Legally Kidnapped: Cost/Benefit Analysis & Solutions

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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[I'm afraid my time here is drawing to a close so I want to spend some of it sharing my own thoughts about issues that concern me rather than just purveying information I've gathered]

When my mother died I was thrust into "The System" at age 5 without any attempt being made to locate family members who would have taken me... to show how long this corrupt system has been in place- this was 1950. It's gotten progressively worse ever since. With the advent of Child Protective Services in 1973 and ensuing legislation- particularly the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 under Bill Clinton- a legalized business incentive to snatch kids was born... all based on the myth of an epidemic of child abuse and "bad parenting," an epidemic that never existed. But that was no problem for the do-gooders who stood to profit handsomely, a mere bump in the proverbial road.

Currently for every child taken from a loving home, 25 professionals become involved in that child's life- not counting a plethora of NGO's that rake in hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions. One such NGO, the Children's Defense Fund, that I've written about several times, was responsible in large part for the media blitz that shaped public opinion making the epidemic appear real. It is also indicative of the revolving door between the NGO's and their influence on government. The CDF chair prior to the 1992 election was Hillary Rodham Clinton, who stepped down when her husband won the presidency. She was replaced by Donna Shalala who then became Secretary of Health & Human Services, the federal agency that oversees CPS... all just one big happy family.

One would naturally think with all of the money being spent on all of the dedicated professionals overseeing the children, America would be turning out citizens the envy of the entire world. However, as history is showing, the results have been an abysmal failure- both in terms money spent and the damage to families and society itself... to the tune of over $1.5 trillion a year. Let's take a look at what really takes place (I have to generalize here, but statistics support my conclusions).

It's the poor who bear the brunt of CPS and government abuse- people without the resources to defend themselves legally. It's become so bad that being poor is almost a crime. A child is taken away from their loving parent (s) and put in foster care. Generally they are given psychotropic drugs to counter the effects of having been snatched away from their home. This is happening to younger and younger children- some as young as one year old. While in foster care children are 60% more likely to be sexually abused and 70% more likely to be trafficked for sex and be incarcerated either in late childhood or as an adult. A child is 67 times more likely to die unexpectedly in foster care than with their own families. This is not a good track record... but it gets worse.

The cost to society goes on throughout the child's life, in terms of drug use (which is rampant among children of foster care), incarceration, early out of wedlock  pregnancy... these children for the most part fall through the cracks and wind up on the fringes of society- on the outside looking in- believe me I know, I'm one. Any sort of rational system, one that would actually benefit children, families and by extension society as a whole has been turned on its head... all for short term financial benefits of a few. The future of American society as a whole has been mortgaged for profit... all based on a myth, the result of which has been catastrophic for families and children.


After WWII Europe was devastated... the people were destitute. What saved them was that the families, what was left of them, were strong. The orphanages in the beginning were filled to overflowing- but they didn't stay that way for long. The churches, and charitable organizations  invested in families- even poor single parent families instead of trying to destroy them for profit. I read a story about a young woman in Scandinavia who had a baby... she was also on drugs. They didn't try to take her baby away, they helped. 3-4 times a week people from the town came by to see if she needed anything. They brought diapers, formula and food. What they did was employ a Christian model- if your neighbor falls, help him/her up... don't call CPS, they won't help.

Solutions are only solutions when they work. It's easy to say "it's not my problem." It may not be your problem today, but it may be tomorrow when that kid you ignored because he wasn't your problem sticks a gun in your face to get his next fix. We are all each other's problem- unless we encourage the children not to be problems... this is the crux of Christianity and why families are the foundation of society. We are all responsible for one another. Government, CPS, foster care are the problem- they've proven it over and over again- not the solution. The only thing social services has accomplished is to keep the child trafficking pipeline full of victims for the elites to abuse. Like the old saying goes: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." It's time to stand up and say NO MORE!!!

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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I'm afraid my time here is drawing to a close

Whaat? 😦😨😰

I'm not doing so good... It gets harder and harder to focus on working. I can barely walk up the stairs without feeling like I'm going to pass out.

