Reborn: Chapter Fifty Nine "The Anti-Hero"

in #fiction7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

Series Summary

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Chapter Fifty Nine

She found herself on a deserted street looking up at the roof of a building. She couldn't quite make her eyes understand what she was seeing. It looked like a battle was raging and there were shadow men everywhere. She leapt up to a corner of the building where there wasn’t any action and saw Coderin and Michael lying still.

Tyros and Matthias were fighting back to back, ripping and tearing the things apart, but despite the frequency of their blows and the ferocity on their fanged countenances they seemed to be getting weaker. She looked around for Seth, anxiety shortening her breath. She spotted him in wolf form, bleeding from several gashes. In fact they were all bleeding. She had to do something, but what? She saw a horrific demon, unlike anything she'd seen before looming over Michael and leapt for it.

"Anna, NO!" Matthias was fighting his way over to them while she tore at the demon in a frenzy. She could feel it trying to get inside her mind, but this time she was prepared and walled it. Just when she thought she was getting the better of it, another one slammed into her, yanking her off.

She felt something oozing from her and then her mind was being ripped at...

Someone grabbed her forearm and pulled her from the demon, leaping from the roof onto the sidewalk below. She was dropped on the cement and found herself looking up into bewildered ice blue eyes.

"Why did you jump in the fight, what could possibly be in it for you?" Jared demanded. As he glared down at her his eyes flickered in surprised confusion. Instead of violet, he was staring into turquoise eyes ringed with gold.

Anna stared up at the behemoth, mouth working, no words coming. Her mind was still pushing away the darkness that had crept in. She looked back at the roof and found her voice, "Help them, please help them, please…" she started to get up and he shoved her back down.

She stared up at him and made a rash decision, the words
coming out in a rush. "If you help them, I vow to let you use my body however you see fit," she paused, trying to remember the words. "Montadade Basillade Chrisenade Tahallum!"

He gazed down at her, a war raging in his features. He probably feels the demons are just doing the job for him, Anna thought miserably. Why would a condemned vampire even be tempted to help, when he could just bring her home and torture her into submission…..but then he leapt.

She stared after him in surprise and then leapt up too, crouching down in a corner out of the way. She watched in amazement while he diced up the demons as if they were nothing more than the shadows they appeared to be. He ripped apart one right after another, and when several teamed up and jumped him, he shook them off like ants, then turned and ripped them apart as well. Matthias, who was still battling, kept glancing at him with an expression of recognition and awe.

The demons began to retreat. They were backing off and staring at Jared, distorted features full of fear and hate. He said something in a language Anna didn't know, and they took off in a flurry.

She rushed forward with the intention of healing her friends but he caught her, and in a blink they were plunging into his house. Inside his bedroom he spun her to face him and his eyes were once more incandescent, but this time there was black in their depths as well. After effects of the demon attack, she acknowledged.

"You have to take me back, I have to help them…" she was cut off by a stinging slap to her face.

His voice sounded alien and demonic as he spoke through clenched teeth. "Open your mouth again and I will Shatter. Your. Jaw."

She bit down on her lip and reached out to touch him, intending to heal the damage the demons had wrought, but he grabbed her wrists before she could and spun her around roughly. Her shins slammed into the bed frame and he bent her over the edge of the mattress, using his free hand to rip her pants down.

She had a moment to think of the irony that the nearly unrape-able was about to be raped before his massive shaft slapped down against the cleft of her bottom causing her stomach to clench with fear.

He leaned forward and snarled into her ear, "Hands out in front of you."

She obeyed, her heart tripping like a frightened sparrow. Gooseflesh broke out all over her as he ripped away the remainder of her clothing exposing her skin to the cool air. He covered her breasts with his large palms and something inside of her shifted in response. She had the crazy thought that whatever it was, it was irrevocable.

The warmth from his hands as he massaged her flesh soothed the tension knotting her stomach and she was glad he was behind her. From this position she could pretend there was warmth in his expression as well.

This is not how it’s supposed to be, she thought as an image of Austin’s gentle face blazed into her consciousness. Tears stung the back of her lids and she blinked them away. Ante up, she shouted internally, you brought this on yourself!

His palm slid down her belly and cupped her sex, large fingers sifting, and suddenly the fear gave way to something else. As his probing found her entrance she gasped.

Why does he make me respond like this? She wondered in confusion. His continued exploration heightened her sensations until her body ached for him, filling with a craving so intense she was suddenly on the verge of begging him to relieve it.

He hissed something in her ear and lifted off her, using his knees to spread her wide. She pressed her forehead down into the blankets, bracing for penetration. The enormous head of him began nudging into her and her breath came out in little panicky bursts.

A guttural sound burst from him and with one powerful thrust he tore through her barrier. She cried out into the rumpled blanket and there was the briefest of pauses before he pulled out only to plunge in deeper.

Oh my Goddd, she thought incoherently, how can something hurt so much but feel so good at the same time? The strange feeling of craving soared higher with each brutal thrust and she strained backwards towards him, searching for release.
He growled again dropping down on his forearms, and pinned her arms against her head. The feel of his warm breath by her ear caused a tingling sensation to travel down her neck and mewling sounds broke free of her mouth. His rhythm increased in tempo, his pelvis slamming faster and harder against her bottom and when he sank his fangs into her neck she came so hard a cry tore from her throat and tears sprung to her eyes. Her inner muscles contracted violently and she felt his legs shuddering against her.
When she stopped twitching he flipped her over onto her back and pushed her knees backward, spreading her wide.

