in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#42: Naomi -CatFish on RollerSkates


Cody had set to work with a will. He loved to build things out of SSmoke.

“What ARE you doing?” Julie asked him. “Explain to me what’s happening so that I can learn.”

Julie was a little bit older than Cody. Not a lot. At their young age Cody thought of her as ancient. She was two whole YEARS older than he was...well not quite that but almost. Even so Cody was eager to please. He was more than happy to explain to her what he was doing. He’d already discounted their response to his ‘executive summary.”

“The ArchMage explained to you about the Guberment?” he asked her?

Naomi was nearby and had been listening with half an ear. Hearing the word government got her attention.

“What’s that about government?” Naomi asked “I remember his mentioning it but at the time I was slightly overwhelmed thinking about the poor baby.”

“Well I’m not real sure what a government is” Cody said “I’ve never left Flint Island in MeatSpace but from what I can gather it’s insane.”

“Yup.” Naomi agreed. “That would pretty much define it. Governments do the craziest things..so what other explanation could there be?”

“Beats me” Cody said “ but the point is that they’re after us. They were coming to take our island. The Dragon Lady found out about it. We had a town meeting to discuss it...I slept thru some of it....then the grown-ups all decided to just move away.”

“The only real freedom is the freedom to take a long walk” Naomi muttered.

“Oh...we didn’t walk “Cody said “We took our island with us.”

“What was the name of that island?” Naomi had a deep and dark foreboding.

“Flint Island.” Cody told her.

“Yeah...they definitely were coming to evict you.” Naomi remembered her last ride as a limo driver. “They were. How’d you manage to move an Island?”

“Shelby and the other Maggi turned it into a Slug” Cody said.

Blank looks.

No clue.

“They what?” Julie asked.

“Oh not a real slug. It only looked like it a little.” Cody said..then he proceeded to go into great and exhausting detail explaining what Shelby and the Maggi had done.

Naomi and Julie tried ...rilly HARD...to not let their eyes glaze over..this time.

“I helped some” he beamed. “Not a lot..but a little. I learned a LOT. I think I know what to do here.”

“ Right” Julie elbowed Naomi in the ribs “a catfish on roller skates.

“Ow!” Naomi said.

The Next Episode Is
#43: Banana Slug - Bar-B-Q…
The Previous Episode was
#41: Banana Slug - Party…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


And so the slow speed chase continues toward the banana slug, meanwhile up river let us hope they are still going up river.

Well, Naomi and Julie are already better understanding the situation in which they are now involved with the Banana Slug and all its inhabitants; "for us it also served as a review of the story" ... There is information that Naomi has, which she is trying to remember, when she was a limousine driver, something people talked about moving an island ....

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