Global Warming. Hunger and the importance of food sovereignty.

in #globalwarming6 years ago

In the build up to the 09 housing bubble crash I knew there would be a time when we would be starved out. I have seen it on the horizon for a while. It seem now much closer than previously I had thought. I had thought that maybe in the year 2050, or that maybe, just maybe we would be able to escape this bleak dystopian future through our collective caring. Now I see this catastrophe closing in. People have put trust in the wrong institutions to provide for our welfare. We have entrusted food production and distribution to the people who are more concerned with their profits than with fair and equitable distribution of goods. This has resulted in huge numbers of people living on the worst sorts of foods, eating things which are outlawed in other developed countries. We are simultaneously starving and becoming obese.


In our current food production and delivery system we see only a small number of companies holding the seeds, and developing chemicals without which these seeds will not survive. They have created an unending market for their toxic products and are actually suing farmers who have been inadvertently contaminated by their toxic genetically modified crops. This is an extension of an ancient program known as Codex Alimentarius. This program was originally a part of the Roman Armies program to bring the entire world under the flag of Rome. The intention was to force all farmers to buy seed from the Roman empire. They mean to take control of all foods around the planet, so that each and every grain would be taxed by Cesar.


In the USA food has been used to break nations, and bust strikes. Keeping food away from union strikers was what caused the invention of the Po’boy sandwich in New Orleans. Withholding food was a tactic used by the USA government and the government of Canada to gain treaties and compliance with land theft from indigenous peoples across North America. The most memorable example of this type of manipulation is the massacre of the buffalo herds. The mass kill off was carried out to deprive the people of their primary food source. This was done in the aftermath of the Fort Laramie treaty of 1868 which had a clause guaranteeing The Lakota people the right to hunt buffalo north of the Platte river. Instead of directly violating the clause, the president at the time organized hunting groups from England and across the USA to hunt the buffalo to the point that indigenous people could not survive without government assistance.


Now we have legislation like the Food Safety Modernization act which intends to create a sterile condition for soil and water. This act is presented as a means to reduce dangers from food borne illness like e. Coli and salmonella. The outcome however will be far different. Currently the FDA and other regulatory bodies are introducing guidelines for adding BLEACH to the water which goes to our farmlands in the USA. If you dump bleach on your crops they will die, the microorganisms which sustain life will die, and your soil will become fallow. The outcome of this sort of enforcement is that farmers are forced to buy seeds which can withstand these toxic chemicals. In short we will only be able to grow “round-up ready” seeds. Creating a system of agriculture which is reliant on the chemical companies guarantees their profitability into the future. Many of these soil additives and pesticides are petrochemical by products. The fossil fuel industry has been normalizing the use of caustic chemicals in farming for decades, since the end of the second world war, where phosphates which had been manufactured for bullets and bombs was stockpiled and largely useless in peacetime. Instead of finding a way to safely dispose of these poisons, they were marketed as fertilizers. This was the beginning of a system which dumps known toxic chemicals into our food sources. Some speculate that this is a program of soft kills, where instead of shooting or bombing people, the people are slowly poisoned.


In the USA we cannot use the words Global Warming if we want to have federal funding for our science. This has led to terms like rising global temperatures, climate change and other Newspeak to address the worlds rising temperatures. Because of Global Warming we can expect many of our food stocks to be ruined by insects and drought. We can also anticipate that there will be a continuing scarcity of fresh safe water. With these understandings the moneyed elites are actively buying up fresh water reserves as quickly as they can. While simultaneously contaminating water sources which cannot be easily purchased. The people who own the world’s natural resources have a long range view on water supplies. They have known for decades that water will be the next gold. This knowledge has led to a consolidation of water rights. It has led to a privatization of water sources and delivery systems. The changing global waterscape is being designed, and the people who are designing it won’t be giving away water, they are not of the mind that water is a human right. Rather they intend to privatize water sources and only allow those who have earned it to drink what the is the world’s most precious resource.


It has become quite clear that our government here in the USA isn’t going to help the people. In the time since Citizen’s United our government has gone full blown fascist, in as far as fascism is described by Mussolini as a perfect marriage between corporation and state. This corporatization of our government has created a fox guarding the hen house situation where our food safety is being portrayed as only effective when the water and soil are sterile. This insanity is in place purely to provide profits for chemical companies, and has nothing to do with food safety or nutrition. Our so called leaders are working against the best interests of the public. They are allowing known cancer causing ingredients into our food supply, while also preventing actual nutritional based health with their skewed food pyramid. The use of bad data to support the consumption of animal proteins contributes to our sick society of obesity. We blindly believe our scientists, scientists which have sold their ethics for a stack of cash, as has become the new norm in science. Comply for funding, or be blackballed.


We need to reclaim our ability to create food regionally. We need to remove bad legislation from our counties and states. We need to determine which political actors are not serving the interests of the people and remove them from OUR public offices. We need to create resilient networks of food sovereignty and build community around concepts of mutual aid and gift culture. If we want to evolve as a species our potential for empathy and compassion must be built up and sharing food seems to be one of the most important efforts in our modern time. In the USA 1 in 5 citizens are on supplemental nutrition assistance. We are given enough calories to survive, but the food we consume makes us sick and forces us into the medical system which is also built around profits and not wellness. These deadly chemicals and treatments are considered illegal in other countries. Our government protects systems which are silently killing us. Our government acts to safeguard the board members and shareholders who are actively ruining our planets survivability. If we genuinely want a better world for the future we must remove toxic legislators and corporations from positions of influence. We must Seize The Means Of Productions. WE MUST.

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