
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#17: Operation Cedar Falls


Shelby had never heard about Operation Cedar Falls. He was about too.


Noise in the distance getting louder. Shelby had no idea what it was. The walls of the tunnel he was traversing began to shake and vibrate. Dust and chips began to fall from the ceiling. BoomBoomBooomBooomBooomBoom.BoomBoomBooomBooomBooomBoom.

The tunnel shook harder, vibrated harder, more dust fell, dust was in the air. Shelby activated the air supply system in his helmet.


The noise was significant now. Shelby encountered panicked VC. He couldn’t avoid them. They seemed to almost welcome death at his hands.


Shelby knows what it is now.


Somewhere high above him B-52’s were dropping thousands of TONS of bombs....on him.


His point drones flew through a larger room full of soldiers. There is so much dust in the air, the soldiers are coughing so much and they are so distracted by the bombing that they don’t even notice the drones. The noise is so loud that it would be pointless to attempt any shock and awe.

He killed them all. Like fish in a barrel.

Shortly Shelby is in a room full of pieces of dead men.


Fragments of the ceiling and walls began to spall and fall to the floor. The dust is so thick that it can’t be seen through. Radio contact with his drones is lost. The floor is bucking and heaving like a ship at sea in a bad storm.


Bigger and bigger pieces began to fall from the ceiling. It appears that a cave in is eminent. Shelby dug a hole in the floor using his sword. He jumped in and covered the top with his shield.


The roof caves in in spots. Shelby’s hidey hole, with him in it, is partly buried.


The pounding goes on, and on, and on, and on.

Were it not for the voice Shelby would have gone completely insane. The voice erects an ego-barrier to protect Shelby... then it dies.

Shelby only seems like forever....It can’t have been that long....could it?....


His mind slips away. He becomes all but catatonic.


The Next Episode is
#18: A Tunnel Rat Reported…
The Last Episode was
#16: Death From the Dark…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Holy Sh!t! I felt like I was in an ArcLight raid while reading that. Scary effective style.

I used to hauled bombs for ArcLite.
There was a thing called 'Operation LineBacker II"...
I hauled bombs for several days straight.


I'm younger than you. Grew up in the 70's wondering if I was going to get drafted. We lost one guy on my two block street, older brother of one of my buddies was nearly the last airman killed in Thailand in 73 (I was 14)

Did my time in the 80s. All soft stations, Torreojon AFS, Spain, George AFB, CA, Keesler in Biloxi for a 2nd stint of tech training and finished my 6 at Cape Canaveral AFS (installing wired intercoms with a million dollar ground radio repair training program). Uncle Sugar puzzles me, too.

Thank you for your service!

i`ve read this Episode i like it so much i want read all the story :)

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