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in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 34: Stealth Insertion

So it transpired that one night a seriously frightened Troll by the name of Bergelmir was suspended high in the air. He was sitting in an alpine rope seat beneath several spreader bar contraptions. These contraptions distributed his not inconsiderable weight amongst a swarm of Dragons. Those dragons were holding ropes that were attached to the spreader bars. They had lifted the incredibly brave Troll very high into the air… and flew him, out of range and out of sight, over the approaching invading army. There they waited until after sundown.

When it was very dark they dropped him.

It looked and felt like a drop. He felt like he was falling. He was, but it was a controlled descent. A large number of the smaller, harder to see Griffin fell with him. The small horde of griffin fell with the terrified, incredibly, stupidly, brave troll as he plummeted toward the enemy Prison Compound where the Trolls were kept, far, far, below.

The griffin were attached to the Troll with thin cords tied with slipknots. There were so many on him that he was almost invisible. They covered him like a rug. After what seemed like forever the griffin released their hold on the Troll and drifted away, tightening the small ropes. When the ropes were tight the griffin began furiously to flap their wings. His headlong plummet began to slow. When the Troll’s feet impacted the ground if it was none too gentle it was, however not damagingly brutal. The knots were slipped and the griffin flew off.

One each.


Stealth insertion.


The griffin flew away in all directions to position themselves. They would create their own brand of havoc at the signal.

Far, far above the Dragons began to prepare surprises to be dropped on the enemy camp. They too positioned themselves.

Bergelmir was inside the Troll compound. There were Demon guards outside the compound surrounding the sleeping Trolls but there were none inside. That never had worked out well, in the past. It was bad for the demon’s health.

Berg carefully and quietly made his way from one sleeper to another. He woke and quietly briefed each Troll. An almost silent but very brief conversation would ensue. He then went to the next one, and the next. The Trolls he had awakened did the same thing. In a very short time all the Trolls had been alerted. Such was Bergelmir's prior status that no one questioned him. They all just packed what items they had and prepared for the escape. When all the sleepers were awake and they were all ready Berg triggered a small signaling device. He didn’t know how it worked but he’d been taugh how to use it .

Arrows whistled in from high altitude and the demon guards were Borked. As the guards crumpled some of their dead hands triggered their weapons,poor trigger discipline. Into that uncontrolled and unaimed fire dragons descended like stooping raptors. They dropped a great many ceramic choppers and other supplies and weapons for the Trolls. The gates to the compound opened. The Trolls armed with a chopper or two each followed Bergelmir out.

Throughout the enemy camp flaming death descended from above. Far, far above unseen dragons had ignited oil filled projectiles. This was their version of napalm or perhaps Greek fire. When satisfactory ignition was achieved they dropped the spears. The incandescent aerial lances descended in a rain of destruction and skewered the slumbering enemy in their beds. Many of the punctured dreamers were not killed instantly. Rudely awakened, the involuntary arsonists ran throughout the camp spreading thermogenic turmoil.

That was just a bonus



so beautiful seen my dear....

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