The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Twenty "New and Renewed Purpose"

in #fiction7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty

Will, Josh and Jack met up with Mathias, Seth and Coderin at a seedy bar on the outskirts of Detroit. They holed up in the back corner and ordered a couple of pitchers, making small talk until the glasses were poured.
Jack filled them in on the details of his ongoing surveillance of Senator Gary Blake.

“The son of a bitch is proving impossible to get to, as are his associates, three of which have succumbed to possession in the last couple of days. After the disappearance of Sam Jenkins they tightened up the reins on security. They were supposed to have a meeting last week but if they did we never learned where it was.” He paused to take a swallow of beer before continuing.

“Eventually we have to catch a break, but I have to tell you that I’m glad you boys showed up because it looks like we’re gonna need some help.”

Mathias flagged down a waitress and held up the already empty pitcher than turned back to them, his expression grave. “I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse from here. Leo’s brother Brett returned from Siberia and he found what he was looking for, ancient texts written by both vampires and humans. Apparently they say that sometime in the beginning of the second millennium the gateways to the portals of the demon worlds are going to be opened unleashing monsters on the earth that haven’t been seen since the time vampires were first created. Their ultimate goal is to take over humanity by systematically replacing their souls.” The pitcher was set down in front of him and he poured himself a glass, swallowing half of it.

He put the cup down and wiped his lips with the back of his arm before continuing. “Of course not all people will give in to possession despite the more powerful persuasion of these higher level demons, and they have a plan for them as well. “Resistant” humans will either be killed or made into a slave race. Apparently the only thing that can stop them from succeeding is a uniting of forces between Vampires, Humans, and other myriad beings scattered across the earth, the Lyncane among them along with shape shifters from varying clans.” He looked over at Seth.

Seth nodded and sighed heavily. “Unfortunately that’s easier said than done. We haven’t come across a single group of hunters apart from the ones we know, be they human or otherwise. Vampires are either fallen or disinterested, the Lyncane just want to live in peace raising families and most of them still despise the vampire, and from what I’ve heard there is warring between the Shifter clans of South America.”

“You could talk to your family couldn’t you?” Josh asked him.

“I plan to, but they’ve broken their ties with most of the outside world. They’ve relocated to Australia, we’re originally from Ireland, and none of our relations have had anything to do with one another in over a century.”

“So we have a problem reuniting the allies of old, which looks like the only chance we have,” Mathias stated.

“And we have to do something about it,” Jack stood. “It’s time to start rallying the troops.”

Seth stood as well. “I’ll head to Australia with Coderin, maybe they’ll have some pieces of prophecy that prove useful…though growing up I never heard anything about it. At least I might find a couple of my brothers willing to help out.”

Mathias got up extending his hand to the McClaron’s, “Meanwhile I’ll start a systematic search of every city in America for unturned vamps that might be persuaded to resume their true duties.”

“Excellent idea,” Jack nodded approvingly, clasping his hand. “What about Michael, he should do the same in Europe with the help of Leo’s crew.”

Mathias exchanged looks with Seth and Coderin. They had told the McClaron’s that Michael had opted to stay behind and aid their hunter friends in London, but they’d been in contact with Leo since they’d left and the hunters had only seen him once and he hadn’t been himself.

“Yeah,” Mathias said slowly, “we’ll call him.”

Jack’s eyes narrowed shrewdly. “What’s going on, something up with Michael?”

Seth answered quickly, “He’ll be fine, he just needed a little R&R. Without Anna to heal us we took some pretty hard hits with the new and stronger demon fucks and Michael doesn’t know his limitations. He’s still young in the vampire world, not as strong as…some.” He looked at Mathias who smirked.

“Was that a compliment Wolfie?”

Jack looked at them skeptically, but decided to let it go. “All right, time for talk is done, we need get the show on the road.”

The group shook hands and dispersed, all of them feeling a new kind of urgency.

Michael stood on the edge of his property looking out over the hills and valleys sprawled out in front of him, feeling at peace for the first time since Anna had announced her intention to keep the bond with the barbaric male. He had lost his way for a short time, anger and resentment building in him until he thought he might explode, which for him would be catastrophic. He had always been a male of strict self-control, a quality he took great pride in.

He’d been so certain she was meant to be his, words from his mother echoing in his mind, her conviction of his purpose becoming his own. He was born of a royal line and since the day of his birth she told him stories of his mighty ancestors and impressed upon him his destiny to one day be the father of a renewed race who would lead an army into the most epic war since vampires had first been created.

