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RE: Government "Health" Propaganda Compares The Mothers Who Sleep Together With Their Children To Butcher's Knives

Every now and then, the government needs to demonize obscure things to distract from actually upsetting topics.

Suprised that it hit mothers this time around, usually, everyone tries to avoid this.


the medical establishment is constantly coming up with bizarre guidelines and best practices based on their research for mothers and infants that pretty much contradicts itself with every child you may have. Cribs are good at one time then a few years later they are bad and then they will be good again. They don't recommend teething gel for kids anymore because like 4 kids turned a little blue from too much, out of every fucking kid in the world! teething gel is great, use it if you like it.

Raising a child these days must be ridiculous. Sometimes, I feel glad that I don't have any yet. Not sure if I want them to be born into this kind of mess.

well if you do use the teething gel, it's perfectly safe

Just wait for the someone to demonize that too.

They did and so I had to read the literature about it. There were a handful of reported adverse reactions but none of them were fatal. But if there are adverse reactions then they don't recommend something that helps millions of people and babies sleep.

Now that I think about it, isn't there a story like this in the bible as well?

I remember having had something like that in first class religious education class. Something about a woman who slept in one bed with her baby. Killed the baby by accident and wanted to steal another mothers baby out of loneliness.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was also a connection to that.

It sure is evidence that mothers smothering their infants is a legitimate concern that has been a problem for quite some time.

I think this might even go deeper than that. Full-on conspiracy theory levels of deep.

It's always overkill with bureaucrats.

It is very much the same, the TSA is always working hard to defend us from the last attack, as if they would do the same thing again. LOL Avocados are ok, guacamole is a gel! You can bring any amount of liquid if you write the words "contact lens solution" on it. One guy brings two liter bottles like that and if anyone asks why he has two he says "two eyes"

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