Lobbyists shape policy, how the oligarchy runs things in the USA.

in #fascistamerica6 years ago

In the USA our politicians are bought and paid for, influence peddling is the norm in the halls of congress.

The people who take the payoffs are considered to be doing “their job” by the regulators who are allegedly protecting the interests of the people. Sadly the SEC and the rest of our regulatory bodies seem to be acting against the interests of the people and in the interest of these massive wealth management companies.

There are a handful of financial institutions which control the vast majority of all wealth in the world. Blackstone holdings, Wellington management company, and Vanguard group use their enormous wealth to influence policy at the national and international level. They are accountable to their shareholders and that’s it, virtually no nation or legal office can hold these oligarch accountable. They are the king makers of the world. They choose which policy politicians will make, and invest proactively to profit ahead of the policies which they drive. An example of this type of profits driven policy is the child separation program the USA is enforcing against asylum seekers.

Seeking asylum is an internationally recognized right which all nations are obligated to provide in the name of human rights by the UN. There is no nation in the world which can deny entry to asylum seekers, lawfully. Sadly the world seems more than willing to violate the rights of refugees, and even make them into vectors for profit. This is the case in the USA with the Geo Group. They are one of the companies earning profits from the detention of refugee children. Their contracts were secured through lobbying, and the profits they earn go to shareholders in the enormous financial management companies. Vanguard group and Blackrock holdings are the two largest shareholders of Geo group with nearly a third of all institutionally owned shares these two money managers are heavily invested in the prison industrial complex.


The reality in the USA is that our so called leader was placed in office through the efforts of these huge financial players, they contributed to the campaign of trimp and also financed the right wings activities in brainwashing, rather tv and internet ads, which have been proven to swing elections.

The candidate who spends the most tends to take office after the election. This in effect takes cash from corporations who want influence policy and gives it to media influencers who then prejudice their viewers in favor of whoever spends the most. This is how politics work in the USA now, our offices of higher power are run by money grubbers who can legally be bought off with money from outside the country.

This is quite literally the definition of fascism, and it’s degrading what has long been known as the freest nation to what is clearly becoming a police state. The powerful and monied elites use our “free press” to spread lies about the people who are actually working to improve the future for the people of the world, while simultaneously misrepresenting the effectiveness of government in regulating industry. A perfect marriage of corporation and state represented by the buying and selling of legislation and regulation. The effectiveness of lobbying in changing policy is clear in the way which Geo group along with Core Civics bought off the 2016 election and swung their profits from a minus to a plus based on their purchase of immigration policy. The draconian legislation which has funded the genocide of indigenous people fleeing drug wars in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and other central American nations was heavily influenced by lobbyists to increase the prisoner population of their unsafe and inhumane prisons. Their prisons have been found to be violating human rights and covering up child rape. The prison guards are often under trained to increase profits, likewise the prisoners are neglected. They receive inadequate medical attention and are subject to spoiled food and unsafe living conditions. The dangers presented by these profits driven incarceration companies has been largely covered up by a media which stands to reap profits from ignoring the inhumane behavior of these companies. A company like Geo group will not run ads on a media platform which has been actively decrying their wrong doings in prisoners care. This soft manipulation is enough to shape the reporting which come across the desks of editors, no producer worth their salt will allow one of their major advertisers to suffer humiliation on their platform. This is why we see the media acting against the national interests of the people, and hiding the inhumane treatment and conditions suffered by prisoners who may be unjustly held.

Reporting on these issues should have been a priority for the media all along, however they are not genuinely a free press. These media companies are acting as non-profits, using the public’s air waves to deliver propaganda directly into people’s homes. Recently Fox, CBS and NPR all covered up for and excused the predatory behaviors of their staff who had been sexually assaulting women in their newsrooms and boardrooms. The fact that media companies cover up for sexual assault tells you how willing these same companies would be to cover up for financial crimes, after all if you hide a rapist, what won’t you hide?


Finance, media, politics, and law enforcement have a very small circle of people who dump money into their programs. The people who fund these portions of society get to decide what is relevant and what is ignored.