Fate had certainly seemed to be leaning heavily in that direction, after all he was the first male to learn of her existence. For a time he could not fathom it being a coincidence. First the phone call from Leo which had led him to the distant American city where she was residing with a small band of hunters, and then soon after facing a horde of demons of a kind he’d only heard stories about.

But now after meditation and careful reflection he had come to the understanding that LeJarien was indeed the ancient warrior mentioned in the prophecies. After this realization he had spent days wondering why his mother had been so certain of his purpose as he was not old enough to be called ancient and had not seen large enough battles to be called a true warrior.

It had all became clear to him shortly after a visit with the Faerian hunters in London. Finn had been busy translating from the books of prophecy he’d brought home from Siberia, and he’d come across a section that outlined not one vampire male but five who would be crucial during the second millennium. They were referred to as the King and four princes, descendants of ancient royal lines who would usher in the renewed age of the vampire. They would be instrumental in aligning the allies of old and each of them would be gifted a female to bring new life to the race.

One King and four princes. He realized now his mother had never said he would be king, only that he would be a father of the renewed race. He now saw the foolishness of imagining Anna was the only female of their kind in existence who could breed, for if that were true it would take centuries to rebuild.

An image of Jessica Richmond flitted through his mind and he wondered if she had indeed made it through transition. He rejected the idea of her being his mate however, even if Tyros was not in the picture. His female would be virtuous and levelheaded, kind and sweet, and the fickle human girl did not possess those qualities.

He smiled as he painted a picture of his mate in his mind. She was out there somewhere and the thought of her made him swell with anticipation. He’d waited so long and he was certain the time was approaching when he would finally enjoy the pleasures of the body, something he’d fastidiously denied himself for all of his one hundred and thirty some years. They would belong to one another completely, body and soul.

Perhaps his new mission would bring them together. He had decided it was up to him to locate the wayward males of his race and teach them their true purpose in life. The old rules would need to be reinstated, particularly pertaining to the consumption of human blood.

He would begin by locating unturned males and use the same method of quiet and honorable recruitment he’d used in the past. Once he had a large enough following he would become a bit more adamant. Those that didn’t choose to leave their sinful lives behind would be given thirty days to reconsider and then there would be consequences for their actions. Strong consequences.
And then he along with those who joined him would seek out the irredeemable, the vile condemned vampires of their species whose very existence were an affront to God, and they would destroy them the same way it had been done in the past, by dragging them into the sun and letting them burn.

He lifted his face to the sky, his new strength of purpose chasing away the last of his self-doubt. He had a feeling it would be a long while before he stood on his land again.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Ah, caught up. The allies of old!!

I do like their penchant for hanging around in seedy bars :0)

It's how I've always imagined the real heroes of the world would operate, no fanfare, nothing opulent. Hole in the wall bars where they can dull the day's pressures and talk without anyone listening ;)

It's defo the way I think of it too. None of this hanging out at the ambassador's dinner reception nonsense!

Good writing dreemit, you have a good imagination

Thank you!

Another compelling and enthralling chapter!
Great to see we have a mini cult forming,
It is time to banish some vampires.

Nice post sis ☺️

Ugh. Michael. No matter my feelings for him, it's nice that you provided us with a bit of his backstory. I guess it makes sense why he feels so entitled. In real life, I really hate those pompous type who feel their entitled to something without working hard for it. I guess that's why it extends to my reading preference.

I always enjoy reading war room scenes for some reason. It's nice getting the band back together sans Anna. I think it's the first tie they congregated without her in the picture? I could be wrong. If only they could wrap their head around trying to convince Jared instead of fearing him. Things would be a lot easier for everyone.

Apparently they say that sometime in the beginning of the second millennium the gateways to the portals of the demon worlds are going to be opened unleashing monsters on the earth that haven’t been seen since the time vampires were first created. Their ultimate goal is to take over humanity by systematically replacing their souls.

I am definitely looking forward to this section of your amazing story. I have fallen a few chapters behind, but I am getting excited my friend, because soon in a few weeks I will have more time to catch up. I have been really busy preparing for my German language exams soon so you will see nothing mainly but quick haikus to stay active on steemit :)
I will be back on your profile with a vengeance, and I do appreciate the renewed perspective and drive Michael has at the end. He should resume leadership qualities and recruit for the allies of old indeed. Time is ticking......

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