The Four Different Types/Stages of a Social Worker

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)


Upon starting this article, I wasn't sure whether to call this "The Four Different Types" or "The Four Different Stages," so I'm kind of blending the two together. From my observation in real life, and from gaining knowledge by reading @familyprotection posts, I have a theory that there are stages in the evolution of the average social worker. I think some go through all stages, and some go through a couple, and some may be a blend... but rarely do they stay in the first stage. So without further ado, here they are.

1.) The Savior

This social worker is probably young. She grew up in a cushy little bubble and knows nothing about adversity or the real world. She has good intentions and wants to make a difference and do her part to truly save poor abused children. I believe many social workers start out this way, and are bright eyed and bushy tailed straight out of the university. My last social worker was very young, and she even said to herself under her breath once, "Oh Kayla, Always wanting to save the world..."
She came from a different county, and was scolded when she spent too long talking to my husband. Her defense was, "Well, where I come from, you're supposed to build a relationship with the parents." She arranged for me to receive goodwill vouchers and a Walmart giftcard. I went from homelessness to getting my house back, and I needed supplies for the house after it was ransacked by meth heads, it's a long story. She was very helpful, and eventually dropped the case.

2.) The Cynic

This social worker is disillusioned, and hes seen too much evil, both from truly abusive parents, and from the corruption in the system. His/her personal life may also be a mess. She has lost all trust in human sincerity, and she cuts off her emotions while she keeps going through the motions of her job. She has made compromises, and may struggle in private, but has a generally cynical outlook of the world and feels powerless.

3.) The Power Trip

Knowing how the world is supposed to work, she throws her weight around to shape it as she sees fit. She looks to society's standards as a compass, and forces parents to adhere to these standards. She has no insight into alternative ways of living, nor does she have the patience for it. Close to a robot or machine with a God comlpex, she values conformity and has little sympathy for a parent's plight, her decisions are based heavily on hunches and how she feels. Let's just hope she likes you.

4.) The Black Heart

Maybe she started out on the good side of the force, but she has been hardened, and now has learned how to work the system. She has been trained to exploit every weakness, and is a master at deception. She rips families apart for fun and for money, as this brings her the greatest rewards. She is truly evil, has no conscience and no scruples. Pray you never cross paths with this type of social worker.

I'd like to add a fifth type here: The hypocrite.

This could be at any stage of the journey, but social workers are no strangers to the same problems the rest of humanity faces. How they can separate their job with their issues and behaviors in their personal life is a superpower. Their lives are not copacetic with their career at all! I'll give you some examples...
  • My husband had a friend in high school named Brent. He and Brent spent most of their time smoking weed in Brent's basement, which was also his bedroom. Brent's mom was a social worker and knew all about it.

  • Rumors are rumors, but I have read accounts from annonymous people on our city's "confessions" Facebook page, that there is a social worker here in town who is a drunk, and spreads STD's around everywhere.

  • Here on Steemit, I've read in the comments of one of my posts, that there is a social worker out there who doesn't even have her own kids, but somehow is allowed to continue on in her work.

So what do you think? Was I accurate in pinpointing the different types of social workers? Is there anything you'd like to add? Comments welcome!!

Love, snowpea ❤

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Sounds pretty good, but there is another even worse type of Social Worker -- the Pedophile.
Pedophiles often do their best to get a job that allows them easy access to children.

I am pretty sure that one of the Social Workers in my town who was involved with Anna's case (I wrote a series on her) is a pedophile. He would pick her daughter up from school for a Supervised Visit with mom, but take her to his house first and then show up about an hour late for the Supervised Visit.
When Anna made an official complaint that it was innapropriate for him to take her daughter to his house, a butch cop showed up at her door the next day and threatened her with her hand on her gun, to stop calling him a pedophile 'or else!' Anna hadn't even used the word pedophile, but just emphasized how innapropriate it was for a girl whom Social Workers claimed was already sexually abused to be put in such a position.
The girl doesn't remember being sexually assualted by him, but then again she doesn't remember her step-dad assaulting her either. Her step-dad was found innocent in Supreme Court of any criminal charges. Yet that same creep Social Worker kept telling the girl that the only reason she doesn't remember her step-dad doing it is because he drugged her first.
I can tell you that I have had experiences with troubled people accusing me of their own worst sins/weaknesses. And I think that's what this guy did. He probably drugged the girl himself. And he probably did it to lots of other children under his care.
At the courthouse one day, Anna saw a different foster girl snuggling up next him like he was her boyfriend. He's a complete sicko.
Many times sickos like this will seek jobs in Social Work.

Here's a recent news story that broke of a high-position Social Worker in my province, who was caught with Child Porn recently.

Oh, and another person I know told me in person that this same Social Worker was in charge of running a drug abuse support/counselling group in town, and that her 17-yr-old sister was attending his course. (She was not a foster child.) And that the SS ended up sleeping with her and dating her and smoking joints with her! He was a married man.
And it was common knowledge that one time a Foster Child walked into the bathroom at the main office and saw another female Social Worker giving him a blow job. They transferred him to another office for a year or so after that incident because of the embarassment it caused in the community.

oh my god thats horrible.. only the idea makes me sick :(

Wow, this is truly sickening. I am so disgusted right now...unbelievable.

The system is broken in terrible ways, but they should jail people who use the system to abuse kids! There is a special corner of Hell reserved for people like this, IMHO!

That seems like even though you may start out with good intentions as a social worker you end up scarred sick and messed up from the system. I suppose if you hang out with evil you eventually become evil. Corruption spreads like a cancer

I think there are way more types. For you #1 turned out to be the best, but to my experiences the starters seldom are. Too young, too less experiences, lack of neywork, etc etc And sayings like:"Well, where I come from, you're supposed to build a relationship with .." I would see as a way to manipulate me or force me into doing things, being too close, losing all of my privacy. Something I do not like.

She didn't say, "Well, where I come from, we're supposed to build relationships" to me, but I got an inside look because my boyfriend's best friend at the time was a social worker, and they all know each other's cases.

Thanks for clearing this up

Oeh number three actually looks like the little witch that we had on our case.. the worst one I had to deal with ...

1.the savior,2.the cynic, the power trip, 4.the black heart all are best site for social work.thanks to share....@snowpea

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