Grandpa Gotta Eat—Kento: Hibachi On Wheels

in #fff5 years ago

Hibachi Steak And Shrimp

Some days, you just know you've got to try something new. You're in a food rut, and you want to get out, even if it is just for a little while. What do you do?

Well, obviously I can't say what you would do, but I know what I did.

As always, this week's edition of Grandpa Gotta Eat is posted in conjunction with the @foodfightfriday folks—"We never saw a hot wing we didn't want to fling."


Meet Kento: Hibachi On Wheels. Yes, that's right people, this is a food truck. Or more like a food trailer, since there really isn't a motor.

Not that far from us, there's a place where a few of these food trailers have started to congregate to offer different food fare. Kento hasn't been there very long, and since I couldn't tell from passing by what kind of food it sold, I decided to check it out an evening or two ago to determine if I wanted to try it someday.

Basically, it's a Japanese grill. It's primary offerings come with steak, chicken or shrimp, or any combination thereof. Rice and vegetables, which apparently are also grilled, come with the meal. A drink, however, is not included.

I like all of that, so on a subsequent day, I decided to try out their steak and shrimp combination platter.


What You See Is What You Get

Five shrimp, maybe a dozen smaller chunks of steak, a decent-sized round mound of rice, and grilled veggies that was mostly onion, but included broccoli and zucchini. The meal also came with what must be Hibachi sauce, otherwise known as Yum Yum sauce. From the taste of it, there's some mayonnaise, ketchup or tomato paste, water and sugar (and probably some spices I couldn't really detect).

Taste Test

Was it good?

Actually, it was awesome. Steak was tender, juicy and delicious, the shrimp was grilled to perfection, the vegetables flavorful, and the rice was probably some of the best Japanese rice I've had. Especially with the Yum Yum Sauce on it.

Here's where the problem comes in. The combination platter was $13.50, and a drink, had they had something I wanted, would have been extra.

Even though the rice was very good, I could have done with less of it and more of everything else. For the price, I want more of the meat. Even more vegetables would have been okay.

Will I Go Back?

Probably, but not nearly as often as I would if the price was better and included a drink. I'd have to price out what's in the platter, and I know Hibachi style food is at a premium in my neck of the woods, but I think I could serve up the same meal for less, and at least throw in a cup of water or something.

Whether I could make it taste as good or not, I don't know. Maybe that's what I was also paying for—a skilled Hibachi chef. Still for that price I can get two Chinese lunches, two meals at Taco Bell, and at least a meal and a half everywhere else. They pull off this platter for $9.95, I'm eating it once a week. As is, we'll see when I go back.

Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen.

Food Fight Friday is a weekly contest that anyone is welcome to enter. Merely post about food on Friday, use the #fff tag, and then if you so desire, go and read other posts, as you might want to help pick the food fight champion of the week.


I agree and it sounds way too much for what you are getting. It is nice to try something new every now and then and try new flavors. I am sure I could make that at home with a little experimenting around with the sauce. I rarely eat out anymore as the prices are just not worth it.

Hey, @cryptoandcoffee.

Yeah. I think the idea behind the hibachi is the kind of grill it is. And I'm sure there's oil or grease or something that they use to cook with that makes it hibachi style, too. I haven't looked into all of it, but maybe I will, because I do think it can be duplicated at a fairly lower price.

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 41
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Good Luck

The picture of the meal displays a rather healthy portion of everything. When eating, not only does the dish need to satisfy my taste buds, it also needs to be able to fill me up.
Volume is as much of a key as taste.

Yeah, that was my thinking too. Everything needs to work together, and so portions, as well as proportions, or how they complement one another, not just in taste, but whether you are ultimately satisfied with the meal. In that way, I thought there was way too much rice.

I did actually do my version of it last Saturday, so I'll be writing about it for tomorrow's Food Fight Friday.

Your food fights have become really fun to read, Glen. Before I see them I’m “I wonder where he went this week?”

In Los Angeles, as I’m sure you could imagine, they have food trucks with $25 meals. They’re the rare ones—I can’t name them all but many world famous chefs have food trucks in the city and everything is top shelf, line waiting to eat, the whole 9. Otherwise, for a Habachi meal like that with shrimp, I bet that $13 price is right in line with LA.

Great entry, @glenalbrethsen. Have a great weekend, sir.

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Hey, @dandays.

