Reborn: Chapter Fifty One "Vows and New Beginnings"

in #fiction7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

Series Summary

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Chapter Fifty One

Jess continued, her tone one of mild hysteria."I'm afraid to leave the house because I hate seeing them. But I don't want to be with my family because they wouldn't understand, they would think I was crazy or possessed like Aunt Harriet. I would stay at your house, but I'm afraid to be alone. I want my sister and I can't reach her!"

So that's what Harriet had sensed, Anna thought. "Okay, calm down sweetie and listen to me. They cannot hurt you. They cannot touch you. They are only shadows, they have no power unless someone gives it to them. And you can shut them out. It's just like turning a light switch on and off in your head. The next time you see one squeeze your eyes shut and will it away-when you open them again it'll be gone. It might take a few tries but with some effort you can do it, and pretty soon it becomes second nature."

"I know, I heard you talking about that before," she was crying her words coming out garbled, "but I can't help being scared."

"I know babe." Anna paused and thought it over. "Here's what I want you to do. Go to my house. In the upstairs hallway closet on the top shelf way in the back is a box. There's about three thousand dollars in cash, I want you to take it and go to Harriet's. They're leaving in two days, so you have time. It's only about a five or six hour drive for you and I'm sure Jenna will check her messages, so just call and let her know you're on your way."

"I don't know if I can drive there by myself," she sniffled.

“Sweetie it's dark right now, I'm sure you'll feel better about the idea tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, I guess so. Thank you, I'll only use the money I need, I won't-

"Stop! Do not think twice about the money. I don't care about money I care about you, so use every last cent because I won't accept it back."

"Okay, you don't have to bite off my head," she grumbled.

Anna laughed, "Sorry. Anyway, you're going to France! That's awesome!"

"Well, if they'll let me."

"Of course they will! And guess what? I'm going to England so we can all meet up!"

"You are? To England? When, with who?"

"Soon and's a long story, but they're like me. And they're good."

"Really, you met other vampires? How do you know they're good, remember that Jake guy seemed good...
Jess, trust me, they're not like Jake."

"Guys or girls?"

It really had been too long since they'd talked. "Males. Four vampires and a werewolf," she giggled as she said the last.

"Uh Uh! A werewolf? You're teasing me."

"You're right. Werewolf is a human term, they're actually called Lyncane."

"Are you serious!?"

"As a heart attack."

"So you're going to England, are they cute?"

Anna laughed, leave it to Jess. "Cute. Yeah, that would be an understatement. In fact....let me take a few pictures and send them to you."

Anna snuck a bunch of pictures then hit send.

A minute later Jess was exclaiming loudly in her ear. "Oh my GOD, they're gorgeous! Especially the one sitting alone at the bar, he is sooo hot!"

Anna glanced at Tyros. Figured she would go for him…though actually he was Jess’s type, she generally went for lankier guys. Anna had never heard her gush over a large framed man. Not that Ty was small by any stretch, he was at least six foot two and though he wasn't overtly buff it was obvious he had a nice firm body, rangier muscles instead of bulky.

"Are all vampires good looking?"

"You know, I'm not sure. All the ones I've seen so far. I guess they have good genetics."

"So which one do you like?"

Anna laughed, "I don't know. I haven't known them long enough to figure that out yet."

"What about Will and Josh, aren’t you going to miss them? I heard they were really cute too."

Anna looked at the McClaron's feeling a slight tug in her heart. "Yes, I will definitely miss their cute selves. But we'll keep in touch."

"Okay, well I guess I better go pack. You know what, I feel so much better now! I can't wait to go to France, and I can't wait to see you, and I'll be able to meet your new friends, right?" All evidence of fear and worry had flown from her voice, making Anna smile.

"Of course."

"Yay! I'll call you when I get to my aunt's house."

"You better. I love you."

"Love you too!"

When Anna hung up she realized every vampire in the room could have listened to her conversation if they wanted. It was a very good thing she hadn't elaborated on her thoughts and feelings. She peered around and saw that Tyros was staring at her. So he had listened, huh?

She walked over to him. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"Your friend thinks I'm gorgeous."


"Do you have a picture of her?"

She pulled the saved photos up on her phone and looked for one of Jess. There was a great one of her posing by the lake and she held it out to him. He stared at it for a moment and smiled a little.

"She's very pretty."

"I know. All my friends are. In fact my dad used to joke that I must be prejudiced against ugly people since everyone I hang out with is attractive."

"Are you?"

Her brows drew together. "Am I what?"

"Prejudiced against ugly people."

