"Q" Chapter 6

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

It took me most of a year to build my boat.


(Present day)

I could only afford to buy a little bit of the building materials at a time. I slept under a tarp while I worked on it. When I had the boat mostly built I sold my pick-up to pay for the rest of what I needed. All I had for transportation then was a small electric scooter that I had kept from when I was on the truck. It was small enough to carry on the truck, that’s why I bought it. I made ‘beer runs’ and go grocery shopping with it. I wasn’t hostage to truck-stops that way. It fit on the boat well enough too. I could recharge it from solar panels that I had installed on the roof of the boat. It was cheap transportation when I needed to go a few miles on land.

When the state took my land, and the collection agency took money that the state paid paid me for it, I felt a strange sense of liberation. I weighed anchor and drifted off down river. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care.

Eventually after a few years. I wound up here.

Oh.” She said “I’m impressed. That was VERY good.

Sadly not.” I lamented. “due to one thing and another, none of them good, I lost my boat. I don’t even have the scooter. It’s that bad.

No.” She Said ”That’s good. I’m here now. I can take you away from all this.

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The Beginning


I feel freedom from that ship. Freedom and independence.

making misery funny, is indeed a talent.

you wouldn't put my latest post ( the maryliyn one) in the nsfw category - would you?
I wouldn't- but let me know what you think

this is just my GUESS
I'd hazard to GUESS that you can say anything you want to say...in text...if it's more than a sentence or two the millennials have already lost interest (attention span of a gnat)...My GUESS is that NSFW would apply to pictures only...

Millennials can process pictures...(wouldn't want to shock the poor dears) text is much too HARD.

OK. I have kinda worked out a strategy of attack on this one (due to complete turn around if I think differently . It's not like Napoleons march to Moscow or anything. I don't need as many horses in my stories, for one thing - some, but not many) :)
3 pronged attack -
1 -posts like the one I just wrote
2 full on hardcore filth - in the nsfw - with pics and all that - BUT - it will be the same story line I the one I have posted in 1/ -
3 an analytical/philosophical/factual type of thing, about the industry, my life, etc - sexual topic but not written sexually.

I can't infer much from that one, I'm afraid...

oh , another question , O wise orc. - do you post strategically? - at times of day, for better revenue?
I have read a couple of articles on it, and see a logic . I just wondered if its something you did?

Cheers. (there isn't a bill in the post for this advice, is there? lol)

naw...strategic posting might be a good thang..
but I don't do it.
I have a sleep disorder.
I'm awake..then I'm not...never can tell when.
I post at random times..

wAtCh oUt Millennials aBoUt, i FoUnD oNe iN mY CoRnFlAkEs.

Ok, hooked me in, off to the beginning as it's a very good place to start.

start at the beginning, work thru the middle til the end...

Oh, that's hows it's done.

Please check my boat @miho

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