
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 95: We practiced constantly.


To my enhanced senses she was moving as slow as molasses in January on a cold day in Alaska. I didn’t let her hurt herself but I taught her as much as I knew. I knew a little bit about hand-to-hand from my stint in the military. Kitty had taught me a LOT more in ‘Basic Training’

“There is no such thing as as ‘fair fight’. " I said repeatedly "If it’s fair it’s not a fight..it’s sport or a dance. Fight to win, there is also no such thing as fighting dirty. Do anything and everything, no holds barred, to win. If you loose you’ll likely die”

She nodded as if she knew that already but she kept at it.

“Can you teach me in VR” She asked one day?

I slapped myself on the forehead.

“Well duh me” I said. "I don’t see why not. Jenny? Can we?”

“Certainly.” Jenny said to me " She won’t even need a headset. Her neural lace hasn’t developed to the point yet where it can support a fully functional ASS but she can certainly be fully functional in VR.’

So we did.

There are a few basic rules to gun fighting

I told her. She had asked me to teach her how to shoot and I’d agreed. VR would be the perfect place for that too. I was explaining the basics first. "The Number one and most important is to have a gun.

Shaniqua blinked at that "Well duh...I thought that would be obvious!”

“You’d be surprised how often it’s not. I’ve seen newbies agonize over which hand cannon to buy, spend a small fortune on it, then never carry the thing because it was so big and inconvenient for daily carry. It doesn’t matter what kind of gun you have at home in a drawer or the gun-safe if you don’t have it with you when you need it.” I lectured.

“Good point’ Shaniqua conceded.

“ And since you’re fairly petite.” I began..

“I am NOT.” Shaniqua stood on tip toes and stuck out her chest...very distracting ..consider the provocative outfit she was wearing.” I’m 62 inches tall. Over five foot. That’s not petite.”

"When you are wearing high heels” I said.”If memory serves me when you aren’t wearing stilts you are much shorter and well within the Petite range.”

“Maybe so.” Shaniqua retorted " but most of the petite girls have no figure to speak of. They look like boys. Do I look like a boy?”

She did one of those ballerina things on tippy toes and turned in place. She made sure I got a GOOD view.

“You definitely do NOT look like a boy.” I conceded.” but the point remains that you might not be able to handle certain pistols nor their recoil.”

“Oh...well yeah.” she dropped the pose and then asked. "So now what?”

“Simple...get a small pistol that has very little recoil.” I told her "Another rule of gun fights, my favorite, is that ‘one hit with a small caliber bullet is better than any number of misses with a larger one.”

“Oh...” she said "that seems reasonable.”

“So enough talk.” Jenny appeared from nowhere and interjected. "Start shooting already. Here’s some guns.

“Who are you?” Shaniqua asked Jenny.

“I’m his ASS” Jenny pointed at me.

Shaniqua looked at me critically. "Are not. He’s got a small ass for such a big boy, and besides that you’re pretty. His ass is hairy.”

I squirmed a bit. I had to admit I was fairly hirsute.

“But I like it.” She took me by the arm, leaned against me and patted my butt. She was doing MUCH better. I couldn’t detect so much as a quiver.

“I’ll get back to you later about Jenny, who she is and where she came from.” I told her. "For now just accept her....please?”

Shaniqua looked up and me and frowned.” OoooKay..but it better be good.”

“Oh it is” I promised. "More so than you can imagine. For now she’s a given. Right now the subject is guns.

“Oh..pretty” Shaniqua said when the guns appeared. "I like the rosewood handles.”

“So do I” I said "That’s what caught my eye. I took them from the guys that tried to kill you.”

I noted that she didn’t make a move to touch one of them. She leaned forward and looked but kept her hands behind her back.

“Good girl.” I said with approval. "If you don’t understand something that has the potential to be dangerous don’t touch it until you do understand it. Guns are SUPPOSED to be dangerous. Here’s some guidelines. First off...every gun, with no exception is assumed to be loaded unless you have personally made sure that it isn’t and it hasn’t left your sight since you did. Let me show you how to see if these guns are loaded or not.”

So I proceeded to do just that.

“The barrel tilts " Shaniqua said. "How CUTE!”

