Government "Health" Propaganda Compares The Mothers Who Sleep Together With Their Children To Butcher's Knives

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I see stuff about propaganda, media manipulations, stupid non-issues made into massive problems etc. etc. etc. Mostly I stay away from these toxic environments. It brings nothing to my life that is of value and I'd rather be john Galt instead of Dagney Taggart. In another way I'll frame it like this:

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

So I end up talking more about things that improve people's life like this or things that I write to expand people's minds and teach them new things. It's really great to see someone discovering a great creator, artist, philosopher because of me.

But There Comes a Time Where You Just Have to Cull The Pig and Burn It in Acid Before It Stands on Its 4 Feet.

That meat chopping knife is supposed to be the symbol for the mom. The picture is from the Official Website of the City of Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USSA) There is more from where it came.

Let's Try Some Breakdowns

Following is the path and name for the picture in the website: /ImageLibrary/Groups/healthAuthors/MCH/Images/infantmortality/baby-knifead1large.jpg

They are saying that this is related to health (specifically infant mortality) and they literaly name the picture as baby knifed. Note that this is an allegorical representation of a bay sleeping with mommy. Also notice that in the picture they are giving fee cribs to those who can't afford it. As a great sci-fi author named Robert A. Heinlein said, TANSTAAFL (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch). So Let's explore economics.

Keynesians; Making a Buck out of Demonizing Motherhood

It goes like this: Buying cribs is an economic activity which increase spending and the velocity of money stimulating economy. It's good for the people who are selling cribs. but such economic theory is utterly disjointed from reality. You can read my post on Why Economics is not an Empirical Science but a Synthetic A Priori for more insights.

There is also few additional angels to this. Free cribs mean more tax funding. when there is more money, these leeches who are part of the system pocket more money for themselves and enrich themselves. Where do you think the cribs come from? Surely it is from the cronies. Doctors, CPS and other forms of bureaucratic fluffers get to spend more time describing how deadly it is to sleep with your own child. (The allegory they are going for is that you are butchering your children by sleeping with them) More work for hem means more funding for them. Thos eposters don't appear out of the aether. Somebody has to design and print them and also distribute these. speaking of distribution, we have these:

The Reason For Such madness is explained Below With The Help of Government Statistics By The Same Disgusting Government Website:

Between 2006 and 2009 there were 89 infant deaths related to SIDS, SUDI, or accidental suffocation. Of these 46 (51.7%) infants were sleeping in an adult bed at the time of their death. The overall rate of such deaths has remained high in the last decade, prompting Milwaukee public health officials to launch a provocative city-wide safe sleep campaign to prevent them.

There you have it. 46 Dead kids between 2006 and 2009. That's all it required for these people to start a campaign making mothers the equivalent of meat chopping knives. The people didn't even stop their. virtue signaling knows no bounds. Eric Hoffer explained this brilliantly.

"people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world and would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change."
"There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless."

So what did they do? they made a song "The Baby's Prayer - Please Help Me Live" You can read the full creditworthy lyrics here:

Few Observational Insights

In the animal world, the mammals tend to be the smartest and most developed. If you can name 10 of your favorite animals, most of them or even all of them are likely to be mammals. You are bound to come across pregnant and feeding mammals in your life. They could be some cute mice, squirrels, deer but most of them would be cats or dogs.

The point I'm trying to make is "Who are the real animals?" You should never let these so called Health Department creatures who's lives worth less than that of dogs (according to their actions)
control you and make decisions for you and tell you what to think or how o raise your kids. Animals have more dignity and humanity than those who demonize motherhood for quick bucks and agendas that take high ground blowing the trumpet fg their so called virtue.

Stay Vigilant and Stay Prosperous!


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Every now and then, the government needs to demonize obscure things to distract from actually upsetting topics.

Suprised that it hit mothers this time around, usually, everyone tries to avoid this.

the medical establishment is constantly coming up with bizarre guidelines and best practices based on their research for mothers and infants that pretty much contradicts itself with every child you may have. Cribs are good at one time then a few years later they are bad and then they will be good again. They don't recommend teething gel for kids anymore because like 4 kids turned a little blue from too much, out of every fucking kid in the world! teething gel is great, use it if you like it.

Raising a child these days must be ridiculous. Sometimes, I feel glad that I don't have any yet. Not sure if I want them to be born into this kind of mess.

well if you do use the teething gel, it's perfectly safe

Just wait for the someone to demonize that too.

They did and so I had to read the literature about it. There were a handful of reported adverse reactions but none of them were fatal. But if there are adverse reactions then they don't recommend something that helps millions of people and babies sleep.

Now that I think about it, isn't there a story like this in the bible as well?

I remember having had something like that in first class religious education class. Something about a woman who slept in one bed with her baby. Killed the baby by accident and wanted to steal another mothers baby out of loneliness.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was also a connection to that.

It sure is evidence that mothers smothering their infants is a legitimate concern that has been a problem for quite some time.

It's always overkill with bureaucrats.

It is very much the same, the TSA is always working hard to defend us from the last attack, as if they would do the same thing again. LOL Avocados are ok, guacamole is a gel! You can bring any amount of liquid if you write the words "contact lens solution" on it. One guy brings two liter bottles like that and if anyone asks why he has two he says "two eyes"

is that 46 kids in Milwaukee or nationwide? There are plenty of kids who get killed because the mother smothers them, they are a lot safer in a crib but a lot of poor people don't use cribs because they can't afford them. A lot of people sleep with their kids because it seems like less work at first but in the long run its a lot better to have them sleep on their own. Poor people in the US are also more likely to be fat and opiate addicts and those are two big risk factors for these deaths.
I don't think it's a plot by the crib industry either because the free cribs are more like fancy cardboard boxes designed to be hard to suffocate in.

is that 46 kids in Milwaukee or nationwide?

I have to assume that it is Milwaukee because it was their official website.

The stats say that it is more likely for a person to get hit by lightning than than dying while co-sleeping with a parent.

And therefor doctors recommend that you stay indoors during lightning storms. They make these recommendations out of an abundance of caution. I was telling someone else about how they no longer recommend teething gel not because of any deaths but based on a handful of reports of massive overdoses causing some babies to temporarily turn blue, like less than 16 total cases, out of all babies. One needs to view any of their recommendations in that light and take them with a grain of salt.
I knew a girl who got hit by lightning.

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You've got some serious points here. It's a matter of choice. And using a knife to typify a woman isn't good at all.

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