Pelea de Comida Viernes - Ronda TreintasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

A few weeks ago I told you I always touch ground with a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ chef, remember that? Well, her star rating hasn’t changed or anything but she’s not always the cook—chef’s need served too.

This weeks contender is a few of the meals we’ve enjoyed recently at various restaurants in and around Atenas, Alajuela Province de Costa Rica. Atenas means Athens, named after the capitol of Greece, the slogan for this city is: “The best climate in the world.” I bet you didn’t know the houses here, in a tropical country, just nine degrees from the equator, don’t even have air conditioning in them—neither did I! The average temperature here is 26 degrees Celsius year round. I know... I know... the entire world understands that unit of measurement except for those of us from the United States so I’ll dumb down this next sentence and wait until everyone’s on the same page: seventy. eight. point. eight. degrees. Fahrenheit—cool?

The cover image this week was taken at Numu, a sushi joint on the Pacific Coast where Erik said “today’s catch are lobster and red snapper. A lobster is taking me about five minutes to get and the snappers are taking about 15.” Well, there’s minimal seafood I won’t eat—lobster is one of them!

Red snapper caught 15 minutes ago, baked potato topped with onion, herbs and garlic, a side salad with lemon and a balsamic reduction for even more flavor—welcome to #foodfightfriday, my favorite Friday of the week! 👍🏿


Regardless of where we are or the restaurant we’re at and, regardless of language barriers or eating habits, two things remain consistent:

  1. I’m sitting across the table from a 10.
  2. She’ll have the salmon.

Medium cooked salmon topped with cilantro and a garlic lime sauce served with herbed steamed rice, fresh green beans and a side tomato and cucumber salad.


This next meal is from Loveat Restaurant in the hills of San Ramon de Alajuela Province, a Mediterranean joint, approximately 1,000 meters above sea level aka thirty. five. hundred. feet. for all of my fellow Numbericans on the #blockchain this evening. 👊

Everywhere there’s a bridge, there’s a river or a stream en route to Fortuna, along Calle 35 and, regardless if there’s a bridge or not, it’s going to be green and it’s going to be thick.



You’ll be driving along Calle 35 with nothing but rain forest on either side of the road and, every once in awhile, you’ll be overwhelmed with the scent of pineapple. You know you’re close when you smell it. It’ll only be a few more metros and you’ll have pineapple on one side of the road and corn on the other for as far as you can see. Another metro, you’re back in the rain forest, destination: Arenal Volcano, an active volcano in San Carlos, Provincial de Alajuela, about noventa kilometers outside San Jose, Costa Rica.




I took this next picture of the volcano with the pole-top disconnects (left side) in it intentionally for @jlsplatts. I showed him on discord and he corrected me. Those aren’t pole-top disconnects at all, they’re regulators, I should’ve asked a lineman first. Arenol:


As I was saying, Loveat Cafe, a Mediterranean restaurant about 1,000 meters above sea level in the middle of the rain forest. When you see a dummy zip-lining across the road on your left, the destination’s on the right.


Remember last week, when I told you I’m a falafel connoisseur? Well, you’ll never guess what they had on the menu. 😉

Falafel and hummus with a side of pita bread and a cucumber salad. Also, are four mini salads: carrot, eggplant, beat and tomato. Pura Vida can’t have falafel right now because of her restrictive diet, when she asked me how the falafel was, I said “ehh, not bad I guess, you probably would’ve hated it.” It was either that or “oh my goodness gracious! The only place with better falafel is HipPea and just barely, this falafel is delicious!”


Alright, this next picture is taken about two weeks after we landed in Costa Rica. We just got our new (new to us) vehicle and it was spotless, shiny clean. The restaurant was down a dirt, gravel road, perfect! We got the truck filthy dirty in the first hour of owning it. They even armor-all shined the tires for us, that didn’t last long at all.

At this point, I hadn’t been eating very well and not very often, either, I was running out of gas. I decided to give eggs another shot because I thought I needed something other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and water—that didn’t last either! About a week later I tried eggs again, I couldn’t do it, I’d rather think I’m out of gas!

