Private property rights violated by pipeline company. NO BAYOU BRIDGE!

in #activism6 years ago

In Louisiana the Bayou Bridge Pipeline is crossing private property without permission. The oil company was unable to obtain either an easement or an agreement with the property owner. Because of this the company is actively violating the law with the support of the local sheriffs in the region.

Property owner Theda Wright and her sisters have granted permission to Water Protectors from an activist movement, written permission to be on the land which is being stolen by the pipeline company. The property owners have been deprived of their private property. While the governor of the state John Bel Edwards has taken payoffs by the oil company behind closed doors, and the state is allowing corrections officers from the prisons system to be hired in uniform to enforce the dictates of a private company.


During the Bundy Ranch standoff there were multiple militia groups from around the country, armed to the teeth standing up for the rights of ranchers not to pay fees for grazing on public land.

Imagine how the gun toting right would have responded to a straight up theft of the Bundy ranch. The black property owners of the land in St Martins Parish have received no such support from the militant property rights activists.


During the Bundy Ranch Standoff the mainstream media was in a frenzied 24/7 news cycle about the standoff. They spoon fed the public ideas about government overreach.

It was portrayed as a patriotic standoff between a tyrannical government and private property owners. Meanwhile the Wright sisters are having THEIR land stolen, without due process, or the Rule of Law. In fact there are court orders in place to halt construction of the Bayou Bridge Pipeline. These orders are being roundly ignored by the pipeline company and their pack of hired thugs.

Imagine if you will the reaction of the media when We The People occupied our own public lands during Occupy Wall St, now imagine the ringing silence from the media over direct property theft. I point this out not only because it is clear that the media has extreme bias, but also because I want you to ponder how many other issues are being ignored and covered up by the cowards in journalism.


In the USA we as the public are largely locked out of the media. We don’t have a voice on our public air waves, and our free press exists purely for advertisement profits.

This sort of corporate press has led our nation to a point where we have to actively protest on the media’s doorstep in order to draw attention to the failures of media. This neglect of duty to the public has become so extreme a Texas man used his pickup truck as a means to communicate with the media how extreme their neglect is.


The public must become accountable to our need for a free press. We are the ones who can affect change in the awareness of the masses.

It is up to us to leverage systems like Steemit in ways which support the free flow of information. We need to use oppressive social media in a way which encourages awareness of the blatant censorship of those platforms and encourage people to speak out en mass.


Police and media act in concert with politicians and oil pipeline companies to create a false narrative around the movement to protect the water and air for future generations. As a part of this false narrative police pile false charges onto the Water Protectors, and the media parrots the lies told by law enforcement.

The politicians get involved by upholding and repeating the lies told by law enforcement. The effect this has on the Truth is quite saddening. The truth ends up tossed aside and ignored while the lies are paraded around in front of TV cameras. We saw this happening during Standing Rock, and this is exactly what is happening now in the fight against the Bayou Bridge Pipeline.


The organizers of the resistance camp in the Bayou have made a call for support. They are asking people to sign up to volunteer in their fight against this illegal and dangerous piece of the fossil fuels profits machine. There is a volunteer form available on their website. They are taking direct nonviolent action to halt construction of the tail end of the Dakota Access Pipe Line. They need direct support, as well as indirect support. If you are like me, then you will be doing all you can to protect the water for future generation. See You In The Streets!

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