Does God exist?

in #fiction6 years ago

This is a question that has been asked many times. We live in the era of science. Every action or belief we have has a possible scientific explanation. I myself believe in God and visit temples regularly. But when I thought of a possible explanation for the existence of God, I made up a little research and came up with the best possible answer I could get.

Science has proved that our brain is divided into two parts, Conscious part, and Subconscious part. Conscious part comprises of 10% of the total brain and the rest 90% is the Subconscious part. All the logical skills, reasoning skills are done by conscious part. The subconscious part being major space holder in the brain has more power. It does not ask question why how when etc. That is the reason why we state our subconscious mind to be super powerful. It does things exactly what is told to it no matter what.

You might have come across incidents where human body shows exceptional power in case of emergency. That is an example of the power of our subconscious brain.hirsch-643340_1280.jpg

Well is it related to belief in God? Yes, it is.

When we go to temple, mosque, church etc, we pray to God in silence. Nobody else listens to our prayers. Let’s replace God with your subconscious mind. Let us say I am praying to God, “God, please get this job”. We pray this thing daily to God, in our case we say this daily to our subconscious mind. Since it does not has any reasoning power, it takes your command as you say, and starts working for it. If you notice deeply, you will start working for it, even without your knowledge, and one fine day you get the job. This is not magic or illusion or mythological power of God. This is the power of the God in you, YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.

Now you will have a question that, how does subconscious mind know what to do and other related stuff. There comes our conscious brain. From years, we have a belief that, whatever is asked to the God, it will be fulfilled and thus the logic part of our prayer is cleared by conscious brain. Thus conscious brain also works for this purpose, because its already fed into your mind that, if you pray hard, you will get the result, and you are already praying hard. When our conscious mind starts working for it, it automatically searches for opportunities around you or research itself. And finally, it gets done which you thought, you could never do.

Conclusion: Presence of God is still a myth. I don’t have an answer to it. But if you consider your subconscious mind as your God, it will always be with you, it will help you achieve your goals, no matter how tough it is. But, trust on subconscious mind is necessary and things do not change overnight.
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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is certain

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