His eyes were flashing, his full lips curved in a soundless snarl as he pressed into her. He slid a hand under her head and gripped her hair then proceeded to fuck her so hard she feared the bed would break apart beneath her. Waves of pleasure crashed through her as he continued the assault, centering in her bottom and spreading down her thighs to her toes. She reached up and gripped his shoulders as he rode, hanging on for dear life.

Something in his eyes began to change as she pulled the darkkness from them, and he made a strangled sound as he continued to thrust. He took her mouth with his and she felt him grow even larger and knew he was about to come.
His eyes registered a shocked disbelief just before his release. His neck strained backwards with the force of it and he roared at the ceiling, the pulsing of him sending her over the edge once more with a startled cry.

When he was finished he stood there breathing heavily, his eyes wild and unfocused. She felt something compress inside of her as she stared up at his heaving body. He was so devastating to her senses she found it difficult to breathe. He’s so impossibly beautiful, she thought as she took in his broad form, every inch rippling with muscle. Even her imagination could not have conjured up a male so perfect. She could barely bring herself to focus on his face. Fallen Angel, she thought, but even that description fell short somehow.

He finally met her eyes and began slowly shaking his head as if in denial. He pulled out of her and backed up a few steps, continuing to stare at her as if he'd just woken from a vastly disturbing dream. He blinked rapidly and gave his head one last hard shake, then turned and strode from the room.

She lay there a few minutes longer, trying to get her bearings. Her world had just been thoroughly turned inside out. Shouldn't have been a new feeling, but this was. Shakily she pulled herself up and leaned over the side of the bed. She managed to salvage her pants enough for a return trip home but her shirt was once again demolished.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and dropped to the floor spotting another shirt of his in the corner. She picked it up and slipped it over her head breathing in a scent she couldn’t identify though it was somehow familiar. Like the forest in winter. His scent, she thought, her throat constricting for reasons she couldn’t explain.

She had thrown his other shirt away but had a feeling this one would end up under her pillow. She felt hysterical laughter bubbling up and shoved it back down, but that made the tears come. She clamped her sliding emotions as tightly as possible and stood in the middle of the hard wood floor wondering where he’d gone.

She stretched out her senses and listened intently but was greeted by silence. Too quiet, she thought, unnaturally so. No, not unnatural, she realized with a sudden chill, instinctual. Like the world was holding its breath so it wouldn’t attract the attention of an enraged and dangerous predator.

She walked slowly through the house then proceeded outside and looked around. He was gone. She stood in the middle of his lawn trying to decide what to do then an image of her injured male friends filled her mind. She darted one last look at his house and blurred home.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


When I said previously that Anna shouldn't be forgiven so easily for her actions, I really didn't mean for her to get raped. I know it's a touchy subject, but in my opinion, you scripted this very well. Sharp writing for this chapter. The action flowed seamlessly, and the pacing was spot on. The rollercoaster of emotions that Anna went through was depicted really well. Way to put on a clinic, my friend!

Yes, it was brutally done, but is it rape when she'd made the pact with him, and given him permission? With two such headstrong characters as Jared and Anna, it was never gonna go down easy!

It's my fault for putting that thought in there "the unrapeable being raped" even though you are absolutely right, he had permission. Also, he doesn't have a clue as to who and what she is. Hopefully the readers remember that every last female had been either turned or hunted down and killed, she drinks from humans which he can smell so even if/when he considers that she's not fully turned he's certainly not going to realize many things about her. Michael is one of the youngest vampires alive at 130 years old, and there haven't been new females in much longer than that...and let's not forget he hates humans to add more fun to the story! lol :)

I remember those things ;-)

I thought you would ;) People are going to hate me for certain ways I do things, particularly lots of tension and anticipation and build up, but in the end they'll love me for it...I can say that with some amount of confidence considering those who have read books one and two so far :)

The execution of this chapter was great, my friend! Those are good points you guys brought up, and I'm glad that there's a comments section to discuss these things! Definitely conversation material :D

Thank you and agreed. If my comments are a little shorter than usual, I apologize, I'm feeling a bit under the weather and weak. Need to get my strength back up, been putting in some extra hours of sleep :) Going to check your page, and a few others.

No worries about that, my friend! What's important is you get your strength back up to 100% :D I'm not feeling that great as well, but I can manage. Sleep all day, sister! You deserve it for all the hard work you put in to everything you do :D

Nothing good ever comes easy, or so they say. Certainly in this context, the tension is a necessary part of the good story.

OOOHHHH good catch, Deb! I guess technically it isn't. It's a tricky line to balance, but it was wonderfully depicted. (Now I can say "wonderful" given the context without offending anyone haha!)

You certainly won't be offending me ;-)

For the 'rape' stuff, see deb and my comments lol.
Thank you for the compliments, again this is a chapter I wanted to come across a certain way and it appears to have done its job! :)

You definitely put your heart and soul into this chapter my friend, it was a nonstop jaw dropping set of scenes. Well done and executed, the tension, suspense, pressure, uncertainty, guilt, pain, sadness, climatic adrenaline was all wrapped up in a raw package!

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