Flight of the Silors (Realms of Adventures - 'Greenhorns' Part 13)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

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Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

Flight of the Silors

Akasha gleefully admires the treasure before her. In her greed she wishes to take it all, but thinks better of that idea as she lifts the heavy travelers sack. She tosses it to Khan McDoo thinking that he will have less trouble lugging it around. To keep the piece she quickly split the gold coins with everyone who could see the bulging bag.

After all, enemies this early in an adventure are never a good idea. Everything else she shoved in her worn leather satchel, deciding to both inspect and hand some of it out later when the need arose, and when the current location was less dank and smelly.

As she heads back towards the welcome sights and sounds of the tavern she gently feels the place where the signet ring disappeared. If it can move a finger of stone, perhaps it can move her fingers faster. Or fetch a decent price upstairs. The small signet ring is damp to the touch, and hard to grasp. Akasha focuses on the tiny ring and gives it a gentle tug and twist. The signet ring pops loose and drops into her palm.

Piker Big Coin sees the sight of the loot shimmering in the torchlight. He curses himself, wishing he hadn't been so quick to just make off with the tapestry. Mayhap if the necromancer hadn't distracted him...

"Make sure you divide that equally now," he says. "I believe Silor sent us all down here in good faith and I would hate to see anyone cheated out of their fair portion."

Especially me, he thinks.

Piker examines the grate to see if there is a way to block the path of the rodents' path. Mayhap one of the larger adventurers could drag the chest over in front of the grate, making Silor that much more thankful and that much more likely to sweeten their just reward. After some time fidgeting with the solid iron grate Piker gives up and is convinced the only rats that will get through should be small when they arrive. If Drad Silor can keep an eye on mice - they wouldn't ever become huge bilge rats!

Blackbird McAllister snatches the scroll bound by the red ribbon from Akasha before she can stuff it completely in her worn leather satchel. Luckily his movement was swift and the dark elf was more focused on the loot than on actually stowing it properly.

Blackbird examines the case - a thick scroll case bound in leather, and sealed with a bright red ribbon wrapped tightly around it's center. The ribbon appears as bright and deep red as the day it was woven. It would seem the contents of this heavy oak chest were untouched by time itself.

Aiyana, and Khan McDoo stare in wonder at the loot they've helped to uncover. Each one opens their hand in turn to Akasha and gratefully thanks her for the 50 unblemished gold coins they received. Khan McDoo turns the coin over in his hand, puzzled at the etchings on both sides. These coins are unlike any he has seen in the Realms in his entire life. The coins appear to be very old, and yet they are completely unblemished, as if they were stored here soon after being minted.

Akasha stands and pushes past Blackbird with a huff. She'll remember his unkind gesture for some time... Blackbird seems unphased as the others begin to ascend the stairs and follow Akasha out of the chamber. As they move ahead, he begins to unfurl the ribbon surrounding the scroll case.

Inside, Blackbird finds a thick parchment rolled upon itself several times. The writing on the parchment was clearly written in a hurry, and appears to be quite old. He is so astounded at what he has found that he begins to read it aloud as the adventurers make their way to the lighter end of the cellar.

<( The Letter on the Parchment )>

Hulfrum Serein'll, my son - heir of the House of Serein'll.

If you have discovered this chamber, and it's secrets, I pray for your safety.
And I thank all that is good that your mother was wrong - I knew you had some wits about you!

It would be no easy task to ferret out our family history without the contents of this chest.
I have taken every measure to ensure the safety and continuation of this family - the House of Serein'll.

That is why the name Serein'll may appear strange and foreign to you.
Long before your birth, our family was driven into hiding, and took the name Silor.

It is under this name I was able to hobble together a meager wage, learn a new trade as a brewer,
and establish a small ale house - directly at the foot of the throne of the sinister (king) Cylipiro Kesil.

No knowledge of the role our family played in the final attempts to thwart (king) Cylipiro Kesil
will be known to anyone you come in contact with - and that is for the best.

All the Houses who once stood to represent The City at the Gathering are scattered, persecuted,
and driven deep into secrecy. It is my only hope that we do not remain in hiding for eternity.

Perhaps one day our family will take it's place among the other Houses
and once again rule the Realms with Prosperity, Treaties, Peace, and Unity.

Until that day, I must bury this secret along with the bodies of so many fallen brothers and pray that
I am not revealed, or discovered, by any of (king) Cylipiro Kesil's underlings, or Gorull's dark forces.

Now that you have discovered this chest of tools and equipment - specially selected for a journey
only you can complete as a member of our House - I implore you to seek out and unite the fallen Houses.

Perhaps some of the scattered, who are brave enough, will stand with you and together you can draw
out a force of knights, powerful mages, and skilled peoples from all the Realms to topple (king) Cylipiro Kesil.

Otherwise - I fear his unnaturally extended life and evil reign may continue to spread darkness, misery,
apathy, death, and poverty across the Realms for untold centuries... Oh for all that is good, that cannot happen!

For the Realms,

Rodoughe Serein'll, last of the House of Serein'll

<( --------------------------- )>

Akasha leads the way toward the rickety ladder leading up and out of the cellar. Following closely behind her are Benziken, Master Shi Wu Sung, Drungar Treeshatter, Ser Boros Barristan, Aiyana, Sabastine Blackblade, Wilhelm von Drepfelt, Khan McDoo, Piker Big Coin, and Blackbird McAllister.

The party mounts the ladder and breaks through into the smoke, light, and noise of the busy tavern.

The small tavern is crowded. Enough city dwellers, port workers, farmers, merchants, and even monks of the cathedral are crammed into the small den to make it uncomfortable.

The smell of the crowd, the limited selection of ale and food, and the few decorations adorning the walls of this small tavern tell you it is one of the lower class establishments in the City (if not all the Realms).

Malurie Ardan is filling a large mug of ale for a patron. She looks at Akasha as the dark elf rises from the cellar stairs. Drad Silor stands behind the bar serving food and ale in exchange for coin.

Thank you for reading! If you found the introduction fun and interesting - please UPVOTE and I will continue to post more of the player's adventures!

Realms of Adventures Play-By-Blog games are constructed so each and every adventure the players participate deeply and impact the outcome of the story greatly. The players assume the role of central characters in the world in which the story takes place. From the beginning of a scene to the end of a major story arc, the players guide their characters through various situations by means of simple blog post comments.

This style of roleplaying game provides the reader with the chance to enjoy an epic adventure story as well as allowing the player to guide the action and direction of that story to any one of numerous possible outcomes. As a result - the adventures are limitless!

The passage above is part of a very fun, and interesting, experiment in roleplaying storytelling. Scenes are written so the player feels the Gamemaster is speaking to them directly. Players interact with the environment by posting comments. Because the world is alive, everything players do has a direct impact on the outcome of the next scene!

Imagine yourself as one of the primary players and follow them along closely. Please enjoy 'Greenhorns' - our first adventure!

© 2017, A.E. Jackson. All rights reserved


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i am very week man this thinks

@sojib24 Thanks for reading - I hope you enjoy the entire series! There's much more to come!

very well done

Thank you very much @neilanthony! Please continue reading as the adventure unfolds... And - I will plan to have more adventures after this one, if the community enjoys the writing

Great description. Everything is accessible and understandable. Thank you.

Really appreciate that @nilpan - Thanks for reading, and thanks for your feeback! Please enjoy the previous parts of this adventure, and stay tuned for much more to come...

Great post @aejackson this is awesome feel free to join my community discord server so together we can grow our blogs.

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