I would probably expect to pay more at a food truck, but not what they charge in L.A. :)

I went ahead and made my own version tonight and will be reporting out on how much was spent, and what that ended up being per serving. It didn't come out exactly the same (need to grill everything next time, rather than following the recipe to use a pan on the stove), but I think it came close enough. And the rice, while not exactly what Kento served me, actually had a little more stuff in it.

I haven't done any calculations yet, but I'd be surprised if it ends up over $6 a plate. Which means, I could make $3.95 on every steak and shrimp plate if I were the only employee. :)

That looks good

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Hey, @bluerobo.

It was very good. No problem with the taste at all. Just the portion sizes or the price. Either on adjusts, I'm good. :)

Sometimes people are a bit snobby about food trucks and maybe a few years ago that may have been the case, but I find there are so many of them these days in big cities especially and the competion has made them really step up the game the last few I have tried the food has always been excellent as you say the scase was for you

Hey, @tattoodjay.

Oh, the taste was great. Just not the price. Where we're at is not a big food truck place by any means, and neither are the neighboring towns. We're like at the starting of all that in this area. The larger metropolitan areas like Portland, Salem and Eugene have them, I just haven't ever been.

The price is what has got me, along with the portions. I think I can jack up the latter while reducing the former and still make some money. :) Next week I'll have a post on how I did. :)

I am lucky I guess in NYC there are so many of them, there is a lot of competition so the prices are reasonable, well reasonable for NYC, nothing is cheap here LOL

Looking forward to your post next week :)

An interesting review @glenalbrethsen, I always liked such mobile cafes, as a rule, they try to win a customer there with their food!

Hey, @serkagan.

I think the plan here is, there aren't as many Hibachi food trailers as there are sandwich, burger and taco trailers. So, I'm not sure what they're doing to attract clientele other than being different and very good. Problem, though, is the price. I don't think they're going to keep getting people to eat their food at that price. Even if they dropped it for lunch and raised it for dinner, that might help.

Anyway. I know they're probably spending some money on food because they're small, but still. I think there's a way to lower the price.

That looks pretty good to me. I would also opt for more veggies and less rice but in certain I’d still enjoy all the rice anyway. Haha… shame about the no drink thing, 13.50 seems kind of steep. I don’t think you can compare it to Taco Bell though, I mean cmon, is Taco Bell even edible anymore? When I was young I used to love chili cheese burritos from Taco Bell but as I got older they changed their ingredients. The chips weren’t even the same anymore… just sayin, this plate looks like a proper meal @glenalbrethsen. Happy food fight my friend!

Hey, @puravidaville.

I know. There's a quality factor there. But this is a food trailer, too. I don't think people go into it expecting such a big price for the food. And while Taco Bell isn't the most nutritional or high quality food top to bottom, they do have some things on the menu which is a lot better for you than other things, like the power menu.

So, anyway. I'm agreeing with you. I'm just not sure its worth $13.50, quality, great tasting and all.

What’s the power menu? It’s been so long since I’ve stepped foot in a Taco Bell I literally don’t know what they serve anymore. For instance, in high school I’d often think that they should add fries to their menu because when I was good a stoned I had to go to two different drive through to get my fries, chili cheese burrito and shake… have they put fries on their menu yet? I remember moving to Southern California for the first time and discovering Del Taco. Again, I only frequented that place when we were all good and drunk and nothing else was open but the food was good. I think they served fries along with their nachos too.

Well... Let me help you out. :)

This is what the power menu veggie bowl looks like. There are bowls and there are burritos. They also come with chicken.

Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 7.37.47 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 7.42.34 PM.png

These were available earlier in the year, but now, there not showing up on the menu. Looks like they only lasted through April.

Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 7.45.59 PM.png

I actually like Del Taco quite a bit, but I don't get their fries, just their burritos or tacos and the occasional tostada.

Taco Bell has fries now??? Nice!!! Where were they when I was a kid? Turds! The bowl looks like something you’d get at chipotle. Not bad.

They had them. I mentioned above they'd pulled them sometime in April. Not sure if they'll be bringing them back again or not, but they described them as wildly popular, so who knows. :)

Haha… I bet they were wildly popular. I’m telling you I had that idea over 15 years ago… 🤡

And apparently they finally listened. :) Or it took them that long to figure out how they were just going to throw fries into the middle of an Americanized taco menu. :)


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