
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#16: Levi - Nice Coat You Have There


A new voice said. It was a real voice, not one in his head.

“I could use a coat like that, old man. Take it off and give it too me. I don’t want my new coat getting all bloody” The gang banger flipped open a switchblade knife.

“Can’t we just shoot him now and be done with it?” One of his partners said “You always want to play with your food.”

“Nope. I don’t want a hole in my new coat.” The first one said. “Hurry up old man. Take it off.”

“I get the boots” Another one said.

“I don’t think so.” Levi told them. “I’m not giving you anything. If you want them, come and take them.”

Levi knew he was dead. He was in no condition to fight a street gang. They had him out numbered and he had no weapons. He might as well go down fighting, though. They were going to kill him anyway, why make it easy for them? Then again, maybe he did have a weapon. He had a walking staff now. When he was a much younger man in a different time and a different place he’d practiced martial arts for a while.

He’d practiced with a Bo-Staff.

The staff in his hands would make a good Bo. He’d see if he remembered any of his lessons.

What followed wasn’t pretty, from the gangster’s point of view.

Levi thought it was beautiful. The gang-banger with the knife stepped forward slashing with his pretty toy. Levi didn’t waste any time playing games. He poked the young idiot in the solar plexus with one end of his staff, then conked him on the head with the other end when he bent over. Levi did this before the gang-banger had taken two steps. Levi had the range. Then Levi did a little dance punctuated by the sound of his staff thudding into flesh and bone. He broke a few of those bones and knocked them all down, unconscious and bleeding.

Levi was breathing hard but he was amazed. It had been too easy. and not really fair, not that fair mattered in a fight. He’d had an advantage. Not only did he have that long staff but his coat and his staff had been strobeing. The syncopated flashes they emitted were mind-numbing, eye-watering and retina searing. The staff had emitted laser blast right to the eyeballs. In the dark the gang-bangers couldn’t see him very well to begin with. The arrhythmic, irregular, mind-numbing flashes made it damn near impossible.

The flashes destroyed any hint of night vision they might have had and eliminated their eye-hand coordination. In fact it demolished all their coordination. They could barely walk without falling down. Levi’s sunglasses protected him from the effect. He could definitely see them. He could also see in the dark and he could move.

“The one that had the knife is still conscious I think.”Jeannie said. “It appears you knocked the rest of them out cold . Leave them all little presents then let’s get the hell out of here. They won’t be so easy the next time.”

“What presents?” Levi asked.

Touch each one of them with the Magic Wand in turn.” She said.

He did. When he did a disk appeared then affixed itself to the thuglet. Each one was about the size of a saucer and flexible as rubber.

Book 1



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Man, old Levi, walks where ever he wants and carries a big stick... I saw that fight with the fury of "Walking Tall" with the precision and skill of " Enter the Dragon" with some new age crystals thrown in between.
He sounds like Jeremiah Johnson...wondering ....how long ...

Unfair? There's no such thing as unfair when you are outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1. Heck, if you are fighting fair, you aren't doing it right. At least, that's what my martial arts instructor told me once.

there's no such thing as a fair fight.
if it's fair it's a dance...not a fight.

Yeah that's right

very well writen sir, Levi punishes the through.

Beautiful post. I actually felt pity for the old man for being out numbered, felt like that's gonna be the end for him.....buh finally it was the other way round. I really enjoyed reading this post. Kudos to you

This is a very well articulated fiction. The ability of imagining things in our head and bringing it into reality through writing is a gift. You have that gift, u are talented.
Continue doing the good work @everittdmickey

Wonderful. Just stumbled across your blog. Excited to read more!

.- It seems that Levi does not know very well his capacities and powers; He beat easily the street gang, clearly supported by the coat, staff and sunglasses. I think Levi should take advantage of running away to recover your energies, because the street gang can recover and it isn't a good idea to lose his coat.

you forgot about the dot.
never, ever, forget about the rubber dot.

You're right. Thank you

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