
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#21: Calm Down.


Calm down” the voice is very faint. He can barely hear it. He does, indeed, calm down. The voice? His interest peaks. The Voice? Had his old buddy from the Tunnels returned?

Sorry dear...I’m the same but different. He’s gone. I’m new.” Shelby could hear better now. It was still faint. But better.

“Gone? What do you mean Gone?” Shelby felt a stirring of panic. The voice, his friend, his companion, was gone?

“Gone. My predecessor sacrificed himself in order to save you.“ It said.

Who ARE you ?” Shelby was hanging onto his sanity by bleeding fingernails. First the barrage, then the dragon... then BEING a dragon..if only for a little was all he could not to run screaming into the outer darkness.

He was agitated. His body kicked and squirmed. He muttered and screamed and talked to himself. The nurse noticed and gave him a shot. Another shot. It was easier on everyone that way.

Now see what you did?” The voice-who-was-not-the-original-voice told him sadly. It was fully audible now.

Go ahead and take a little nap.” it said"We’ll talk later”.

The Next Episode will be
#22: Ally…
The Previous Episode was
#20: Dreams…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


I think I am really begining to like steemit for the reading opportunities. I know I could go to amazon and download the two of yours I am currently reading, but where would the fun be in that, I would download them and have them read in a day and a half, and have nothing to anticipate reading tomorrow, or to share with other readers. It's a shame Shelby lost his first voice, I think he got attached to it, I know I did. Still more to come, more to read. Thank you for sharing it.

you're welcome.
yeah it was a bummer about the first voice...a male.
the second voice that replace him is a female.
imagine the nagging...

There is just something natural about guys talking to guys about guns and armor. I know that is a sexist thing to say, but it is still more natural feeling. Now having a woman in your head, well that could be kind of interesting, like when he takes his first leak and there she is watching, and then pops out we have a small problem.LoL Oh and thanks for the upvote, I'd been hovering at 49.9 and you pushed me over, I am now halfway to 100. I wonder who will be the first person to get to 100.

Every boy had a female help him learn to pee.
the technical term is 'mommy'...

I far no one has reached 80 yet.
You forget that it's a semi-log scale.
50 is 100 times greater than 49.
51 is 100 times greater than 50..


Yes, but can you imagine being number 1 truly being number 1 the first to get to 100. After one person reaches it, it just becomes "yeh well it just goes to show if suck up enough) anything is possible. Well that ( ) is what a lot of people will think under their breath, especially those in the 80's. I figure in a year we will see the first few getting into or very close to the 90's, already a few close to 80's.

#1 steemsports--- 78.3---- $19,136
#2 knozaki2015--- 77.6----$61,918
#3 gavvet------------77.0----$632,176
#4 krnel--------------76.5----$49,755
#5 papa-pepper---76.4-----$40,093
#6 ozchartart-------76.0-----$23,229

LOL, may just have doubled my level of knowledge about Steem ratings. Or not.

Like the Steem concept but I'm just here looking for interesting stuff and stumbled into a gem in your story. Hope my votes are some repayment for the enjoyment I'm suffering.


reading :) upvoted

done sir :)

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