Reborn: Chapter Fifty Three "The Plan"

in #fiction7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

Series Summary

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Chapter Fifty Three

Once back inside the house, Michael was summoned to a meeting. Anna put a finger to her lips and sat outside the study with Jenna, listening in on the males’ conversation.

"The weaponry is basically a dead end, at least here in London," Matthias was saying.

"So no one has any?" Coderin sounded disappointed.

"Yeah, someone does, or at least...okay let me just tell you what happened. I went to a few of the twisted vampire lairs, you know the clubs they own or have claimed. I asked around, talked money, and this one vamp they call Paulo said if anyone had weapons like that it would be Jared. I asked around about him and was told he's not someone to fuck with, definitely didn't need money, and as far as any of them knew his only vices are fucking and fighting in that No Holds Barred underground ring they have. They all seemed wary of him, and that's saying something coming from those evil fuckers."

"Anyway I tracked him down to a bar called Stoke's. The dude just looks dangerous, he's easily the largest vamp I've ever seen. I was thinking maybe I could get him to gamble his weapons in the ring, so I sat down by him and tried striking up a conversation. He was definitely not what I'd call friendly. At any rate I finally got around to asking about the weapons, if there was any price he would part with them for. He looked at me like I was a bug he wanted to squash and told me in no uncertain terms that if he were to have anything like that there was nothing anyone could offer him that he couldn't get himself. So yeah that was a big fat No."

"Did you suggest the gamble?" Coderin asked.

"I thought better of it. You know I'm no coward, but the guy's built like a brick shit house and he's probably high on human blood, and those kind of guys have no problem with cheating. So all he's gotta do is drain a human before the fight and he's on the vampire version of steroids meets PCP. You know the odd thing is that he looked familiar, like someone I knew from another time but I can't put my finger on it. At any rate the vague association I have with that notion stands right by the one I've got now-tough and mean motherfucker."

"What about finding out where he keeps them and busting in?" Coderin asked.

He really wanted those weapons, he reminded Anna of a twelve year old boy who desperately wanted a BB gun.

"Yeah, see no one knows where he lives, in fact it's a sore point with the females I guess, that he's never taken any of them to his place. It's like a competition they're having with no winners. And even if we did find out where his place is, pretty damn likely it's protected like ours."

"So I guess we'll tell Leo it's a no go for now. What else we got going on?" Seth was not one to dwell on failures.

Jenna was tugging on Anna's sleeve and she led her friend upstairs. She told her what she’d heard, and as she was conveying it a thought crossed her mind. I could help. If women are one of his vices, and vampire women are in short supply....she shook her head. What am I crazy, she thought, then right on the heels of that...but I'm so useless just sitting around here.

"You know," she told Jenna, "sex with a vampire is supposed to be ten times what it is with a human."

"Who are you thinking of having sex with?" her friend quirked a brow and smiled slyly.

"Hey, where's Harriet?" Tell Jenna her idea? What was she thinking?

"I'm pretty sure she was in that room with them, and nice try but you're going to tell me."

"Nobody. I wasn't thinking of having sex, just maybe using that fact to get something...."

Jenna looked confused. "Like what?"

Harriet waltzed into the room looking at Anna in a strange way.

Anna looked between the two. "Never mind, it's a really bad idea."

"What is hon?"

"Nothing, I was just....I'd like to help with something you know? I just feel like I'm a burden, and I'm frustrated."

"I think we should all take a drive and Anna can tell us what's on her mind." Harriet suggested.

There was a peculiar glint in her eyes that caused goose bumps to raise on Anna's arms.

"Wait, where's Jess?"

"Don't worry, my niece is doing just fine with the odd one. Last I checked they were huddled on the back porch and seemed quite involved in their conversation.”

"A drive, not sure they'll let me do that."

"Oh they will, we'll just say we're going out for ice cream."

Michael grudgingly let her go and Anna felt elated. Wow, that's all it takes to make me happy now, just let me go for a drive.

When they were a good distance away Harriet spoke. "Tell us what you were thinking sweetie."

Anna took a deep breath and blew it out. "Okay, you heard everything about the weapons and how they can't get to them, well I was just thinking about what I could do to help."

"Like what?" Jenna raised her brow.

"Like maybe I could...."she frowned and thought it through a little. "Well he said that the females are in competition to find out where Jared lives. And I know that males like to have sex with vampire females when they get a chance. And since no one can take me by force, vein or sex, especially since I'm still a virgin, I was just thinking that maybe I could flirt his location out of him. Get him to take me to his place, let him think that we're going to get it on, then blur out of there and at least they'd know where to find him. Or maybe I'd get lucky and he'd have a weapon or two on display and I could snatch them...."

"Whoa, wait, are you nuts? Talk about flirting with danger, Matthias, you know the enormous tatted up dude who looks like he could swat someone's head off their shoulders? He is afraid of this vampire which pretty much says it all. No way." Jenna shook her head.