Oooh I'm sorry ,Rich, I really hope you feel better soon 🤗 you're a wonderful person..

Thank you my dear... I guess I wore this poor old body out! It's been a long hard haul!!

The statistics you cite are devastating, but not as devastating as the impact the horrible abuse committed by government and associated persons and agencies on Americans has had.

It's time for this to end. I reckon you've done your part here. Imma do mine and resteem.


I wish I was going to live long enough to see the end!

You were one of the first writers I encountered here exposing these truths. I mentioned before I quickly discarded your posts as extreme conspiracy speculation until others I followed resteemed your work putting it in front of me to read. Slowly I quit fighting the evidence you and many others in the informationwar would cite. Thank you for all that you do to keep a narrative going that shines light on the real truth.

I apologize for asking, but since you have brought it up again

I'm afraid my time here is drawing to a close so I want to spend some of it sharing my own thoughts about issues that concern me rather than just purveying information I've gathered

I have noticed since coming online around 2002 that many come and go, and one never knows what happened. Is there someone here on Steemit that knows you off of here and would know what becomes of you when that time comes (hopefully not as quick a timeline as you are envisioning)? I would appreciate if there was a mechanism in place for closure rather than one day I realize that you haven't been posting.

A closure mechanism- what a great idea! I'm old and not in very good health (a life well lived!). It doesn't seem that my meds for CHF are doing any good. I have to go tomorrow for tests and I'm going to ask about it. I keep having these spells that are really scary and it takes about an hour or more to recover.

I hope they are able to figure out what is going on and treat it to make it go away or at least manageable. Please keep us updated on it as well as coming up with

A closure mechanism-

Thank you my friend.

I'm going to try to get them to switch my meds today- maybe I just need something else. I'm also looking into natural remedies- which I prefer.

Well, you've been asked multiple times, but I'm going to add - why is your time here drawing to a close?!

I'm not doing too good physically... I'll be 73 in a couple of weeks and I'm getting weaker.

Well, that's not good. 73 is too young to be saying your time is that limited. I hope you are wrong about not being around much longer...

This poor old body has about had it!

I'm sorry to hear that. Repetitive, but true.

When you have churches and people willing to help, things happen. Indeed a finer solution rather than the criminal CPS. However it is hard today to find such willing hearts. Many are afraid to get involved or unwilling to volunteer their time. Sadly the hearts of the people are not what they were after the great war. The 1960's 'me' generation mentality has corrupted now three generations with selfishness and apathy is in epidemic proportions. How do we bring back the loving giving heart? Thanks @richq11

By standing up to evil and calling it out wherever we see it. Evil cannot be conquered with kindness and understanding!

howdy @richq11...what do you mean "your time is drawing to a close"? on Steemit?
thanks for the informative post sir, you are helping to make so many people aware of this situation.

I'm getting weaker my friend... it's hard to work.

I'm so sorry to hear that @richq11, I thought you went to the doctors and they were going to be able to get you back to health?

The medication they put me on doesn't seem to help very much. Thanks my friend... It seems that I've about worn this poor old body out!

well sir I hate to hear that but we all have our time to leave, I just pray that your time isn't up yet!

Yes, I know... I just tell God, your will be done. It would be really inconvenient right now!

the most interesting thing about all this is that the number of professionals involved is in the rupture of a family relationship, not in the lives of the boys since there are no therapists to take care of this situation and this eventually generates debasting consequences, There are no adequate follow-ups to the replacement families or the mental health of the people involved in the matter

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." It's time to stand up and say NO MORE!!!

We need to unite all the activists from all causes and incite change through ACTION! All of these issues have the same root - humanity, in the majority, is not doing what it takes to be free.

Let's stop talking and start being.

Thanks for the informative post with an inside perspective. I wish you the best.

There's a new social media platform coming out in about a month called We're in testing right now. It will be set up a lot like Fakebook, only without the bad side effects!

That's amazing, I'll check it out. Feel free to keep me posted!

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