FFF-SOS 'Patient Zero' Petitions @randowhale

in #fff-sos6 years ago (edited)

Hello, I've been delegating to your service (300 Steem) for some time now, and am enjoying the residuals! I just wanted to contact you and ask if you would be willing to ex-filtrate yourself from the promotion of the idea that Steemians should be committing acts of Steemit-aggression against other Steemians?

I noticed that you have been resteeming @berniesanders. Apparently, he is promoting the idea that potential rewards should be preemptively redistributed. He's doing this by encouraging other people to downvote @haejin. I notice that you are also downvoting @haejin at times.

The only conclusion that I can come to, is that this is because you also believe in his destructive ideas, and are behaving in that destructive way. Well, the intention of this letter is to ask you if you will be willing to reconsider, and focus your efforts to only upvoting?

Let me explain why I ask this question; I think that if Steemians only focus on peoples efforts they would like to reward. Then Steemit would become a better place, with less infighting, and less backstabbing.

In the real world, rewarding people for their contributions is only natural, and if we see someone's contributions that we aren't impressed with, we normally just ignore that type of thing. But in the real world, we never try to divert a potential reward away from someone, just because we don't like their contributions.

Like I might see some Girl Scouts at a table selling cookies, and I might think that Girl Scouts, or Scouts in general are stupid, or that their cause is stupid. Yet, I'm not going to stand outside of Wal-Mart all day long screaming at the top of my lungs encouraging people to steal their cookies. That would just be tacky, petty, non-productive, and wrong behavior.

I'm just trying to encourage you to see another path. A path that if more Steemians followed would make the platform a better place. It would result in more creativity, because when you get people to lay down their arms, and quit fighting, then the only thing left to do is to create, and share ideas about the things that you enjoy, about the things that you love, instead of the things that you hate, or dislike.

Now I understand that flagging is a legitimate thing that people can do, yet my contention is that just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should. Please consider joining FFF-SOS, as we could use a member like you leading the way to a better Steemit experience. Maybe you and @haejin can bury the hatchet, and then maybe later down the line we can see if Bernie would be willing to do the same.

I love all of the good that Steemit is bringing to the social media marketplace. Yet, I cannot in good conscience continue to support the negativity. I know that my piddly little 300 Steem is just a drop in the proverbial bucket, but I may have to delegate it elsewhere If I want to see this platform grow into a better place. I do realize it would probably equate to less residuals for me, but at least I would be able to sleep better, knowing that it's going towards something positive, that uplifts fellow Steemians.

Anywho, please let me know your answer, and or your thoughts on the matter, and thank you for taking the time to read this message!

@thoughts-in-time (FFF-SOS patient zero)
..transmitting activation signal to @randowhale..

The image in this post was sourced from Pixabay [1]


I don't understand english. But I'm cheering for you. I live in myanmar. I need help.I study. I'll try my best.
In my country many people are using a beginner and myanmar. Please vote.

Um...they're the same person well bernie own randowhale. If you want randowhale and haejin to make up, bernie has to do it too. I thought it was pretty obvious he own randowhale. Bernie was the one to make the first upvote bot starting a new wave of a mico economy in steemit.
He was also one of the first miners.

Then I don't know what he's complaining about, if he's enriching himself with a cut of the curation rewards that he's earning with other people's steempower. If this is true, I think he should turn off the @randowhale for a month or so and do exactly what he thinks the other two are doing.

Lets see what happens, lets see if the sky really does fall, or if there will be bad crops for seven years. Maybe nothing would happen?

He wouldn't even need to do it for a whole month, he could just try it out for a week, and try to measure the results. Ultimately, if he did do that, everyone else would simply need to up their game. It's all about competition, that's what it should be.

Steemit is an experiment, he should try that as an experiment. I wouldn't fault him for it.

