in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#139 : Your Ship has come In.


The pod-bay door was opened. The Retribution swam majestically through it to dock. Appropriate nautical music was playing and there were snacks and beer for the assembled crowd. It was a festive occasion. Shelby mounted a platform so that everyone could see him.

“Good EVENING Ladies and Gentlemen and those of you who had foresight enough to invest in The Retribution! Your ship has come IN! We will be unloading ‘preview’ samples onto the dock so that you may examine what you paid for.” he stated

SSmoke Robotic Stevedores laid out the samples.

The “The Three Amigo’s” was a major investor. Ernie Rodriquez had wanted a change of fare too. Ernie and TigerMom had ordered the lion’s share of Shrimp and Tuna. There were also other minor investors from the various ex-farmer habitats as well as some of the ‘boat people’. The samples were laid out and inspected.

“Is everyone satisfied?” Shelby asked. “if so we will unload and ship the remainder of your orders, which is EXACTLY like what you have just examined, to the location of your designation.”

This extra service garnered a few looks of surprise. Carlos, frankly, didn’t know how he was going to move a ton of Shrimp to the TigerDiner. He was grateful, as was Ernie.

“All part of the service folks” Shelby replied “I repeat. Is everyone of the investors 100% pleased? Are you absolutely satisfied?”

All of the investors indicated that they were. People were looking at Shelby in puzzled anticipation. The other shoe. What was the other shoe that he was going to drop?

“Good” Shelby said “ It turns out we have more shrimp than was ordered. Anyone who wants what’s left is welcome to buy as much as they want while the supply lasts. We have them packaged in convenient five pound bags. As long as the bags remain closed they won’t spoil. If the bags are opened then the product should be put under refrigeration immediately.”

That was a surprise. Somehow Shelby wasn’t the least bit surprised when every last bag sold. Good prices too.

“Don’t go away folks” Shelby said “We have BONUS! We also have a limited number of crates of Shrimp on the HardShell.”

The Robotic Stevedores once more brought the product and arranged it on the dock for easy access.

“ These are available by weight, not by count. They come in the same five pound bags. They will remain fresh as long as the bags are unopened. What am I bid?”

The crowd really got into the auctioneer schtick. It was fun. All too soon every one of the un-processed Shrimp were sold.

“ But Wait! I am now taking bids on Lobster” he shouted.

A pair of the robot stevedores brought out a bagged lobster between them so that everyone could get a good look. They were followed by other stevedores who wheeled a container of bagged lobsters onto the dock.

“We only have a hundred containers of ten Lobsters each. These are live Lobsters.” Shelby said over the hub-bub of the crowd. If not for the Public Address system he would not have been heard.

These are not very good Lobsters” he added. “It’s a make do lashup. We weren’t expecting to catch them and we weren’t prepared. They’re from the Gulf of Mexico so it’s not like they’re prime bug from Maine or anywhere like that.”

The Lobster’s went for an astonishing price. Shortly they were done. Everyone looked at Shelby in anticipation. What other card was he going to pull from his sleeve.

“And we have hardshell CRAB!” Shelby said. A small tank was brought onto the dock as display.

“We have more crab than we did lobster.” Shelby said. “ We’ve loaded them one hundred to the container also but we have more containers. They are also live. What am I bid ?”

The bidding war was not very enthusiastic. For some reason HardShell Crab had very little appeal. It started out slow and Petered out quickly. It didn’t look like all of the Crabs would sell, when Ernie offered a pitifully small bid for the remainder. He got it. Finally it was over.

Win some lose some, Shelby grimaced. Can’t be right every time.

“One More Thing!” Shelby announced to the crowd. Perhaps this would work. If not there was always the molecular furnace.

“Trophy Fish! They are Fresh, Sterile and wrapped in Invisible Graphene film as were the processed shrimp. For all intents and purposes they have been preserved every bit as good as taxidermy. These are not intended to be eaten. These are wall hangers. Just the thing for any man-cave. We have about fifty random specimen of various cool looking fish captured from the Gulf.

They won’t spoil as long as the film remains unbroken, and it will take a serious effort to break the film. Trust me on this folks, a SERIOUS effort. It won’t happen by accident. They will remain in pristine condition for as long as you want to keep them.”

While he was talking a variety of Gulf Sport Fish were put on display. The set up was such that the crowd could move among them. Some of those fish were BIG.



After the auction was complete Karlee Skirmish conferred with TigerMom. “You were right.”

“Yes” TigerMom said.

You told those two old coots what to do, they did it, they set up an auction and we made a kings ransom.

Yes” TigerMom said “You are pleased?”

“Oh My YESS!” Karlee was a huggy-feely sort with those she knew. TigerMom wasn’t. Karlee didn’t give a damn. She hugged TigerMom.

“Gotta go now.” Karlee headed out the door. “I have to go count all that money you made us.

TigerMom sat there. Unfamiliar emotions were surfacing. A hug was an unfamiliar sensation.

She kinda liked it.

The Next Episode Is
#140 :Dinosaur…
The Previous Episode was
#138 : SeaMonsters…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Wow, something is crashing through Tiger Moms armour, good things must be instore for her. Looks like the guys had a good time, made a tidy profit, and will no doubt, be itching to go again in a day or two a week at most. But they may need some adjustments to the Retribution, I got a feeling that next time they may run into more than just the coast guard.

Definitely a success and a total festivity for the entire community from Banana Slug ... It was exciting, the way the theme of the auction was narrated within the episode, it seemed that we were inside the story ... Well, it would have been very good, because at least two bags of lobsters and shrimp had bought.
The community continues to grow and strengthen through the commercial network that is being developed.

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