in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#95: Bananna Slug: Change of Plans


a bit earlier
on the Banana Slug

“Will you look-at-that?” Cody Muttered. “Hey Joshua. Come’er!’

Cody had found something in his studies. He’d been investigating SSmoke, again. The stuff fascinated him, as well it should. SSmoke WAS amazing stuff.

“Whazupp?” Joshua asked.

“I’ve found a way to up the thru-put by techno-babble, geek-speeak, baffle-gab” The conversation became incoherent to normal humans. They might as well have been speaking code. They actually were. Joshua and Cody might have been the leading experts on SSmoke and had undoubtedly invented much of the terminology themselves. No one else had much of a prayer of keeping up with them in a technical discussion about SSmoke.

“I think we need to tell Shelby” Joshua said finally.

“Agreed.” Cody said

About that time Shelby called the general meeting of the Maggi

“Imagine that, How fortunate. You coming?” Joshua asked.

“You’re going in person?” Cody was surprised “Not Mind Text? Not VR?”

“You missed the part about him wanting us in Ernie's. Apparently he wants a face to face. Sometimes I don’t think Old Shelby is all that comfortable with all the stuff that’s been dug out of the SoulStone. Besides, I think it’s time for me to get out of here for a little bit.” Joshua said. “Time to stretch my legs , you coming or staying?”

“I think I’ll stay here. There’s a whole new chapter on techno-gabble” Cody began to speak technical.

“Ok. Have fun. Don’t eat all the cookies. I’ll be back when I get back.” Joshua said. He mentally directed the SSmoke in their Manta to lift him and he floated out the open mouth.

“Cookies?” Cody was searching for the nonexistent cookies before he’d left the door.


at Ernies

“I had originally thought to hold the tech that we discover from SoulStone close and just use it for ourselves.” Shelby was saying “As time progressed I’ve let up on that policy as unreasonable. I’m wondering how much to lighten up on it further.”

“At the moment it’s self limiting to one extent.” The Dragon Lady said “There are only three of the Maggi.”

“I suppose that will change one day too” Chad mused.

“Hell it might even become a controllable thing” Joshua said.

“Cody just found something interesting.” Joshua said, not the least bit shy talking to his peers when he was discussing tech. He explained Cody’s new discovery.

Shelby stared. His mouth dropped open. “That solves one set of problems alright.”

He looked at Joshua “Genius”

“Not me.” Joshua said “that would be Cody.”

“Make it happen” Shelby said “From now on every Avatar will have the new improvements.”

They sat there for a moment in silence. Joshua was rather proud of his protégée.

“That may be.” The Dragon Lady continued.” that’s all well and good, but it doesn’t solve the question of proliferation. Shelby is asking for advice. He wants our thinking on how widely we should share what we have right now.”

“That’ right” Shelby said “ It’s a given that I’m speaking of sharing with individuals. I refuse to have anything to do with organizations, especially governments.”

“Ok” Elvira said “ here’s what I think we should do.”

The First Episode Is
#96: Henry Drake: Video Call
The Previous Episode was
#94: Henry Drake :Deal
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


But, but what were the improvements to the avatars? They are already pretty cool, what could have been improved in them?

it had to do with the bias ratio between the bergenstroms and the spindizzy modulation...or something. when Joshua and Cody get to talking fast it's kinda hard to keep up....technical stuff...
I transcribed as best I could but it was like listening to a foreign language....underwater.....perhaps cody will explain it one day...

Yes, and until he does we get to see what the improvements were over time.

The objective is to put technology in the direct hands of people, at the service of people ... no intermediaries or organizations that only look for their own economic interests ... A decentralized form of technology available to people, especially those that are found in situations of risk ... The youngest are still spearheading technological development ... Shelby knows it.

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