in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#36: Naomi - Ma'am


Julie looked at Naomi in surprise. She had started to try to attract the attention of the barely seen ship but Naomi had prevented her for doing so.

“Why?” she asked after the ship was completely out of sight. “Why didn’t you want them to see us?”

“I’m not sure. Something just didn’t feel right.” Naomi said “After my last encounter with ‘the man’ I’m no longer trustful. I’m still angry about how the police treated me.”

“Oh.” Julie said...”I guess I can....huh?

She was interrupted by the sound of a voice. No one should be here.

“Hi” The catfish with the voice of a young boy said again. “My name is Cody, and I’m here to help you.”

Naomi couldn’t stand it. She had just mentioned the government and now this. ...she broke up laughing. Julie looked at her in surprised. She was puzzled that Naomi should act that way.

“What’s the matter?” Julie said.

Naomi managed to control her laughter momentarily...enough to get out a few word...”Is he from the Government?”

Then she began laughing again.

“No” Cody said. He had NO idea what Naomi was laughing about. “Why do you ask?

Julie looked at Naomi and shook her head in pity “She’s a grown-up. You know how they are.”

Cody replied...”Yeah...I do.”

Naomi looked at Julie then at the monster catfish with wide eyes..then began laughing harder. She had to sit down.

“Are you the boy that the ArchMage was talking about?” Julie frowned at Naomi while talking to Cody”.

“I dunno...why?” The catfish answered in Cody’s voice.

“He said something about a young boy that just LOVED to tinker” she replied.

“Yup..that would be me” Cody told here.

Naomi laughed and laughed...


“So what exactly do you have in mind?” Julie asked Cody..

“Dunno yet” Cody said “I’m still thinking about it.”

“Can you think while that thing pushes?” Julie said “I’d like to get as far from that ship we saw as possible if you don’t mind. I still feel uneasy about it.”

“Well Yeah.” The voice of Cody said “I suppose that I could”

“Do it.” Naomi told him.

So Cody did.

It was fairly simple really. At first the pod tended to ‘roll off’ the nose of the bottom feeder. Cody fixed that pretty quickly. He had the SSmoke in the BottomFeeder’s head transform into a shape that the pod could NOT roll off from..


“Um...ma’am?” Cody asked rather meekly. Naomi had intimidated him.

“You must NOT mean me.” Julie said “Naomi...Cody has a question for you.’

“Whatcha need?” Naomi asked. Totally oblivious.

“Um...well it’d be a lost faster and easier if I had the key” Cody told them.

“Key to wha....” Naomi started to say “ Duh me. I’d forgot about that.”.

“Silly. “ Julie replied. “Can’t move a car without the keys...why would this thing be any different.”

Naomi was embarrassed. She covered by frowning.

“Ok...here you go” she told Cody , as she gave him a copy of the ‘keys’ for the SSmoke from which the pod had been built.

“Thank you ma’am” Cody said.

“Why’s he calling me ma’am?” Naomi asked Julie.

“I think you annoyed him a little bit earlier when you said ‘DO IT’ so gruffly”. Julie giggled. “He’s getting back at you...Ma’am. Ate up with your self much?”

The Next Episode Is
37: Banana Slug - NEXT…
The Previous Episode was
#35: Banana Slug - Hunting…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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I engage in political commentary
generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Cody meets Naomi, is scared of her, and him a mage, and Julie meets cody, and kind of I think like cody. Or so it seems. Down the waters they go

naw..cody's not a mage..he's just preco...pre...rilly rilly smart for a young kid.

Oh, I must have confused him with that joshua fella. Yeah that's it cause of last episode. Mages on my mind. ;-}

yup...at this point there are only three mages.
Shelby was first.

ChadCrowder: Mage, was kidnapped and shot by viper. Former super spook in the military. Akatsuki is his Daemon.

Joshua Florette :Mage :was impaled on the tree. Was Uber:Geek in high school. Doesn’t play pretty with others. Extreme Introvert. Yvette is his Daemon.

Cody :boy genius, Sheila is his single mother, father died on deployment. Sheila is soft on Chad.

giphy (1).gif Nicely done everything about some special content... good job!

nice post...

Definitely young people understand each other better, for example Cody (through the catfish) and Julie ... this will facilitate the salvation strategy of the life pod, with Naomi and Julie, and the possibility of reaching Banana Slug; although the presence in the waters of the USCGC is still worrying ... Naomi is somewhat scattered, will she become a problem during the trip?

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