Quiche made with eggs, spinach, onions, several different kinds of peppers, several different kinds of onions, too, I don’t remember all of them now. 🤔 I think it had cauliflower, broccoli and I’m probably leaving out some ingredients. It came with a strawberry and banana salad, two pieces of toast and peanut butter.


The fifth and final restaurant on the menu this evening is Organico Fortuna, an all natural #vegan and #vegetarian accommodating restaurant in La Fortuna.


Ok :confession: I didn’t take any pictures of the meals we enjoyed at Organico Fortuna but I think you’ll understand after I explain myself. First, our meals were delicious! Second, they had a professional photographer there the same time we were, he was taking pictures of perfectly plated meals. So, I took pictures of him taking pictures and forgot to take pictures of our own meals—I hope you don’t mind!



I’m pretty sure @puravidaville is also using those last two images for her contender this week, she’s tough to keep up with! Did you see the article she released on Wednesday?! I’m the luckiest guy I know. But, even she didn’t get a picture of the bright red, custom Toyota Land Cruiser with a shortened truck bed turned into a tow truck. Notice it’s nose to nose with the truck parked in front of it? That’s just how roads/parking/driving works here in Costa Rica—Pura Vida!


Same place next week deeeee... Waaaiit—cut! Wait a minute, time out—are you ready for the twist? Not twist like a Cinnabon or donut or any type of dessert at all, twist like Martin Scorsese and The Departed or Andrew Jarecki and All Good Things.

Alright :confession: I just really like both of those movies and my twist is nothing like theirs but, either way, it is a twist! Are you ready? Meal #2, the salmon and meal #4, the quiche, neither meal was prepared or eaten at a restaurant. That dirt road I was talking about is the route to our current location and the quiche was from a different place we were staying at a few weeks ago is Santa Ana, pronounced “Santana,” Alajuela Provincia de Costa Rica. “I always touch ground with a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ chef.”


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@dansday, you guys have been to some pretty amazing places in Costa Rica. I love @puravidaville salmon plate, that is my kind of dinner. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much paleotwist, thanks for taking the time to drop me a line. I haven’t had any time yet to stop by all of the food fighters contenders, it’s on my agenda this morning, though, I can’t wait to check out your contender. I know it’s going to be special—week after week you’re putting out quality meals, thank you for continuing to show off your talent at #fff.

As everyone is aware, by now, 😉 Pura Vida is the chef around here. I just try to keep up with her by filling in the blanks with some descriptive words on the keyboard—food fight Friday is a perfect fit!

Thanks for stopping by @paleotwist.

Great post babe! I think the yellow plate gave away my salmon, plus it looks nothing close to that red snapper dish. Yum

The food we eat here is pretty yummmy! Dag nab it, I’ll have to push back my vegan food tour so it feels fresh to any of our readers… love your perspective on everything. Heart you all the time muah

Your readers won’t mind hearing your version of events, ever, don’t trip. Your version of events from our day at Arenol is probably already being anticipated.

Hey, between me and you, it’s just us here, right? My wallet dipped another $13 last night, I know you have my back but it looks like yours has been on a steady, two year decline also—uhm.. at some point, you may want to consider firing your financial advisor. 😉

iheartu right back, @puravidaville, all the way across your face!

Ps. About the $.09 upvote, I’m not short-changing you, promise! It’s that steady, two year decline thing I was talking about. I keep hearing it’ll get fixed, though, and I keep hearing the market is going to turn around.. 2 years later and, at this point, I’m still waiting for my followers to magically appear in alphabetical order again.

Haha… I’m waiting for alphabetical order too. What’s up with that? My financial advisor might not have me winning the short race but he’s focused on the marathon championship. Plus, he’s kind of cute and hella funny. I think I’ll keep him around for a bit longer 😉. Across your face…

Please tell me they don't put those pineapples on the pizza there...

Zipline restaurants, that's taking fast food to a whole new level!

