Does anyone know about the box?

in #fiction8 years ago

I don’t know when I first became aware of it but I’m starting to think it’s been lurking around in the background for months. It was just there hidden in plain sight trying not to be noticed as it took root.
The more I think about it the more I’m certain it turned up just after my sleep patterns altered. I’ve always been someone who could sleep, a deep sleep from which no dreams were remembered. To my wife’s annoyance within minutes of getting into bed I would drift into sleep while she struggled for hours. Then about four months ago, everything flipped and I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’d spend the night drifting in and out of sleep and dreams that I started to remember. A broken and fractured nights’ rest that always left me tired.

The dreams were nothing special, just your normal run of the mill dreams to start with and it was a while before I noticed it hiding there. Yet it was in all my dreams, just lurking in the background, a small cardboard box with the number 10 printed on it.
It didn’t do anything, never got used or picked up, it just sat in the background and the more I noticed it the more it lurked, trying to hide itself.
Then last week things changed, it started to grow, in each dream it was a little bigger, a little less in the background. It was still lurking but now it was developing menace. My dreams took on a new edge as the box came forward from the background of my dreams. I don’t know how to explain it as the box never did anything, never moved yet it was a sinister presence in every night’s dreams.

I woke up early again this morning and I’m really scared. The thought of going to go to sleep tonight is more than I can bear as the box has stopped lurking. Last night it was right in the fore-ground of my dream, front and centre. It radiated malice and that feeling won’t leave me even after being awake for three hours. I can’t talk to my wife about this, she would just dismiss it and anyway she’s had to go look after her mother who is recovering from a fall. At least she is safe and out of the way.
I know with my next dream the box will open and all that malice will spill out. I don’t know what to do but feel the need to explain what has been happening, maybe by posting this someone else will know of the box and what to do.
I can only hope.


This is very good. Nice work. Please get some sleep!

Don't worry, i did :)

The box is not an external event but an internal one. It is not out side of you but is you. It is the part and reality of who and what you are that you do not want to face. I would suggest that it is also your past trying to make you be what you were and stop or delay you from where you want to go and be. The solution. Face and open the box, know that it is the past not the future. its what you were and you have the choice of what you will be. With that when it shows you the reality of who you were you can say but NO MORE! I will be that NO MORE! I will be who I desire not whom others desire. I will be the original me that is me.

That kinda makes sense, thanks.

Oh boy! That is excellent! Well done, well done indeed!

This was my dream last night and I really did wake up scared and out of sorts for over an hour.

Wow! I had vivid dreams last night too... must be the weather ;)

A box plays a testing device in many stories 😉

What happened to the wife? Did her sleeping pattern become better? Also, did you notice the number 10 printed on the box every day?

The wife still slept poorly as they would disturb each other now. As for the box it is always the same with the number 10 printed on it.

I thought, for the story sake, it would be nice to make the wife's sleep pattern to improve proportionally to the protagonist's sleep pattern deterioration, while the numbers to decrement from ten down to 0 and then kaboom!

Good ideas that would work, I wrote and posted this this morning based on my dream last night. Not sure if it has the legs to be extended yet but will keep your ideas in mind if I do.

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