P.S. wouldn't it be some clever shit if @randowhale and @haejin were gaslighting us all, polarizing us with this downvote war in order to draw in huge gains from both sides of the argument? If they aren't already, I probably just gave them the idea to. LOL

He not complaining about him not earning money, he is complaining about how one person can hold a massive % of the reward pool. If there were more than one harjin then the reward pool would be ruined. You are right steem is an experiment. I think they should bring back the posting punishment limit. After one post, you reward decreases exponentially. Say $1 post next 0.8
then 0.4 and so on.
But that brings even more problems. Like how about zaple or other blog systems.
This reward pool issue is the flaw of steem. Everyone has ideas of what to do but no one has a good answer without major cons. This is almost becoming like the bitcoin scaling issue. Bitcoin community was split and it officially split and created bitcoin cash.
Steem issue is the steem reward "scaling" issue. The community is getting split. One joins one side the other joins another. Exp in bitcoin, "spamming transactions aka transactions using min fees" were ok to big blocks bc they paid for it, small blocker said they were spam bc they went to the same address.
The reward pool issue is like this:
It ok for someone to take a % of the reward pool, he/she owns the steempower.
It not ok for one person to take a % of the reward pool, it only benefiting him and preventing more users form earnings.

As you see...it becoming something like the bitcoin scaling debate.

I don't want steemit to split let combine all our resources not divide and attack each other.

Or we might have steem fork
Steemcash anyone?

Thanks for your very thoughtful comments
on the matter @sames. Lots of things to ponder!

Hopefully the devs will read this thread and so some brainstorming about it.

I doubt it. dan "left" steemit for eos plus he and ned are fighting. Ned is doing SMT so he not doing shit about this problem. Any other dev...not much. Maybe we can do a UAHF, changing the system. But we need to find a solution frist

I picked bernie's side because I care about steemit. I want it around. I think it's good. I wish it protection. Regardless of why he's doing it (although I think it's for the same reason), I want to support him because it's good for steemit. I want to defend it

When someone wants the reward pool all to himself, repercussions will get to the point where investors move away from steemit, which dies without monetization incentive.

I hear you, I think censorship could cause people to leave, and investors not to invest. The post hiding, and dithering, and the comment collapsing, and dithering. That's something they could actually fix if they wanted, without causing too much controversy.

it's like I can tell you are intelligent @thoughts-in-time, but you don't know enough to know that what you are saying is sooo wrong.

  • By the way, the creator of steem @dan, just flagged Haejin.

Guess he also thinks Bernie is right.

Also FYI Haejin didn’t upvote you because he thinks of censorship, he only did it because @sneak had downvoted you 😘

And another FYI, haejin and Bernie did talk and even came to a truce awhile ago. They discussed it and found reasonable terms. But haejin didn’t uphold his side of the bargain. So rather than writing to Bernie, you might want to ask haejin about it 😅

Shouldn’t this be the right way for journalism? Investigation first. Then writing? Also Don’t forget to leave your preconceptions at the door!


Wow you are a peacemaker I hope this is settled because if this goes on it may affect the newbies and I'm glad people like you is on steemit

I can see your hand on my posts and comments thank you so much you are so wonderful

I have done some due dilligence, and I think one of them is right in battling this war and I hope he wins. Everyone would be wrong if the reward pool was infinite. But it's not.

Haejin and ranchorelaxo are raping the reward pool. Is haejin's content good? Should be good to some people, so yes. Does that make things better? No. And it hurts all of us. It will be the end.

I wrote you a metaphorical story of why, in my opinion, @berniesanders is right:

A vivid and wonderful village, called steemit.com, only has one well providing everyone's water, called reward pool. This water is magic, and the more you have, the more water you can take the next time you go to the well.

There's a couple of people who move into the village and start stocking up on a lot of that water and not letting anyone else have access to their share.

The rich elders and advisors of the village who are taking care of construction and development, called Whales, notice these two guys stocking up on the water will eventually begetting almost all of the limited water supply the magic well can provide.

The village will face a shortage. People will get less and less water each day, until they decide to move somewhere else. Outsides will lose interest. The elders will leave, since their knowledge and fortunes will be better off spent elsewhere.

Whatever interests kept this little, wonderous place going, will die.

steemit.com, nevermore.