Ha!! My kinda humor! Is there a pizza joint anywhere on the globe that doesn’t offer pineapple though? 🤔

Zip lining to the fast food joint, what’s next?? Artificial meat?! Naahhhh.....

Thanks a lot for stopping by @coloneljethro, it’s nice to hear from you again. See ya soon man!

That was me on the zip line. I meant to tell you guys I was coming to visit. I waved but you didn’t wave back. I didn’t quite recognize you without your dreadlocks and Birkenstocks with socks.

Those are some tasty looking dishes my brotha!!! Look at you...taking pictures of a dude taking pictures...DAHHAHAHAH

Posted using Partiko iOS

“I whip my hair back n forth!” <— no idea where that came from. 🤔

It’s not cheating, is it, taking pictures of the professional taking pictures? The camera was there, the model was there, the food was there... I figured, “I’m here too!” :click: :click:

Eh, the monkeys are frikkin loud this morning, Splatts! Those are monkey, right, or is that you too??

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts.

Ha ha ha Heck ya, gotta take full advantage of the moment. When the opertunity exposes itself, leap into action!!
Ya, us LIneman have been referred to as Cedar Monkeys in the past..Well my Electeicain brother calls me that all the time. lol

So much of Costa Rica to explore!!

And check out this coincidence—we all have the rest of our lives, talk about perfect timing. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @jrb450.

What a feast you git there everyday @dandays😈 I'm so jealous on the red snapper you had😂 if only I'm in my hometown.. i can have the fresh one just by standing near to the fishermen's boats when they back from the sea, for free😊

You are so nice not to make our @puravidaville don't try a bit of falafel 😂😂😂 and I think when we have delicious meals, we always forget to take the pictures😀

Pura Vida stopped reading at the falafel part, mid-sentence, looked right at me, “it was that good?!” She asked. I said, “naaah.. it’s one of those ‘based on actual events’ articles.” 👍🏿

Red snapper brings back grandparents memories for me, every time. When I was a kid, my grandparents would take me fishing for a month, during the summer in Trinidad, California. The catch was always salmon and bottom fish, mostly snapper red/white/black and a few long cods here and there.

You said hometown, where is that? And where are you now, how long have you been there?

Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja.

I came from Aceh, somewhere in the northern tip of sumatra Island,Indonesia, nw I live in another province in Java Island😂😂 where no fresh fish around 😊

By the way.. anout falafel😂😂 I think she'd make it for you another day😂😂😂

How neat!! I just took a little wikipedia tour through your neck of the globe. So, you’re Acehnese then, correct?

And, Sharia law, that’s your belief right? What other “beliefs” or “laws” are prevalent around you? What’s that like? Are the laws peaceful toward one another, hostile, I gotta know @cicisaja! <—love this stuff!

As you can tell, I look forward to homework problems but you’re already there... enlighten me, teacher!

Happy Monday! If it wasn’t for Monday, Fridays would suck! 👍🏿

You're so cool @dandays 😂 yeap I am an Achenese and I was living inna special territory with Sharia Law implented, we also have churchs, temples and shrines there too. We're living in harmony because the sharia law only for the muslim and we have a national laws too.

People mostly have the wtong ideas about sharia law, because the different law enforcements to particular crimes, let's give you an example😊 if you are a foreigner and non muslim, you can have some beers and drink it with your fellows foreigner or non muslim friends, but if a muslim is caught drinking and have the alcoholic beverages, he/she'd probably must face a serious sharia court and get whipped in front of the public on friday not imprisoned

In other part of indonesia, generally we have at least 6 religions which recognized by the constitution and hundreds of cultures, local wisdoms and common laws that also considered as mutual agreement within communities.

We have so many holidays in a year 😂 no matter what religion is, you got a vacation on every religion's holidays, most of us living in harmony except for particular regions where the prosperity gaps is too big due to the political history and selfish leader.

