
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#125: ShootOut in the Bedroom


“Wake upCody ”Cody’s mother sounded scared. That made him very angry. He hated it when anyone scared his mom. He knew why she was scared. It was ‘those’ people again.

“More telephone calls?” he asked although he knew better. He’d been watching though the SSmoke detection network.. He hadn’t been asleep...he’d been faking it for her. She worried about him so much.

He had learned how to monitor the detection network one day when he was messing around with his DragonTear Pendant. He could see everything that it could see. He’d seen some thing’s that had embarrassed him. He’d tried to be more careful after that..

Cody wasn’t surprised to see that his mother had guns. She had two service automatics. She knew how to use them too. One was hers, one was his father’s. She had been a soldier just like his father had been. His father had died while deployed. Right now she looked more angry than scared. He realized that she felt just like he did. She was scared FOR him and angry AT the intruders.

“Get in the bathroom Cody ” she said. Cody did that.

His mother pulled a heavy desk crossways across the corner of the room that was across from the door. Then she turned it over and joinedCody in the bathroom which was at right angles to the bedroom door. She lay down on the floor and laid one gun and extra magazines on the floor in front of her. Then she steadied herself and aimed at the door.

“I’m monitoring the dragonflies”Cody told her. The bad guys are getting ready to break down the front door. There are several of them. Some of them are spreading trash across the yard.

“You can do that?” she asked him calmly, but unsurprised. She wasn’t surprised at anything he did lately. “Good for you.”

“Mommy”Cody said “Don’t be scared.”

“I’m scared for you.” his Mother said .

“That’s not what I mean”Cody told her. “Don’t be scared of the snake.”

“What?” she said. She was definitely scared of snakes. “ What snake?”

“That snake.”Cody told her. Across the room there appeared to be the mother of all cobra’s. It’s hood was flared and it had little beady green eyes. It’s head was about eye level and it swayed from side to side. At first glance it looked like a REALLY big snake.”

CRASH! They’d broken down the front door.

“LADY!...We know you’re in here. You should have taken our offer and sold your house. We told you on the phone that you’d be sorry if you refused. Now we’re going to kill your son!” Someone said from the front room.

“Yup.” his mother said with barely a quiver in her voice ”that definitely looks like a snake.”

Cody was rather proud. It was nice of her to say so. It really didn’t look much like a snake in the light. It looked a lot like a length of fire hose. Oddly enough, there was very little light, his mother had turned them all out. They heard the intruders crashing about in the other room. They seemed to enjoy breaking stuff. From the sound of it they turned over furniture and smashed it. Cody heard breaking glass. They must have busted the mirror in the living room.. Finally one of them noticed the closed bedroom door.

“Are you in there Lady? I’m coming in to get you!” The first one smashed in the door. In the dim light he saw the desk turned over in the corner.

“Hiding behind that desk won’t do you any good.” the thug said as he shot at the desk. “Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang”

He really enjoyed shooting...he kept shooting the desk. “Bang, Bang.”

He was grinning he could just imagine the two of them being shot full of holes behind that over turned desk. Wood was concealment but it wasn’t cover. His attention was totally on that desk. “Bang , Bang”


The laser dot centered,... of mass. Fractions of a second later it was followed by a double tap. “Boom-Boom.” His mother used a real gun with real bullets with a calibre that started with four, not a dinky little 9mm. The intruder slumped to the floor. “BOOM” one to the head.” Cody ’s mother switched her aim. She was ready for the next one.

“Hey! Save some for me.” the next intruder said as he stepped through the door. The moron couldn’t tell the difference between the sound of his partner’s mouse gun and Cody ’s mother’s forty-five. He wasn’t going to learn.

Boom-Boom. She got him. He fell and received another shot to the head for his troubles. BOOM.

“That don’t sound right.” There was yet another thug. He had brains enough to tell the difference in the sound between a mouse gun and a real one.

“What’s going on in there?” he cautiously stepped through the door. He saw his partners laying on the floor. Then he noticed movement. It was a HUGE snake. The snake was striking at him. He turned and brought his gun up to aim and Boom-Boom. Cody’s mother got him too. She dropped the empty gun, picked up the other one and BOOM.

The last two thugs who had been trashing the kitchen took the hint. They ran out the front door as quick as they could.

KA-BOOM! (blooooies...tinkle tinkle....spalt)

“Oops.”Cody said.

“That sounded like an IED!” his mother said. She’d heard that sound when she’d been deployed. It was difficult to forget.

“ kinda was. They buried it in the rosebushes by the sidewalk. They intended for it to go off when the police arrived. I guess. I’m sorry mommy. It just went off”Cody apologized. “It was cell phone activated. I guess I dialed the wrong number? It was an accident.”

“Accidentally on purpose?” she smiled as she asked him.

“Well yeah” he admitted as she tousled his hair. “I’m sorry about the sidewalk. I don’t miss the rosebushes much though. Thorns.”

He HATED her messing with his hair...but he wasn’t going to tell her that. He’d seen how she’d shot those fools. She could mess up his hair ALL she wanted too. But she didn’t. She swapped magazines with both guns...then settled in to wait.

