
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#124: Economic Refugees


“Let me tell you about Sam and Mary” Kamiko said

“They are Economic refugee’s from WaterTown.” She told the crowd “ They were priced out of their jobs and their home. They had to leave. They were lucky. They had a boat. They had a place to live.”

The townspeople were puzzled. What did a boat have to do with anything?

“Something is causing ‘big money’ to move” She told the town. “ I’ve done some checking on the internet. I have some pretty savvy people who know about this kind of thing and they helped with the research. A great deal of property along the coasts, in fact all of the property below three hundred foot vertical elevation above sea being sold. Some of the most expensive real estate in the country if not in the entire world, is being sold for a fraction of it’s book value.”

“If you want a marvelous deal on seafront property anywhere in the country on any sea coast and many’s the time. It’s a fire-sale.” She said

Tommy’s father had worked in real estate much of his life. He was puzzled. “What in the world could make everyone on the coast leave. It’s like they’ve fleeing a storm.”

“Flood” Kamiko said. “Global flood. The SeaLevel is rising.”

Everyone looked at each other in embarrassment. They’d heard the Greenies whining for decades. The environmental movement and Global Warming had been predicting disaster for decades. It hadn’t happened.

“I know what you are thinking. You think that’s crazy talk. I’d agree with you except.....”She looked at them and smiled sadly.

“AntArctica is melting.” She said

A theatre size video screen appeared before them. It showed a side view of Antarctica as seen from the International Space Station. At that point in it’s orbit the ISS was at 40 degrees south. The view was to the south. The entire continent of antarctica was glowing a dull red.................. much like lava,......and smoking, .............much like lava smoked.

The Dragon Lady continued. “ One of our young geeks is an electronic pen pal with one of the ISS astronauts. This was sent to him entirely sub rosa... It’s a personal video. The powers that be are playing it close to the vest and not releasing anything officially. I imagine they want to prevent panic...right?

She sneered. “They want time to unload threatened real estate while there’s still someone to buy it is why.

She continued. “The ice is melting. Who knows may all melt. The people in position to know are certainly acting like they expect it to. They’re acting like they expect the sea level to rise...and soon. They’re acting like they expect the coasts everywhere to flood.”

“How high IS the watah momma?” Captain just couldn’t resist. “how hight WILL it go?” Everyone had been very tense. They chuckled a bit.

“That’s a very good question. Oddly enough all the government tidal stations went off line.” she said, “world wide, there’s not been a realtime measurement available on the internet for weeks.”

“ They won’t be able to continue covering it up much longer. Eventually something will happen and the news media will be forced to take notice. There is very little time left before the story is going to break wide open” She said.

“How high is it likely to reach?” Chad repeated what Captain had said.

“I did some research. Some ‘scientists’ have estimated in the past that if all the ice on Antarctica were to melt the oceans would rise by 250 foot. To put that into perspective, consider Memphis Tennessee. It’s elevation is also 250 foot.” the dragon lady said.

“The increased water level moves inland along the rivers too. All the river deltas, all the river flood plains..many of the river cities....” she stopped...why belabor the obvious?

“I never did like Houston. “ Someone in the crowd muttered. “but this is a bit much. You said Memphis? That’s not all that far south of here is it? Four hundred miles maybe?”

“I honestly can’t say I’ll be unhappy to see DC drowned” Someone else said “...nor NYC for that matter...but.”

“Pretty much a disaster.” The Dragon Lady agreed.

The Next Episode is
#125: ShootOut in the Bedroom…
The Previous Episode was
#123:Second Town Meeting
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue

I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Waters rising, someone trying to buy there island, (must be slightly above 350 feet). So rich people looking to keep riff raff off of the island when all them new yorkers start to flee. Cut the island off? yep I envision a chainsaw wielding catfish, or maybe Ssmoke piranha to release the island. Or just take the money, in the form of gold and silver, and run.

I NEVER THOUGHT of a chainsaw weilding catfish.

Yesterday I watched Bruce Campbell vs The Army of Darkness.

Glenn Campbell's brother?

I don't know if he is Glen Campbell's brother or not. He was in the Movie Evil Dead, Early 80's horror movie. Pretty campy all 3 of them, but funny as sh-- at times. I forget which one he lost his hand in, but he had a modified chainsaw for his hand. Pretty much pure comedy now, the horror part kind of died over the years or I have gotten older and it is just funny.

huh....didn't see it.
I don't watch any TV at all
and not very many movies.
not lately.

I have odd movie taste. It has been a few years since I bought any new Movies to watch, but with the price of going to a theater, it is cheaper to buy the DVD after it has been out for 6 months or so. I am no longer someone that has to see the newest release. The last just released movie I saw was Titanic, and that was because my wife wanted to go see it.

The last movie I saw at a theatre was X-men...

gunna need a bigger boat!

It's a great story. I'm waiting for more. I will follow :)

Wow amazing..

Excellent write up. You must be very good and seasoned writer. I love your style of writing and your choice of word is superb. I really enjoyed reading because I am also a fiction writer and I make stories too. That great post and I love it

Excellent premise and story, I'm following along to see how high the waters do rise.

wow,,what a nice story it is! i like it..thanks for sharing with us.. so amazing

woow it's a story and post very good friend, may my friends always success.

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