When you are acting against the interests of these powerful players in society they lock you out and fabricate smear campaigns, they make funding inaccessible and remove safeguards, they create policy to stymie progress and will out and out ruin the name of their antagonists. In short the power players in society have the USA on lock-down. We cannot see media which doesn’t receive finance and support from regulatory bodies, the finance and regulatory bodies are run by a select group which are not accountable to the citizens and are therefore unwilling to facilitate beneficial change. In fact they go in the opposite direction and prevent change by setting gatekeepers who prevent anyone who would create a counter narrative from gaining access to the masses. These gatekeepers create laws to exclude the poor, or to disenfranchise the outspoken. The gatekeepers of politics are the DNC and the RNC. The gatekeepers of finance are the FEC and SEC. The gatekeepers of media are Soros and Buffet. These giants in media can prevent your song from being aired or your writings from being published. They can send law enforcement to seize your funds and see to it that you are locked away.


When you release important information to the media they marginalize you by covering you as a person instead of the content of your revelation. This is what happened to Chris Dorner. He was the LAPD officer who exposed police racism and misconduct.

His manifesto was meant to reveal the use of disciplinary actions meant to halt whistle-blowers coming forward in the LAPD. In the Dorner manifesto he addresses the issues of corrupt police, racism and drug dealing by law enforcement. His manifesto was largely ignored while his personal behavior became the center of coverage for the media. The media utterly failed to hold the LAPD accountable for their numerous crimes outlined in the Dorner manifesto. The Rampart division who was responsible for bringing crack into LA, and the beating of Rodney King being foremost in the manifesto expose how the LAPD officers who were dealing drugs and violently beating innocent suspects have been promoted rather than disciplined or fired. The case of Chris Dorner is emblematic of the media utterly failing to hold accountable the people who were involved in hate crimes against this black officer, rather they focus on his reaction to decades of racists behavior from the LAPD.

The same tactic was used against both Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Even now the media focuses on the personal lives of Snowden and Manning rather than directly addressing the crimes these whistle-blowers brought to light. The media is not alone though in ignoring crime. Judges and prosecutors have an obligation to uphold the law, yet they are tied up in the economic game and forced to base their actions on the designs and wishes of the moneyed elites rather than what is fair and just. This is the USA as I see it. Corrupt and full of lying liars. Morally bankrupt law enforcement and financially corrupt politicians working in concert with media to spin a narrative which will further alienate the public from each other. Divide and conquer has been an effective tactic for a long time. Now the medium for this tactic is the internet and television delivered media, these dual-use technologies are ingrained in the daily life of citizens in the USA and have become trusted sources of information. Sadly the Fake News industry is thriving, and the talking heads have become trusted members of our daily lives.


As the sun sets on the empire of the USA, we see the crumbling of our once strong institutions. Trust in the media has been steadily falling. Trust in government is also on the decline. Voters feel like their voices are ignored, and the lobbyists seem to reinforce the fact that money is the only real deciding factor in policy making. The recent move to strip funding of the social safety net in favor of funding child concentration camps for ICE is as clear of a statement as can be made. Profiting off of the police state in the USA is a driving factor, the needs of the people is not important. These values systems cannot be supported, this is why our politicians and media work so hard to keep their actual misdeeds hidden. This is why we need to build systems of mutual aid and displace the government as the provider of our basic needs.

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I like when you tell it like is, nice job brother. The truth needs told and the mainstream media won't do it.

Thanks for your encouragement. I do what I can. For now it's in front of a keyboard. I may be seeing more of the inequity up close and personal in the near future.

You are welcome, well deserved.

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Nice article @tawasi, thanks for luring me in.

#lobbywar might be a usefull tag for the future?

These lobby practises are also used to wage war on the European economy.

I will take a look at the hashtag.

These war profiteers are embedded into global society, we really need to figure out how to end this sort of governance and create a kindness revolution.

the tag is not in use yet but there is so much to write about lobbiests that such a tag could be usefull

A kindness revolution that sounds good to me, count me in!

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