
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 1: Asgard : Chicken Theives
A very long time ago,
by human standards,
in another Universe

It’s all about how you look at things. It depends upon perspective. For example...from the perspective of a group of Ultra high tech, almost God-like... RedNecks.

"Pa....some of them low rent trailer trash from across the way done stole some of your chickens”

Frigg told Odin one day.

They were in Valhalla, one of the Aesir’s Special purpose Dyson Sphere’s. Odin had been amicably chatting and laughing with his son Thor while eating a breakfast. The meal was heavy on meat while the conversation was heavy on gossip. The gossip was something about Loki, Duva and a goat. Odin frowned at the disquieting news....

“I think they done overstepped their boundaries this time Ma. I’m getting tired of losing chickens. I think it’s time and past time that we do something about them… permanently”

Odin looked to Thor and raised an eyebrow.

Unperturbed...Thor took a swig of mead, swallowed, belched and contemplated briefly. He considered Strategy, Tactics and Logistics. He nodded to Odin.

“ I’ll call out the boys...We ride at dawn”

So it was that at dawn a small band of good old boys.. led by Odin and accompanied by Thor, descended upon the chicken thief encampment. They were all in Thor’s pickup truck. Thor had his trusty weapon, Mjollnir ready at hand. Odin rode with him carrying the spear Gungnir. The pickup was hopped up and powered by Tanngniost and Tanngrisnir.
They engaged the enemy and did Thor kicked some honkie butt. He broke some teeth, cracked some skulls...and generally taught them how the cow ate the cabbage. Odin helped as did likewise their companions in arms.
The good old boys got a touch carried away in the heat of the moment. They did rape, pillage and burn. They even got the order right. Such was their fervor that not one trailer house of the chicken thieves was left standing. The chicken thieves were destroyed root and branch. Only a very few, led by their old man, Surtr, escaped.

Then did Odin, his Son Thor, and the other good old boys, pile into the pickup and return to Asgard

When they got to Valhalla they had milk and cookies.

Or perhaps they drank beer and ate Bar-B-Q...or something

It would depend which historical interpretation of the event was accepted.….probably had to have been there.

“How’d it go Pa?”

Frigg asked when Odin returned. She hugged her husband before handing him a horn of mead.

“We whooped their ass”

....said Odin after he hugged her back...with feeling.
He then drained the horn in one mighty draught.

“They won’t be stealing any chickens from around here again anytime soon.”

That …...was one way of looking at it. It might not have happened EXACTLY that way, but that was the tale told from one perspective.

Yet seen from another perspective, the same encounter..

The gigantic invading war craft floated vigilantly in the gravity dimple. To some this place was called the Vigrid Plane. The invader’s didn’t know that or care. Scant time units ago it’s fleet of raiders had returned with great booty. The crew were reveling in self congratulation when the alarms sounded.

A huge armada was descending upon them in retaliation for their depredations. Horrendous engines of destruction were brought to bear, both offensively and defensively..

Inconceivable energies like unto that of supernovae were unleashed. The conflict continued until the retaliating force brought into play a doomsday weapon... dirigible planetesimals, and a very great many of them, comprised of degenerate matter, strange matter, photonic matter and antimatter, not that it mattered. This would be the end of the invaders.

No phraseology is sufficient to describe the magnitude nor sheer destruction of the holocaust that ensued. Such was the titanic forces unleashed that a wormhole was created and a world from another universe was sucked thru the wormhole entire, like a pumpkin thru a garden hose. For a brief instant the remnants of the invading fleet co-existed in the same time and place as that of the kidnapped planet...then the planet tried to explode. Other forces would not have it. The planet was not allowed to explode nor fragment...it merely expanded in size logarithmically...achieved a new rhythm and balance... then partially collapsed upon itself. Huge cracks appeared and spread...vast morasses proliferated across the planet. Some sections of the planet were miles, tens of miles higher than others. Titanic plateau’s studded it’s surface. Between the plateaus were extreme depths.

The conquerors returned home in satisfaction. The null point was no longer null. The dimple was now a mound. In it’s place was a super jovian mass of incandescent wreckage, rapidly coalescing.

Space time was twisted, broken and otherwise abnormal there....many more planetary portals developed there than for any natural planet. There was serious leakage between worlds. All kinds of leakage, water in vast quantities, atmosphere and biota.

Due to it’s origin even the flow of time was abnormal. Time did not pass at the same rate on that poor tortured planet as it did other places….time didn’t march so much as sprint. While decades passed in other parts of the universe, and in other universes, millenia or perhaps eons passed there. The planet of odd origin came of age quickly by the standards of the rest of the metaverse.

Over time the accelerated flow of time slowed...and merged with the space time of the rest of the metaverse. Eventually it was one with the rest of creation.

Over time life appeared. Where it came from is open to speculation.

Strange life.

Meanwhile...on Planet Earth in the late Eighteen Hundreds….on the North American continent shortly after the civil war.

To Be Continued


Lol! Love this!

Cool. Is this your work? :)

And here I thought you were the news guy. Scuse your newbie :)

I'm multi talented.
wanna hear my rooster impression?

hahahaha yes I do! :D

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