She laughed. "No, of course not. That would make me shallow."

"And you're not shallow?"

She frowned. "You really need to work on your people skills."

"Isn't that what I'm doing? I'm asking you questions, carrying on a conversation. How else does someone work on it?"

"Okay. Fair enough. And no I'm not shallow. I love people for who they are not for what they look like. My friends just happened to be amazing people who look amazing."

He cocked his head to the side, his dark eyes flashing subtly as if considering. He eyed her neck and said abruptly "Will you let me take your vein?"

Her eyes widened. "Um. I don't know. I've never, well except when I was turned and I was forced to, I've never done that. You guys are the first vampires I've ever met."

Michael appeared over her shoulder looking a little angry. "No, she will not let you take her vein."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you had claimed her."

"I haven't...Tyros you should know that sharing a vein is intimate, not done lightly especially when you first meet someone." He sounded like someone patiently scolding a child.

"Is it?" Anna asked.

Michael looked at her. "Things have been different for you. I'm aware of your taking from the McClaron's, but in our culture we take from animals and only from the veins of those we're intimate with."

Tyros looked away.

"Come over and sit with us Anna."

"I'm okay Michael, I appreciate your concern, but Tyros and I are working on his people skills."

Tyros looked back at her, his expression unreadable.

"Are you sure?" Michael looked at Tyros warily.


He frowned but nodded once and walked away.

"Where were we?" Anna asked.


"So how long have you....

"I'm done working on people skills for today," he shifted his focus away, his long lashes shielding his eyes.

"You're dismissing me?"


She bit her lip and sighed before turning away from him and heading back over to Josh.

He was seated in a comfortable chair, leaning back looking about as tired as she was feeling. His lap looked comfortable and she thought, Why not, I'll be gone soon. She climbed onto him and curled up like a cat. He immediately put his arms around her and she noticed she'd drawn a number of eyes but didn't care, she just wanted to be comfortable for one last night.


Anna’s initial days in England were a highly educational experience.

The first thing she learned was that a female vampire had certain interesting advantages. No one could force a female to give their vein or to have sex. If a male attempted either without permission they would be struck by the most intense pain a being could experience. It started in their head, an acute pain akin to a severe toothache and then if it were related to sex it would travel down the body and center in their groin. If it was related to their vein it would run through their blood. This pain would last for three straight days unless the female released them from it with the words "You are forgiven." Although it wasn’t the words that mattered, it was the intent behind them. And if the female was a virgin? A male couldn't attempt it without expressing love-and again it was the intent that mattered, not the words.

With one exception. If a vow was made.

The vow of a vampire was iron clad and it could be made about all manner of things. You would start with the words, I vow this to you, or for you, or on behalf of, and then you can put anything in it you wanted, finishing it up with words in the ancient language of the vampire. Montadade Basillade Chrisenade Tahallum. Loosely translated it meant with my heart, my soul and my life, I swear this, and after the words were uttered it was a done deal.

Some otherworldly force would compel the person who made the vow to keep it, but if for some reason they broke it they would suffer the kind of agony similar to what one experienced for violating females, vein and sex. Anna asked how this worked but wasn’t given a precise answer. It just was.

In addition to vows, there were also a vast number of spells, but few knew them in their entirety anymore. This crew knew one however, a protection spell or ward, and Michael's home was enveloped in it. It had to be performed yearly, but apparently it made it impossible for anyone to come in who was not invited. This particular spell was where the myth that vampires could not enter a place uninvited had come from. At some point along the line, when many vampires had "turned" or "fallen" (the term differed depending on who you were talking to) vampires still true to their purpose invoked this spell to protect their homes from them.

On her second day they brought her with them to meet the Faerian hunters who were mutually acquainted with Jack. Leo, the one Jack had initially spoken to on the phone, owned a rare and used bookstore and the crew assembled in a back room to discuss the things that were going on in the world of demons.

Michael and the others filled the hunters in on what they’d discussed with the McClaron’s, so basically it was a repeat of the night she’d met them-with one new element-weaponry. She learned that vampires took the fangs of their dead, partially so that humans who came across the bodies would not be aware of what they were looking at, but more importantly because these teeth retained their power to destroy demons.

Ages ago vampires had fashioned all kinds of weapons with their fangs, using them against more physically powerful demons, but also distributing it among the humans who battled with them. Anna told them about the Mistress and her necklace and they explained that it was “spelled” and that long ago a number of these medallions had been created so that non-Faerians could “see”.

