where and when you want. And get there fast, really fast.

I had my truck up to a hundred (and a whole bunch...I'd pegged the speedo and just kept going faster)
on the lonliest highway in the world...#59 in nevada (i think) It was a rush. When I slowed back down to seventy..if felt like I was crawling.

That long long slowly fading into the distance, slightly uphill toward the mountains road? I think I have been on that road a time or two.

it has parts like that.
long stretches straight as an arrow and flat as a pool table.

The Fluffy fleet continues to expand around the labor market that generates the Banana Slug ... Henry Drake has been alone for a long time, it also seems that he needs to share a little in community, perhaps to form a family ... Maybe , for Bob and Angel, the fabricator suits them very well, because it looks like they are a stable couple looking for privacy ... we'll see what the Dragon Lady decides...Henry likes speed, let's hope that Fluffy has endurance.

This is hilarious. Just to see the simplicity they use to choose a name, makes it kind of funny. I love Henry, btw

Hello @everittdmickey, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Oh my god..I saw it for the first time.Amazing article! best wishes for your books 😊

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