Upvoted for that super cool analogy!

That seems to be the issue, people either see it as reward-pool rape, or reward rape. I find myself in the latter category. One of the major harsh realities of it, is that no matter how powerful someone's vote gets, is they can do whatever they want with that power.

Maybe @ranchorelaxo and @haejin are working together, but even if they weren't there is bound to be a situation sometimes where whales will choose to support each other if it's in their best interest. It's probably happening all of the time.

When we use the votebots, we're basically doing that same thing. We're using our SP in collusion with the votebots' SP in order to help ourselves out.

Take for example, @randowhale and @berniesanders, they are working together to try and hurt people who they think are taking too much in rewards. I mean, I guess they have every right to do what they are doing, but to me it seems more wrong than the other way.

So you've got one chasing the rewards...
and another chasing the person who they think are taking too many rewards...

I say that @berniesanders and @randowhale should just burn the whole damn thing to the ground then. Bernie threatens that he will start doing the exact thing that Haejin is doing. I think he should do that, I think he should try and get as many rewards as he can possibly take. I think that everybody should.

If the Steemit experiment ends because of it, it is because it was flawed. I don't think we should let this stupid website tear us apart. If it's broken, then we should tear it apart, then they'll be forced to revise the next HF to adapt, or they can let the system die of natural causes.

Imagine if we were talking about political action committees, imagine if Trump was like no fair Hillary's getting more money than me in her PACS, and money is finite etc.. He didn't focus on all that jazz, he just upped his game and played it in a more strategic way.

I think we all need to do that, focus on our potential to win, instead of trying to get other people to lose. This way, we can delegate 100% of our presence, and energy to our own creativity, as opposed to it being delegated to infighting.

We've got allot of billionaires in this world who are holding massive amounts of money, it sits in banks and just builds interests, and they just collect free money, every minute of everyday. Yet we can't think about that and expect anything productive to come of it, we have to think about us, and where we're going.

Anyways, that reply was longer than I thought it would be, thank you very much for the thoughtful comment @felipejoys. At the very least you certainly helped me to comprehend the other side of the argument with more clarity.


Like so many people have said: just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Can syrian government wage war against their own citizens? YES! They can.
Can whales kill steemit altogether? YES. They can.

Is someone trying to end this syrian massacre? In theory, maybe, it's complicated.
Is someone trying to save steemit? YES. Bernie.


I hear you, I wonder though in his efforts to "save Steemit" if his account is losing value, or gaining value? Is anyone tracking that? I seen a post of his the other day it was like two very short sentences.

The post was set to rake in about 700sbd. We also have to make sure that he's not like one of those race pimps who thrive off of controversy in order to enrich himself. I don't track his account enough, to know if this war is proving lucrative to him or not.

One thing I do know, that's even more dangerous IMHO. Sure lets say the whales tried to kill Steemit. All that would happen is more people would receive lower rewards. I think without big rewards people would continue to Steemit.

However, with these voting wars, it results in posts getting dithered out, and hidden, something that looks very similar to the censorship that the larger socials are engaged in. I think if you fear driving away the Steemit userbase, that censorship, especially at this time, might be a bigger detriment than the issue of smaller rewards. In order to stop the censorship, we have to encourage Steemians not to downvote.

Sneak (a dev) for example downvoted this guy the other day called @iamstan, and apparently he's launching an organized campaign to just completely destroy his reputation. It really smacks of censorship, especially when it causes posts to be hidden and dithered out.

That type of downvoting behavior is more likely to drive away users, than the inability to receive large rewards. Money is always going to be finite, and there will always be somebody who gets more. Technically, if they have more, and you have less, that doesn't necessarily mean, that if they had less, then you would be well off.

Apparently the only way to get well off in Steemit is with hard work, creativity, and persistent posting on topics that you are passionate about. I know that Bernie is probably passionate about his dislike for haejin, but where is it getting them?