“Yeah..I really like that feature. I wish someone would include it on a larger caliber. I really like this little one but it’s too small for my hands.” Then I proceeded to tell her the rest of what she needed to know to be safe.

“Ok...” I said after I had gone through basic gun safety with her.

I pointed at some targets "Now shoot.”

She did. In fact she was a natural. In a VERY short time she was punching holes in the ten ring time after time. I looked at her. She grinned.

“Not bad for a beginner” I said suspiciously.

“Oh...I never said that I was a beginner” She grinned. " I know something about guns.”

“But..but.” I started to Johnny Pop.

“He does that a lot” Jenny said to me..”Poor lad.”

I glared at Jenny.

“ Lemme see what I can do.” I said.

I materialized the Desert Eagle then proceeded to punch out some ten rings myself...at a greater and greater distance, shooting fasters and faster. I could reload fast enough to barely interrupt the rate of fire. I was really getting into it when I ran out of loaded magazines.

“Wow” Shaniqua said "I’m sorry I teased you. I’ve NEVER seen anyone shoot like that...and I’ve shot competitively.”

“To tell the truth I didn’t know I could do it either.” I confessed. "Cybernetics certainly help.”

After that we got fancy. Not only did we shoot at targets we did combat training. We shot at bad guys that were shooting back. That’s the good thing about VR. No one can get hurt if something goes wrong. We practiced long and hard that first session.

“I just thought of something” Shaniqua told me after we had finished and were back in the Real World.

“What?” I asked.

A gun formed in mid air floating in front of me.

“This is a fake gun, obviously” Shaniqua said. "For practice purposes. I formed it from Quintessence. I’ve finally learned how to control that stuff...a little bit. Pretend it’s real ok?”

“Ok.” I looked at the gun then looked back at her. Wonder of wonder she was wearing a dress. A pretty conservatively cut dress too. Much like the one she was wearing when I’d first met her at the police station.

“Lookit this” she said and held her arms straight out in front of her, hands open.

“Bang!” she mimicked shooting the Q-gun that had all but materialized in her hand.

“Excellent” I praised her. "I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You saw how I did it?” she seemed a bit disappointed.

“Trick eyesight.” I told her.

“Oh ?” She thought about that for a second then brightened up. "Not everyone has trick eyesight.”

“Nope.” Kitty popped into existence and said to me.“No standard human would have been able to see her dress dissolve beneath her breasts where she’d ‘stuck’ the gun and then the gun sprang into her hand as if drawn by a magnet. Good trick. I approve. I wish I’d thought of it. It would have come in handy a time or two in the past. Keep up the good work.”

Then she was gone

“What are you looking at” Shaniqua asked?

“The goddess” I replied.

“I heard that” Kitty re appeared. " I’m no different that you are fat boy...now.”

Then she was gone again.

Kitty looked at me.” You’re doing it again.”

“I was thinking about something.” I told her honestly

“I’ll give you something to think about..” Shaniqua said.

Then her dress morphed into that little undershirt thing. She instructed me to "hold out your arm.. at shoulder level.”

I did that and danged if she didn’t use my arm as a chin up bar. I got an eyeful I did. She must have done twenty pull ups.

That’s pretty good.” I said " Very few people, not to mention girls, can do that.”

“I’m thinking about taking up pole dancing.” she said. A VERY suggestive thought popped into my head. Thankfully before I could make a fool of myself she asked. "Can you do that?”

“Well...yeah I think I can. I’ve never tried though.” I said. I looked around for something stout. We were in her ‘garden’ outside. I haven’t mentioned how large it was. Her place was of an unusual design. A structural beam was near by. It should be strong enough to hold my weight since it supported the building. I grasped it with one hand, slowly lifted my body then straightened it out. I was holding myself, one handed, parallel to the floor. Then I waved my body up and down. If my arm was a dog’s tail it would have been wagging my body, the dog.

Shaniqua was boggled.

“Show off " she said.

“Well yeah.” I admitted. "I kinda am.”

Next Chapter
Previous Chapter
The Beginning


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Well like this story very much from all others I like most that point the first rule is you must have a gun. and the way you always point her.

Thank you sir.

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