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RE: Legally Kidnapped: Cost/Benefit Analysis & Solutions

You were one of the first writers I encountered here exposing these truths. I mentioned before I quickly discarded your posts as extreme conspiracy speculation until others I followed resteemed your work putting it in front of me to read. Slowly I quit fighting the evidence you and many others in the informationwar would cite. Thank you for all that you do to keep a narrative going that shines light on the real truth.

I apologize for asking, but since you have brought it up again

I'm afraid my time here is drawing to a close so I want to spend some of it sharing my own thoughts about issues that concern me rather than just purveying information I've gathered

I have noticed since coming online around 2002 that many come and go, and one never knows what happened. Is there someone here on Steemit that knows you off of here and would know what becomes of you when that time comes (hopefully not as quick a timeline as you are envisioning)? I would appreciate if there was a mechanism in place for closure rather than one day I realize that you haven't been posting.


A closure mechanism- what a great idea! I'm old and not in very good health (a life well lived!). It doesn't seem that my meds for CHF are doing any good. I have to go tomorrow for tests and I'm going to ask about it. I keep having these spells that are really scary and it takes about an hour or more to recover.

I hope they are able to figure out what is going on and treat it to make it go away or at least manageable. Please keep us updated on it as well as coming up with

A closure mechanism-

Thank you my friend.

I'm going to try to get them to switch my meds today- maybe I just need something else. I'm also looking into natural remedies- which I prefer.

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