All right 😉 have I answered all your questions? Ask me anything and I'll answer anything to.. because this is monday😂

Are you using a translation app or do you speak/write English? I’ve seen your posts, your native language is “bahasa Indonesia” if I’m not mistaken. If you’re using an app, thank you, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation! 😉 However, if you’re not using an app then may I be the one to tell, today, a rock n roll type of Monday, your English writing skills suck (that’s supposed to make you laugh) are impressive!

Ok, so I’m assuming you don’t drink alcohol, correct? Or do you have some drinks and make sure you’re not spotted by anyone? I don’t drink either, nor does Pura Vida so I guess we’d have to get flogged for something else on Friday! <—that’s supposed to make you laugh, too. Pura Vida’s crime was she’s too beautiful and my crime is I got caught smoking weed! (Ok, im not going to remind you when to laugh anymore, laugh or don’t laugh whenever you feel like it) 😉

You mentioned a total of six religions in your country, are they all Muslim? Is there any Christianity taught around you? In the United States there’s a different religion on every street corner, my religion has always been under my rib cage, right in between my shoulders, about a foot below chin—♥️. Here in Costa Rica, our new home, lots and lot and lots of churches, my goodness gracious, they’re everywhere! Christians, everyone is Christian and the practiced religion here is Catholocism. <—My mother taught me about not saying anything at all if I don’t have anything nice to say so “mum’s” the wOrd!

Here’s a picture I took of the church in the city we’re currently staying in.
this is from Wikipedia.

Oh, and before I forget...

You're so cool @dandays 😂

“Guilty!” You’re not so boring yourself @cicisaja.

😊😊😊 my first language is Achenese, the common one (we have 8 sub-ethnics languages in Aceh too😆) then Bahasa Indonesia and English is my "craziness" third language😂😂 I don't use app or translator (except esteemapp😂😂😂) to write in english, write it the way my mind directing me😅.

Islam is majority people religions and you'll mosques anywhere in Indonesia but also a cathedral right in front of the biggest mosque in Jakarta😊. The 6 religions are Konghucu,Budhhism, Hinduism, Islam, chatollic and Protestant (okay the last two are christian😆 but it considered as a different religion here because there's a lot of sects too right😉).. well for Islam, we only have Islam though there are many factions but we still go to the same mosque😊)

In other provinces of Indonesia, you can have the liquors and drink it in particular place, but in Aceh.. you really need to be carefull😊 transgender, homosexual, bisex and lesbian are forbidden too. Anyway... sharia law only for Achenese Muslim dwellers.

Wait.. I'll be right back.. my phone batt about to die while the electricity is cut off😁

Would someone hurry up and turn the dang lights on back at @cicisaja’s place, she’s enlightening me right now! “Let there be light!”

I’m so happy we crossed paths, there’s so many things I can learn from you. Thank you for being so open with me. I really want to dig into your lifestyle and learn as much as I can. If ever I ask something that seems offensive or improper, I assure it’s not to me and I didn’t mean it! If there’s anything you’ve ever been curious about a human who’s born as a male with white skin and green eyes, in the United States and grew up in LA, I’m your man.. literally!

Twenty-two years ago, a friend from work and I made our way around the ruins in the Quintana Roo/Yucatan area of Mexico. One of our favorite places to eat was in the middle of nowhere on the way to somewhere else. I can't even remember what we ate (other than it was awesome and wrapped in banana leaf), but there's something to be said for restaurants hidden away in a latin american jungle. :)

I'm not that much into fish (I like salmon and others), but I really like lobster over virtually any other seafood other than shrimp.

Still, that dish reminds me of the seafood we ate in Bucerias while staying in Puerto Vallarta at my wife's aunt's house. Same trip as the one I described before, so my buddy was there, too. The restaurant owners were friends or relatives of some kind of the aunt, so we may have got a discount, but we had more seafood than I've ever seen before or since served at a table, and I think we ended up feeding everyone—five adults and at least that many kids, for $50 USD. Lobster, king prawn, and an assortment of other things.

You're making it tough for me to want to be here in Oregon right now, you know that. :)

This is such a nice comment, thank you! I could almost taste the lobster you described.