They waited. When seconds count the police are only minutes away. Even Officer Marc. He could move at sixty miles per hour when he wanted to but he had a ways to go. Cody’s Mother’s .45 bullets could go about SIX hundred miles per hour and they hadn’t had nearly that far to go.

The bullets got to the thugs first. Lucky for them. When Marc arrived he was NOT going to be a happy camper. He would not have been so gentle.


“He’s here mom”Cody said.

“Who’s here?” his mother asked. She really needed to learn how to use the SSmoke Tech better. It was embarrassing having her young son explain everything to her.

“Officer Marc is here.”Cody said “he should be coming in the front door about...”

A small, heavily armed drone came through the door. It scanned the area and locked on them.

“” Cody said “Hi Officer Marc. We’re Ok. You can come in now.”

Cody and his mother were relieved to hear a rather loud ‘click’ as the safeties on the drone’s weapon were set.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” the drone told them “I sent this thing ahead. It can go faster than me.”

“ must be almost supersonic”Cody told his mother. “ Officer Marc is fast. Wait till you see his...”

Something much like a tornado swept thru the broken door into the house. It was supporting a very angry, very heavily armed, very large red man.

....”tornado”...Cody finished.

“I’m sorry it took me so long.” Marc told them.

“I’m sure you did the best you could” Cody 's mother told him.

“It’s looks like you didn’t need me after all” Marc said, safeing his gun and holstering it.

“You ought to have seen my MOM!”Cody said. He pointed his finger like a gun “Phew!..Phew!..Phew! She Got em. Three of em.”

“Three?” Marc said “ How many were there altogether? There were several outside on the lawn. I can’t tell how many. They’re kind of scattered about. The pieces are I mean.”

“That would be Cody’s doing”Cody ’s mom said with pride. “he set off a bomb they were carrying.”

“A bomb?” Marc hammed it up and looked at Cody as if he was a hero. Which he was actually. “Wow. You pre-detonated a bomb. Way to GO!”

Marc high-fived Cody , then turned to Cody's’ Mother “Ma’am. I think that was pretty awesome. Don’t you think it might be worth some ice cream?”

He winked at her.

A light dawned. She didn’t want Cody to see what came next with the dead bodies either “ Yessir.. I think it is.Cody . Why don’t you come in the kitchen with me and I’ll fix you some IceCream.”

“Oh wow. That’ll be great! “Cody said “Are you coming Officer Marc?”

“I’ll be along in a little while” Marc said

“ I have some work to do first. Are those other guys thru there?” He asked.

“Yes they are”Cody ’s mother said “ Come along nowCody . What flavor do you want? I think I have vanilla, chocolate and rocky road”.

“No buttermilk pecan?”Cody asked.


A few minutes later Marc swooshed into the kitchen. “Any of that Ice Cream left?”

“Certainly. What would you like?”Cody 's mother asked.

“Oh, vanilla for sure” he replied

“I’ve disposed of the bodies.” he said in a quieter voice.

“Oh good” she said “I was wondering how....”

“Did you convert the bad guys to SSmoke?”Cody asked “We could sure use some more SSmoke.”

“Never mind.”Cody ’s mother said “ That boy!”

Marc grinned. Win some loose some. He had a feeling that people better get used to loosing to Cody . That was one smart kid.

“That’s exactly right Cody .” he said “and I think that all the SSmoke should belong to you and your mother.”

“That’d be GREAT”Cody said

The Next Episode is
#126: Virtual Town Hall
The Previous Episode was
#124: Economic Refugees
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue

I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


I guess I need to catch up to get the drift, but very imaginative work. Love all the action. Keep it up. @markrmorrisjr

3D heads up display, cool idea. And the accidentally called the wrong number, smart kid. ;-}

yup...he's a pretty smart kid. To what extent will become evident in ensuing episodes. Stay tuned..

Tuned in every day.

" Wood was concealment but it wasn’t cover."
for some reason I smiled when I read that. Dang it, now you have got me hooked into another of your works of fiction and I shall have to go read all the previous episodes!

We get into Cody's head a bit this chapter =)

It is Cody, isn't it?

"Brodie was rather proud. "


"Brodie and his mother were relieved to hear a rather loud ‘click’ as the safeties on the drone’s weapon were set."


"....”tornado”...Brodie finished."

I like longer episodes like this, too.

darn...didit again din't I?
some episodes are longer than others.
it just depends..

I like to read, when I do, for a spell, so have been trying to hold off on indulging in this tale until you have posted several chapters. I'm not the most organized of people, so this sometimes ends up with me being too late to upvote the first chapter or two of my binge, and then I feel guilty.

Longer chapters, like this one, make it easy for me to avoid that problem.

money talks.
I need to get the most bang for the buck.
Most 'readers'...and I use that term advisedly...have a very short attention span...
economics dictate that I must cater to my audience.

notice that I DO have forward/backward links...
the idea is to be able to 'page forward' much like using a kindle.

That's what I do =)

accidentally on purpose!

your writeing style is different from all...and its so good.....i impressed to see your post..... i waiting for your next post....i wish for your best of luck brother

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