Anna started to nod and Harriet surprised them both. "I think it's worth a try."

Jenna was having a day of incredulous expressions. "What?"

"Women are so underrated, a fact that despite our supposed rights has not changed much over the centuries, and yet there are plenty of women in history who accomplished incredible feats." She looked at Anna appraisingly. "Do you think you can act?"

Anna thought about it. "You mean like a condemned vampiress?"

Harriet nodded.

"I think if I changed my hair and got some contacts and a sexy outfit I could put on a bit of a show. It's not as if he'd suspect, all vampire females have turned as far everyone knows, and I could just say I've been in America, hanging out in Vegas."

Harriet was nodding. "So no one can take your vein without permission…how does that work exactly, do they have to ask and you say yes or no, or can you say yes and mean no?"

Anna chewed on her lip. "I get what you're saying. I think maybe if he asks and I smile invitingly but inside my head I am saying Hell no....maybe that would work, since it’s more than just words."

"I don't get it," Jenna said, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Remember I told you that if a vamp tries to force a female they will suffer tremendous pain...

"Oh!" she cut in, "I see where this is going, so you get him to take you back to his place, get a little frisky and he goes for your vein and you knock him out with pain. Then you can get the weapons and get out."

"Right! This could work!" Anna was starting to feel a little excited.

"What if he's not interested in your vein, what if he goes straight for sex?" Jenna worried.

"Well, it's the same idea just a little more detailed. Either way I'll knock him out with pain as you said. Then when I get back to Michael's I can release him and change back to my own look, he’d have a hell of a time finding out who I am."

"So when would you do this?"

"Tomorrow night? Then you girls can be my alibi with my overprotective housemates."

"So what we would need to do," Harriet put in, "is say that we're taking you out on the town for the day and into the evening…that you need to get out and let down your hair so to speak. We'll get you a make-over and figure out a place for us to wait as you attempt this."

"I'm surprised you're so supportive of this idea." Anna eyed her, remembering the strange look. "Did you see something?"

"Not exactly. Just a feeling that this is something you need to do."

"Then it's settled."

They decided to get an ice cream after all then drove back to the house. Anna warned them not to say a word about it when they got there since the males could eavesdrop the same as she could.

They encountered Jess on the way to their rooms and her eyes had stars in them.

"So, what have you and Tyros been doing?" Anna teased.

"Ty is misunderstood," she began, leading Anna over to the bed by her elbow. "He had a tough life, he told me some things about it in confidence so I can't repeat it to you, but what I can say is that he's a really great guy. Based on the way he grew up his decisions to be a hunter and work on the side of good means he IS good, through and through."

"Oh come on, you can't say something like that and not dish a little," Anna prodded.

"No really, I promised it would stay between us. But I really like him. And I think he likes me too."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "You do realize he's a vampire right? Not a guy you can marry have kids with and live happily ever after."

"I know that! Why do you always have to be so condescending?"

"Oooh, big word, Jess has been working on her crossword puzzles."

"Sometimes you can be a real bitch!" Jess snapped.

Anna jumped in to neutralize. "Guys, come on, that's enough. There's nothing wrong with Jess making a friend, and don't call her stupid that pisses me off too."

"Whatever. She does always make smart choices, doesn't she?" Jenna’s voice dripped sarcasm.

"You know what-

"No, and I don't care what," Jenna cut Jess off, "I'm going downstairs."

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Woohoo girl power! That painful chastity belt thing that female vampires have is going to be put to good use way earlier than I expected. It's nice to have Anna and Jared finally crossing paths, but it's a shame they would need to be going through a tense encounter like this. Seeing as Jared and Anna might be the prophesied pair. Am I wrong? Wait, no, don't answer that haha!

I'm still kind of on the fence regarding the new guys, well except for Tyros. It's fortunate that he's the one getting the slow reveal treatment. I like how his story is developing outside the panel. Makes it seem that he's not adding to the clunk.

Oh by the way, I just realized that I made a mistake with Seth and Matthias identities' in a chapter entitled "Mistaken Identity" hahaha! Talk about self-fulfilling :D Overall, great "planning" chapter, my friend. I can't wait to read how they execute it.

Wow. Only @jedau and I are the ones commenting on this chapter, what an under appreciated chapter of literary skill! I really liked the way you laid things out to reintroduce the mighty Jared. I can see Anna's plans going completely different than how she sees it playing out in her mind lol Some crazy stuff is about to happen I just know it. Jess and Jenna's bickering is to be expected as siblings, so nice touch. Glad Tyros is coming more into the light about her misunderstood-ness but we will see if that is truth or a facade in the coming moments when it really counts. Aunt Harriet is so laid back, so it'll be surprising to see if you explore her and Seth more. :) Great stuff my friend

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