Dinner With the Birds | It's a Chayote Fry-day!

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

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The Birds have flown the nest my foodie friends!

I guess we can safely say The Bird family Diner is closed for a while! Lol Cooking has been fast and furious for the past two weeks and now the nest seems strangely quiet. We enjoyed lots of hiking and swimming, laughter and family time, such a wonderful visit.

Muffins and cakes, protein bars and cookies! You name it I’ve made it, and it must have been okay because by the time they left, everything was gone! The pantry was bare, no baking supplies on hand! I know it's hard to believe but true, definitely time for a trip to the market. Since its Friday I thought I would share a few of the tasty treats we enjoyed all week! I know my friends @foodfightfriday love it when we bring a lot of food to the party on Friday night! So here we go!

Remember the Lemon Curd?

It was amazing served with our morning Acai bowl!
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Liquid Sunshine? A must!


They wanted pizza…and who could say no to that?

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And for the final dinner…

my daughter wanted Chayote Squash!

The Chayote has a bit of Bird history…

I’ll tell you about it while I cook! Let me wash and slice the Chayote Squash and New Potatoes.
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Some of you may remember earlier this year I shared a recipe with you making Chayote Tacos. They were delicious! I purchased several Chayote Squash for the recipe and had one left over. One day I noticed the squash had begun to sprout! Hmmmmm…I couldn’t let the sprout die! So, I planted the sprout, and it grew! We took the plant with us during one of our road trips this summer and delivered it to @mountainjewel! She was so excited to add this new squash variety to her garden.

I sautéed the potatoes and squash…

Along with olive oil, minced garlic, chopped onion, salt and red pepper flakes.
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The Chayote plant grew to be a huge healthy vine! But without any blooms!

When my daughter visited we researched the Chayote plant and learned it is a perennial but does not produce fruit the first year. Mystery solved! How exciting is that? One vine can grow to be 50 feet long and yield 50-100 squash each year. She was thrilled! Nothing like sharing a gift that keeps on giving! Dinner time! I think the chayote is ready don't you? Nicely browned and oh so tender!
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Cheers to the Bird’s Chayote Fry-day!

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I sent the last Chayote home with her, just a taste of next year’s bounty! Chayote squash is such a nice mild squash, wonderful when paired with new potatoes and onions! I hope you’ll try it sometime! (Try planting the seed in your garden!) A big thanks to the @foodfightfriday friends for hosting this fun Friday venue! If you haven’t checked it out you should! You’ll be amazed! Thanks for stopping by!

And as always, blessings to you all




Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 66
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

Thank you @foodfightfriday! These guys still make me chuckle, we've all been there before, lol

This is an incredible entry @birdsinparadise. If anyone wants to know how to capture a cover image, go check out one of Birds articles, any of them, great job chef.

Hey @dandays! How are you? You are too kind as always, thankee!!!! So what are you guys cookin up these days? Still lovin UK or are you on to another sweet destination? Miss hearing from Pura! Give her a hug for me! xx

One hug, coming up! I miss her here too, kinda changed the dynamics of the platform for me. She’s just not into it anymore which alters my interests somewhat when following my wife’s account was a special part of my day. Oh man, am I glad you asked.... are you sitting down?

We just arrived in London last night from Liverpool. We fly into the EU tomorrow morning (Monday), we’ll stay in Europe maybe 3-4 months and then come back to U.K. for a Few—repeat. We fly into Thessaloniki, Greece tomorrow where we’ll spend a month touring and island hopping and guess what Island we’re going to spend a day on, Birds? Ready? Patmos! We’re going to frikkin Patmos where John wrote Revelation. Ok, you still sitting?

We’ll tour Rome in December and that’s all we have planned for now, typically we won’t book more than 30 days in advance but figured we better book out a few months this time with all of the holidays. But guess where we’re spending 5 days in between Greece and Rome? Still sitting?

Israel! I’m so excited I can’t shut up about it. I’ve always dreamt of seeing Jerusalem, seeing where Jesus was baptized, where he was born, where he walked on water, where he was crucified, where he... where he... I just didn’t know if or when I would receive the opportunity. We’re doing it in four weeks!

Thanks for asking. I’m not excited at all, can you tell? I’ll bring ya’all along with us. 👍🏿 God bless the Birds, thank you for always being nice. And thanks for all of your blockchain space I just used.

Wow, wow, wow!!!!!! I can't believe all you will get to see, I hope you'll share LOTS! I'll just live vicariously through you two! To imagine not only visitng Patmos but also Jerusalem, wow. I't going to be unbelievable I'll just say. So glad you're able to experience all of this, such a blessing indeed :) God has great plans for you two! Such a treat. As for Pura...you just tell her how much we miss her, an occasional peep here and there won't take too much time, lol I totally understand how you feel, my daughter (who convinced me to join Steemit) has lost interest as well, she's busy building a home these days. I joined for the same reason, reading her posts.:) I must say, I've met so many neat people like you guys it's been worth staying! Hope you have a wonderful trip tomorrow, can't wait to hear all about it! Blessings!

This was such a delicious meal! The chayote you gave me is mulched and put to bed for the year. Hopefully it will rise again in Spring to bring me over 200 chayotes!! XO

So glad you enjoyed the chayote :) I'm sure your plant is safely nestled close to the earth, ready for its winter sleep. It will be so exciting to see it pop up next spring :) I hope you do indeed get 250 fruit, lol Wow!!! You can share with your friends too oxoxoxoxo love you!!

Hahaha, Mrs. Bird, forgive me for my senility as at first glance I thought now why would the Birds eat a squashed wild dog?
My glance revealed a Coyote Squash!!!
Of course then I sat down to actually read the post and I saw that instead it was a Chayote Squash. Lol.
Indeed such a great gift to give to a friend.
Your meals have that special look as always!

hahahaha! that is so funny @papilloncharity! I bet you did get quite a chuckle when you first glanced at the title...you probably thought, that is one crazy bird! lol Glad you enjoyed it, if anything making you smile is definitely worth it :) Blessings my friend!

Hahaha, oh yeah I just the thought sounds a bit crazy, or maybe shocking?
The Birds eating a dog and must have gained this experience during their travels in Asia and now they are hooked on dog hahaha.
Only joking here my friend.
Blessings also to you guys!

Ooooo yummy! That looks so delicious and I think I'm going to have to get something to eat now after reading all this at lunch time haha!

Maybe you'd like to enter @phctop3's contest this month as it's all about your top 3 favourite comfort foods, think it would be right up your alley with posts like this :)

Ohhhh, I didn't see that challenge....I'll have to think about what my favorites are! There are so many, lol Thank you @nickyhavey, so glad you enjoyed!

Always love to sse the line-up of food in yoyr blog. And the chayote, it looks like English gourd at my country. Are they the same?

Thank you @iamjadeline :) Yes I think they are all in the same gourd family like pumpkins, squash... Do you like them? I find they are a nice mild vegetable easy to cook and flavor!

That looks looks delicious! I've never even heard of chayote, but I'd like to try it.

It's a really neutral tasting squash, kind of like potatoes. Bakes well and wonderful sauteed with onions and garlic :) I hope you're able to find it and try it some time, thanks @blockurator!

I always wonder how to cook this Chayote Squash whenever I saw it in the market. It's rare to see them too. Thanks for sharing!

They're so easy to prepare, the skin is very thin so you don't have to peel and it is tasty sauteed with onion and garlic! I hope you'll try it next time you see it @joelai, I think you'll like it :) Thanks!

I will definitely try it! Thanks!

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