At that point Anna began imagining great battles of old, where vampires and humans fought side by side against their common enemy. She loved the idea of that, it connected them all in a way she hadn't thought much about before.

The males didn't currently have any of these weapons, but they'd heard there were still some pieces in the possession of vampires who had turned. Apparently these condemned vamps had made pacts with demons and were holding onto the weapons as a favor. But Matthias thought that for the right price they might be willing to part with them. The problem was they’d also vowed never to give or sell them to other vampires who might use them, which meant that either the Faerian hunters or humans would need to do the bartering. Leo thought they should hire out, but it was tricky. Fallen vampires couldn't be trusted and it would not be known whether the weaponry was authentic until it was tested.

This discussion went on for awhile then turned to the several groups of possessed humans in the area as well as the increasing amounts of demons who were running in packs. It was more and more common in urban areas to see the shadows gathered in groups and not necessarily dogging humans. This was a highly disturbing development, and they debated the reasons without coming up with anything concrete.

After they left the bookstore they took her on a hunt, not for demons but animals. She thought it would be gruesome, but found it was almost beautiful. Their movements were graceful and quick, and the animals didn’t appear to suffer. Michael explained that their fangs released a chemical that acted as a calming agent and was even pleasurable…something she already knew of course.

She attempted to drink the blood of a deer but the taste made her gag, so they had her try a number of others but it was always the same, she just couldn’t stomach it. In the end they decided she would drink from them instead, taking turns between them so unnatural attachments didn’t result.

On the third and fourth days Michael stayed with her while the others went off to other things. She asked him about how her healing powers worked and she learned that when it came to dissipating the effects of demons, it worked fairly quickly and painlessly. Unfortunately it was different for physical injuries. Just as she’d felt that fleeting pain over healing Will’s arm, anytime she used it for that she would experience the pain of the one she was healing, even taking on their ailments in a mental way. For instance if she healed someone of cancer she would contract the disease herself for a bit, suffering whatever the individual had suffered, and it was significantly draining as well. She decided it made sense as it reduced the desire to spend a great deal of time in hospitals playing God.

She also asked about their names, since she hadn’t heard them use a last name, and he’d told her their true names were alien to the human race. The names they currently used were just pseudonyms for their actual names. With the exception of Seth McKellar. And as far as the wolf-man was concerned, she also found out werewolf was not quite an accurate comparison. He was more a shape shifter. While the full moon had an effect on him, it did not turn him into a mindless monster.

On the fifth day they went to another meeting with Leo’s group and afterward Michael brought her back to the house, sat her down, and laid down some rules. She was not to go out after sunset or before sunrise. During the day she could only leave the property if she were accompanied. When she was out in the day she couldn't talk to anyone she didn't know, which meant anyone but them or those they knew and deemed okay. He explained in the kindest of tones that she was far too precious and valuable to risk exposure.

As a result of these rules within a week she was bored out of her skull. The males, Michael included, were generally gone all night and either slept most of the day or went out. To where she didn’t know, but she recalled Matthias telling Will they led fairly separate lives.

She stretched out on the hammock Coderin had brought home to her the day before and tried to call Jenna and Jess for the tenth time that afternoon. Voice mail again. She looked around and sighed. The males had been out all night as usual but at least most other mornings she was useful for a moment as they often needed her healing touch after tangling with demons. She hadn’t seen them yet today, so at the moment she just felt like someone under house arrest. She understood their concerns, but she hadn't had this much restriction since she was a child and it was driving her batty.

Dad, she thought suddenly, better check in.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I share with the opinions of the previous messages, you are excellent and a great example for many of us, congratulations dear friend @dreemit for this great work

We posted almost exactly the same time!!! I'll be reading this after I eat dinner, I just wanted to leave a comment to celebrate it :D

I know, I caught yours right after it was put up, I've already left a comment :)

You're such a quick reader! I've just finished reading and will be making a new comment for my review now.

Currently editing jedau's novel, so I promise when I finish, I'll be able to read yours again and begin commenting again :)

I love that I have fallen behind many chapters as you know I love to binge read, and this chapter was nicely sized, I read it fairly quickly too. So much amazing information to digest, with the shapeshifter wolf, the spell wards, the consequences of forced intimacy on a vampire, the hindrance of Anna's healing of physical wounds, Tyros' advances, Jess' worrisome demeanor and traveling to Jenna and Aunt Harriet. Way too many things I've missed out on, great stuff my friend. I can only read one chapter for now. Back to editing @jedau's novel, I'm pressed for time due to a deadline

I feel the exact same way as you, as I'm also a binge reader. And series watcher too, I definitely don't mind falling behind so that I have a lot more to read or watch at once :)
I'm putting up a milestone post tomorrow. Not sure if you were among those I mentioned this to, but it's for reaching 10,000sp and also 300+ followers. I've made it less wordy and more about images and links, in fact it's a journey of images and links for a number of steemit's finest :) I'll be sure to stick the link in a comment, my fine friend ;)

Talk about a speedy response, that's great to hear, congrats on the big milestone my dear friend. I will definitely check it out soon. I've fallen behind about 52 pages of editing so now I must power through lol :)

I didn't put it up yet, not until tomorrow-and no need to reply back, get your editing caught up! lol!

