
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#13: It's done


(days later)

"It’s done” the Voice said."I think you’ll like what I come up with.”

"That looks like a trench coat and a helmet laying on a bucket that’s sitting in a pile of golf clubs.” he said dubiously. He was weak from blood loss learning to his dismay that any time the blood-nanites were needed to build anything then blood was involved. HIS blood."Do I want to know how it works?

"It’s an exoskeleton, with armor. Do you want to know about atomically-precise carbon structures, phased array photonics, graphene membranes, capacitors, voltaic and neural induction?” the voice asked.

"I’ll pass on that for now.” Shelby said."thank you very much.”
"It’s operation is intuitive.” the voice said."Try it on. You just wear it. See what you can do with it"

Shelby slipped into the jacket, donned the helmet, then climbed into the ’bucket’. It had been molded and contoured to fit him like a jockstrap or a diaper, only more comfortable. He connected bits from the coat to the bucket here and there.

"The exoskeleton is fireproof and ballistically resistant, it will also change colors like a chameleon. It will stop any small arm rounds. The jacket material is impregnated with a non-newtonian fluid. That’ll help prevent bruises. The helmet will automatically brace against a head shot to prevent your neck from being stressed. It also has sensory inputs for those that I’ve been missing.” The voice explained.

"What kind of inputs?” Shelby asked.

"A broader spectrum is visible to you now... mostly. While wearing the helmet you can see in the low infrared and the high ultra violent, more colors if you will. You can also have a magnetic sense, much better smell, and some other things I’d be hard put to explain to you right now.” the voice explained.

"Everything is thought controlled.” the voice said"the leg pattern is like that of an ant. You effectively have six legs. You can have any of a number of gaits but the most familiar to you initially will be double triangles.

"Double triangle?” Shelby was puzzled.

"Yeah. Try walking and you’ll see what I mean.” the voice told him.

Shelby did "Oh...I see. Two legs on one side and one leg on the other side move at the same time while the other three legs remain planted. It’s a pair of triangles like you said. Way cool.

"Yup. Very stable too. Notice how close to the ground you are?” it said.

"Damn...some wimmen’s dress hems are higher than I am” Shelby grinned."This could be....interesting.

"Try running” the voice told him.

Shelby did that. He amazed himself. He was FAST. Nimble and agile too.

"I’ve spliced some insect DNA into you that contains instinctive response to various....” the voice started to say.

"You did WHAT?” Shelby yelped. "I’ve got insect DNA in me?

"yup.” the voice said"It was the easiest and quickest way to provide an instinctive level of capability for many of the insectual gaits that have no mammalian counterpart. Especially not for a biped such as yourself. Go ahead and try to run up that wall.”

"huh?” Shelby said. "Do what?

"Try to run up that wall. You have six points of contact now. It’s a rough wall. Lots of grab points. See what happens.” the voice told him.

Shelby did that. It worked...kinda. He fell.

"Wall..not ceiling” the voice said."_I don’t think you can walk across a ceiling upside down.

"Well I had to try.” Shelby replied. "now I know.”

"I have other goodies too” the voice said."_ Shield and a sword._”

Shelby examined said items. "Tell me about them.”

"The should come in handy.” was all the voice would say.

"I like it. We’ll go with this.” Shelby said

"One more thing” the voice said.

"What?” Shelby replied."CamoFog."

"What’s camo-fog?” shelby asked.

"It’s much like the z-mites in structure but much simpler. Just a gazillion tiny gnats that can form a screen between us and the bad guys then it will change color. More camouflage. It comes out of the shield.” the voice told him.

"Sounds good." Shelby agreed. "go for it.

The Next Episode is
#14: Shelby Pried The Door Open
The Last Episode was
#12: Anything New?
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I surf the net, find the GOOD stuff.
and write posts about it
So you don't have to.
I also write
Part one of this book is available from Amazon on Kindle Part one, for part two...well I guess you just gotta read it here.
That is if you can’t wait to finish it on Steemit
I also have other books on Amazon also
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Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.

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