I really don't think he's getting anywhere, the whole thing seems like a shitshow to me, akin to rich people flying around in their private jets, trying to encourage people to lower their carbon output, by paying them more in taxes on carbon credits, so that they can in turn buy more private jets.

The reward pool exists because of steemit investors. If they decide it's not worth it anymore, they'll move on to something else and we get zero rewards. No profit, no posting, no steemit.

We try our hardest here and we love to see how it pays off. But most of us try hards need the money. We'll be forced to do something else to (help) pay our living expenses.

I hear you, I just don't think that you're going to be able to get people who do that kind of thing; if that's what he's doing, to quit doing it. I used to play a video game Halo, just the trial map of the first game.

For some reason I would just keep playing that one map over and over again, eventually light years later I bought the whole game. Long story short, on that one map 'Blood Gulch' there were Banshees (flying machines) and Rocket launchers.

Nobody liked the Banshees, or Rocket Launchers, or Team Killing and flag stealing. So people would all try to agree ahead of time. No Banshees!, -or- No rocket Launchers! Etc.

Forever, I would try to accomplish an enforcement of these rules. Yet there would always be that one guy who would play according to the existential rules (or natural law) as opposed to the made up ones, and so long as those items were in play, that one guy would use them.

It got to the point where I got so frustrated with trying to create rules that people would inevitably not follow, and I adapted to the game. I learned to shoot down the banshees, and snipe quickly people who went for the rocket launcher.

Or I would use those items myself and concede the fact that, they are in play, so long as they are in play. I even learned to modify these items out of the map and make teleports to other locations on that map that nobody knew existed. That was mostly just for fun though.

Long story short, lets have a killer whale rewardpool rape festival for a week. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if the Devs are worried that it will kill investment they'll be forced to make the necessary changes, or watch it all go bye-bye.

Do you think they'd intervene to protect it, or do you think, maybe they don't care? Or maybe there doesn't need to be any intervention at all. Maybe no matter how much so called 'reward pool rape' that happens, the platform will grow regardless?

It's been very interesting talking to you @felipejoys!
We might have to agree to disagree, but maybe we'll
both walk away from this understanding the other side
of the argument(s) better!

Gotta run for now,

P.S. Thanks for the great dialogue!

The reason the halo analogy is not good is... you'll still be able to play the game, no matter what people do while they're playing.

This isn't the case with steemit. If nobody wants to use it anymore because SBD drops too low, most people won't use the site. It's not equally enjoyable on single player or over an instanced multiplayer session. You've got better apps and sites to do that. What we've got here is unique.

Also I don't think the devs care much for it at the moment. This is also very worrying to me.

Yeah, that is really concerning! They seem to be real interested in the smart tokens though, I'll have to look into that and see what it's about.

I think you're wrong though, for me personally, Steemit has inspired me to be creative in ways that other social media platforms have not.

I think allot of people would stay for it's communication/and sharing value. I mean the level of creativity here, it's almost beyond belief.

I probably would not have written any of the things that I've written on here were it not for Steemit motivating me to do so.

Not that my posts are all that special, but it's allowed me to access a creativity that I didn't know I had, or had been neglecting for too long.

First it was about trying to earn, and it still is to some degree, but for me now, it's more about the communication.

The back and fourth you get with people is real good. Just like our conversation, I think that it's been really productive and we're both starting to understand each other better.

More than we would if this were say; fakebook, twatter, or utube. Maybe it's because there is less censorship here, than on those platforms, for now anyways. God (, and or, dog) only knows, what the future may bring!

Also, randowhale and bernie are the same person afaik. His own rewards get voted down in this war, so no wonder he has to use his resources and self-upvotes to put up a fight. It is draining to him.

If he wanted to rape the reward pool too, he wouldn't need to go into this flag wars. He could simply be an a-hole and abuse the system too.

I wish i had the ability to figure out which alleged scheme earns who more. That's some math, that's simply beyond my ability.

Just because people are rich doesn't mean all of them don't give a damn. If they just had get rich schemes, they wouldn't have to battle against each other. This war lesses both of their profit.

It sure does.. I think..?

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