I have to respectfully disagree with @jedau on this one. I didn't find it too long. But then I usually find your posts end too soon, so maybe I'm a bit strange like that!

I think it depends on reading preferences. I can read a large novel in a couple days easily :) Thank you.
Had an old friend come to town, and I spent the day with her and a couple of others. Didn't have time to post, but there will be one up tomorrow.

Oh good, I'll look forward to it. Yes, I can read a large novel in a couple of days too. If I had such a luxury as a couple of days... But I must stop affirming that I'm too busy!

I would like to have your imagination! You always deliver the best post in steemit. Keep making steemit great and inspiring others. Have a great start to the week dear dreemit!

Good lord, you and @jedau are dude by side in my feed. No easy scrolling down for me. Ever more intriguing!!

Haha yeah! I was surprised to find a new Reborn chapter right after I posted. I really wish we could say that we planned it all.

You both did didn't you!! It was a plot, who knows what other fiendish and dastardly things you have planned for us poor readers. We submit, we suuubmiiit! :0)

Curses!! Our plan is foiled!! Might as well go out and say that there will be a crossover between our stories. It turns out that Ledd grows up to be Anna's prophesied betrothed, then they will go up against an army of gigantic Dantalion-possessed Shadow Men. It's going to be bonkers!!

Hahaha, hahaha, haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa!!!

Yes, that would be bonkers!!! Face me a right old laugh though!!!

It's wild, can almost see it working

Dude by side, LOL, that is a new phrasing for me, hee hee.

Now this chapter read more smoothly than the previous ones. I guess the talk that resembled gossiping high school friends near the beginning made it lighter? Haha! It was a very entertaining read for sure. It's ironic how Tyros was highlighted immediately after I replied to you in a previous comment that he was the one that stood out the most for me.

Interesting mechanic surrounding raping a female vampire. If only that applied to humans as well, the world would be better off. Instead of 3 days, make it a lifetime of pain! It's cool that you touched on the myth of inviting vampires as well. I haven't thought of it that way. Nice to have wards as the reason. Makes more sense.

You could've easily divided it where you put the **, my friend. The first part read really smoothly, and it was very easy to digest. It had a good balance all to its own, and it felt like a complete chapter. The second part was a bit bulky, I think. If it were to stand on its own, without the first part, I think it would be alright as a chapter, but it was chock full of events and information.

I can't pinpoint where exactly the bulk is concentrated in, but it might be in how the montage was executed. Though, I can't say for sure. I'm not saying that there's anything really wrong with the chapter, I'm just saying that the second part really dragged it out a bit. But, perhaps it's just personal preference. As you may know, I'm not a huge binge reader :)

In any case, great job, my friend :D

You have mentioned you're not a binge reader. And I have mentioned that splitting it for steemit has been a pain in my booty, can't always catch it right. I felt like if I ended it at the ** it would have been super short. And it definitely would have in comparison to my other chapters with only Jared's chapters as exceptions. They have to stand alone But you're probably right. Also, I think I felt like the chapter of Anna getting information would have been too dull on its own? But maybe it wouldn't have dragged as much if I kept it shorter. I'm not sure I'll ever quite get splitting this book up right for this platform. Writing Today Again intentionally for steemit was a whole different thing.

Also, I think that's probably the only chapter for the rest of the book that was a little dull (and I maybe wanted to get it out of the way, LOL). Necessary because of the info however.

Oh, hey, don't take my word for it. I'm the last person who should be giving advice about posts here haha! Your stories are doing exponentially better, my friend :D

I found the first part very intriguing, and wouldn't have felt shortchanged if it was a standalone chapter. The second part, to me, felt it dragged a bit because of the montage sequence. But, overall, this chapter felt very smooth to read compared to the previous ones that introduced the new characters. The information was easily digestible, as I mentioned previously. Perhaps I'm just being acclimated to the newer setting now.

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