Rooms Of Time- The Announcement (Chapter 5)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Please see the other chapters here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 

"What on earth or you talking about? Of course it's me you stupid woman. Now stand there as we announce our engagement and for pity's sake woman, have the common decency to smile!" He gritted his teeth in a smile as he stood looking at their audience.

Lara and the Earl stand at the top of the stairs, as the Earls father struggles to climb them. As he reaches the top red faced and out of breath, he once again opens a speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my honour to announce the engagement of The Earl of Plymouth to Lady Emile Rose!"

Everyone gasped and clapped in amazement as The Earl grabbed Lara's arm forcing her into a kiss. She squirmed uncomfortably but held her composure. The music once again starts and the floor is filled with dancing. As soon as the speech finished they walked down the stairs holding hands. The newly engaged couple made their way through the crowds talking to their guests until eventually they went their separate ways. Lara caught Lucy's eye indicating to meet her in the gardens. 

Lucy and Lizzie catch up with Lara, who leads them behind a set of  conifers. Lara was visibly shaking.

"Lizzie give me a fag......quick......don't look at me like that, I know you have snook some in."

Lizzie rolled her eyes as she pulled then out of her bustier, then realised how distraught Lara looked." Lara, you don't even smoke.......what the hell has happened?"

Lara lit the cigarette and started to cough through the tears that were streaming down her face.

"It's him........that's him........he's got different hair and his face is slimmer. He smells different....but it's him...... I know it is. " She was rushing her words in hysteria."

Lucy held Lara's shoulders with both hands and looked her straight in the eye. "Lara............are you talking about Chris?" 

She nodded looking at the both in turn.

" look.......!" She lifted up the sleeve of her dress to reveal the finger prints. "It's The Earl.......The Earl is Chris......This is really weird, we need to we need to go." 

" I can't believe it's Chris.....why the hell would they put someone like Chris in this game. That is just cruel. They must know that he was a woman beating bastard. C'mon let's find the others." Lizzie stuffed the cigarettes back into her bustier and marched off in front. Gemma came flying towards them and ushered them back behind the conifers.

" are never going to believe this." Gemma was out of breath and struggling to breathe in her dress. She looked at Lucy. " Your brother, Daniel....he's going to propose to Lara."

"It doesn't matter Gemma, we have got to get of here. The's Chris!" Lucy almost whispered the information to Gemma.

"What the hell............Yes..............We must go!"

As they were turning to leave, Natalie appeared. " I know......It's Chris.....I noticed the moment he sat down next to me.   It's them bastard eyes. We are not leaving. Lets get him back......Lara......Do you want karma ?"

"Well yes..........but..........?"

"But what?"

"He's bruised my arm. He could do it again............. What are you thinking ?" She was still shaking as she spoke with hesitance.

" Lucy.......he has his eye on you for a bit of....ya know. He was bragging about it with his scum bag mates. We need to lure him into the gardens and then catch him out. "

"But how do you catch him out?"

" You'll see ! Lucy are you up  for this. We can all be around to jump the twat if he goes to far!"

Lara looks horrified as she tries to get Natalie's attention. "No... this is a bad idea!"

"I'll do it...........I will do it. We all saw what he did to you. He needs his karma!"

Lizzie takes lara's arm. "You do know that this is NOT actually Chris?"

"But it a way and he's hurt Lara, look at the bruises. I'm gonna do it." Lucy starts to walk off but Natalie pulls her back. 

"Hang on we need a plan first!"

The girls stand talking for a while as they plan their next move. As they walk back into the hall the clock strikes 11pm and the girls signal to each other to fall into position. Lizzie and Gemma head to the gardens as Lara heads towards Lady Thorpe. Natalie goes to find The Earl.

The Earl is sat playing cards when Natalie sneaks up behind him whispering in his ear. " Miss Walton awaits you in the gardens, behind the row of conifers. The earl gulps as he straightens his cravat.

"Thankyou Mr Jones!" He turns to the men sat around the table. "Excuse me gentleman, I will be back in a short while." He winks at Natalie as he makes his way towards the gardens. 

Lucy is sat on a bench behind the conifers, trying to pose in a sultry fashion, whilst Gemma is keeping lookout, Lizzie is trying to give her some guidance. 

"Right you need a safe word."

"Don't worry Lizzie, I can handle him!"

"Don't be thick Lucy, I know your good at that but come on.....if it gets too much shout........erm.......Mr Darcy!"

"Mr Darcy.....really? Couldn't you think of something more original ?"

Gemma suddenly interrupts the conversation. "He's coming.....lizzie get back here. know what to do!"

Lucy drapes herself across the bench anxiously awaiting the arrival of The Earl.

Meanwhile back in the manor Lara is having a conversation with her parents, when Natalie interrupts them. "The Earl requests your presence in the gardens. He has a special gift for his fiance." They all gasp in excitement as Natalie leads the way picking up the Earls parents on the way. As word gets about others follow. As they get to the door she turns to the guests. 

"Please all be quiet, it is a surprise after all!"

The guests nod in agreement, rubbing their hands and whispering excitedly between themselves.

"Ok....Are you ready?....Follow me!"

To be continued:

 Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read and I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading.     


It's getting more exciting with every installment

Ahhh thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. It means a lot!

Ooooooh... this is getting good!
To be continued: Arrggghhh!


Arhhhhhhhh glad you like it aunt-deb :-)

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