I’ve always told myself I’ll never say never until I’ve had lobster in Maine, I’ve yet to do that. I’m just not a fan of the texture and the only way I can make it edible, to me, is by soaking it in butter. Anything that needs soaked in butter just isn’t good, in my opinion. My favorite seafood, hands down, crab! Oh man do I love me some king crab!

I really appreciate you sharing that adventure, if we were big fish around here I’d say “meet me in Puerto Vallarta, Glen, lobster for you, crab for me and we’ll flip for dessert.” <— c’mon market!

Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen.

All the food look so delicious. And the landscapes are so gorgeous. Enjoy your time in Costa Rica

Hey, there she is! What’s up, chef? Long time no see. I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss your desserts in the kitchen. I’d also be lying if I said it’s hard to take a good picture here. 😉

Thanks for stopping by @denissemata.

I just do not have Internet at home and it's hard to be here at steemit. I miss sharing photos of my desserts

The guy that hired me for my post office career retired down in Costa Rica. I'll never forget him. I love your photos, excellent post. 🤤

Posted using Partiko Android

Eh, thank you very much! I’m glad you liked it. The guy that hired you and I have something in common—retired in Costa Rica, the country without a military or militarized objectives. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @wonderwop, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.


Great post. BTW, these food posts should be illegal. @fionasfavourites and @jaynie are the same way. One of these days I'm going to get electrocuted from drooling on the keyboard. And that's not a very noble-sounding way to kick the bucket, is it?

BTW ... you guys need to join the Power House Creatives. @jaynie, a lot of PHC Members already follow them ... they're damn near family already.


I sure am glad you liked it, Quill, thanks a lot for letting me now. Has anyone told you how cool you are lately? Some of these food posts, you’re not kidding, ooh! I got a good one! This has @quillfire written all over it.

How far off is our technology from being able to send a food plate via text message? When can these phones deliver dinner? You know, cut out Uber eats and go straight to the chef.

Thanks for stopping by @quillfire.


Now THAT would be a Killer App. :-)

BTW ... I'm serious about the Power House Creatives. I'm strong-arming all my highly-skilled, yet still likeable, people into the group. To be honest, you don't really have a choice. But, for the sake of diplomacy, we'll pretend you do. Fair?

DM @jaynie, RIGHT NOW ... and say, "Quill made us do it." She'll understand. I'm high maintenance. I've seen you guys mentioned several times in the PHC Discord Channel as potential Members. Apparently, I'm not alone in my assessment. Ultimately, it's @jaynie's decision but, like I said, I'm high maintenance and even Jaynie needs sleep from time to time.


What is powerhousecreatives, really? What is it other than a group of people who desperately Resteem anything and everything to attract attention when there’s a begging game on the platform? That, and the fancy gif signature I see at the bottoms of each of your posts.

You’re the only person I would’ve asked this question.


Fair question.

I've written many posts, comments and replies about the shortcomings of the blockchain ... thematically focusing on the crippling effects of Vote Buying/Selling and other forms of Vote Manipulation. There is an army of people who agree. There are far fewer who will try to do something about it.

The Power House Creatives is an organization based upon an ethos: That Content Shall Be Compensated Commensurate With Its Quality. Whether post, comment or reply, we're striving to "up the game" so to speak. To inspire others to focus on Quality by way of example.

Will it make any difference. Let's be honest, the odds are heavily against us. That said, the world is not changed by reasonable people. It's changed by those who are willing to fight.

The 20,000 STEEM at stake in the present Delegation Contest, added to the 12,000 STEEM Delegation we received after OUR LOSS last time, would appreciably increase the upvotes that can be used to support High Quality Content Creation, whether ours or that of others.

It is a small step ... but all long journeys begin in just such a manner.

There is a lot of ReSteeming gong on and that can, to be fair, prove tiresome for followers. For that, my apologies. That said, how else are we to attract votes within a 7-day period of time?

Speaking for myself, I have tried to ensure that whatever material I create, and expect others might resteeem, fairly earns a reader's attention. I invite you to read my latest creation and to pass judgment to determine whether it did.


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