CPS Corruption In Australia & A Dream For @familyprotection

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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Before delving into CPS abuse in Australia, I want to say something about a dream I have for @familyprotection. I realize that I'm not an admin, just a contributor- but we all have a vested interest in the success of the organization... the integrity of families around the globe are at stake. I would like to see @familyprotection become a force- a force for good. The more we expose the corruption, the stronger we become- the more aware people become, the less they trust corrupt institutions. The biggest mistake I see people making is trusting that, because they've done nothing wrong, everything will turn out ok. It won't and the more people know, the better they can protect themselves. The more we publish, the more aware people become and sooner or later CPS will come to understand that we're watching and we won't be silent while they kidnap our children. Each time I get my daily payout, I try to give back at least 10%... I've done well writing for @familyprotection and they deserve to benefit as well. Remember, the bigger they get- the bigger our audience and the smaller we make CPS... Please help, even if it's only 1 or 2 SBD- everything helps... and write, write about your own experiences... In numbers there is strength. Thank You!

It seems that CPS in Australia and the US are pretty much the same- if anything the corruption is worse there if that's possible. The abuses by CPS (as well as the Australian government at large) against the indigenous people is so manifest that it would need its own wiki to expose. Many really wonderful people such as @girlbeforemirror have been fighting it for years. Among the indigenous people there the removal rate of children from loving homes is 10X that of white families.

One issue that makes CPS abuse there much easier for the abusers is the court structure. In the US, the 1st Amendment guarantees redress of grievances. In other words if a lawyer files a case, the judge has to hear it... he/she can throw it out afterwards, but they have to hear it. In Australia, if a judge doesn't want to hear a case because it might make a corrupt system look bad- he/she will just refuse to hear it. Another problem is that CPS Australia appears to be a haven for pedophiles. There's a video by a young woman who says that sexual abuse from the people supposed to protect children is commonplace- not only in foster care, but by CPS workers themselves.

Fortunately, there is hope for Australia's families. A solicitor (attorney) named Bruce Bailey has started a group called Real Justice and has filed a class action lawsuit against the entire legal system it seems... it includes CPS, the family court system, the police and others. In his video he exposes the scope of the abuse "Down Under" much better than I can. While doing research I found that the Australian authorities are quite adept at covering up their nefarious activities.

There is another pro-family group in Australia as well- Luke's Army/the Australian Children's Justice Party. Luke's Army has a Facebook page that I signed up for and a YouTube channel (Lukey Pookey) with videos about CPS and child abuse around the world... I'll share a few of their shorter videos.

These two deal specifically with CPS abuse in Australia...

Luke's story... what launched the Army (this is heartbreaking- sorry about the audio)

For a while I was getting kind of discouraged reading about CPS abuse and seeing the faces of tearful parents on videos... a feeling of helplessness. But now I'm beginning to discover other groups fighting for families and I'm becoming more optimistic. If we can all somehow unite into one, think of the power we would have. Instead of quaking at the mention of CPS, they would quake at the mention of us. Together we can take back our families and keep them safe... it has got to start somewhere- why not here?

GIF by @papa-pepper



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

Great post. As a fellow Aussie i've been following the manifestly inadequate progress of the very expensive and drawn out Royal Commission into Institutional Child Abuse. I also have significant experience in seeing this occuring at my last place of work, where I dealt with Insurance matters for Aboriginal Corporations and remote communities in Western Australia.

I don't know where to start with this and hope i'll muster the courage to make it be known one day. I do take some solace from the fact that what I was exposed to in March, was eventually public recognized by the ex-Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan in his last statement prior to retiring from WAPOL in september this year.


#familyprotection #childabuse #CPS #aboriginalcorporations

The only ally in this fight I know we really have is Derryn Hinch and his Justice Party. I just hope he continues to focus on this dreadful plight and push it all into the light to be exposed.

I saw something about this before, a documentary if memory serves me correctly. Thank you for coming forward to expose it... Make it known! The louder our voices become, the more will be done to stop it!

Thank-you so much @richq11 !
Yes, @familyprotection is developing into something powerful. I am so excited to be involved in the journey and watching the direction that it organically takes.

So am I Linda! Every day while researching I'm becoming more and more hopeful that in the end we will prevail! I'm thrilled to be a part of it and having the opportunity to contribute in my small way!

I couldn't agree more @richq11 the light must be shown on CPS, the family court and all their factions of abusive government control. If we are to stop this maddness we MUST expose these agencies and their practice once and for all.

I've started a United We Light project here on Steemit for the benefit of all, helping us to focus our pure intent toward making the world a better place. The world can be no better if we still have families that are torn apart and children living in despair. Please do join with us for One Minute:


Horrible, it takes a hard heart to cover these types of atrocities, keep up the good work. Sharing.

Thanks Brother... It takes a hard heart not to!

The over-reach of government agencies that abuse their authority to kidnap children and give them over to sometimes questionable families is despicable. I'm glad to hear about Luke's army. Some are standing up to these bullies. @ironshield

Animals...that poor, poor little baby <3 What's happening in this world is truly horrible. I was just thinking about this, this morning, while reading another article on CPS abuse...that it's something truly horrible and that my (and I guess many people's) first instinct id to ignore it, to look away, but I realized we must look and see what's happening and be aware of these horrible things...because you never know what the future hold and it's the only way to be prepared and fight back.
Thank you, Rich, as always. I know I've become a lot more aware of the evil there is out there since I began reading your posts <3

I'm learning that more and more people are becoming aware and speaking out. The more that do, the stronger we become and the weaker CPS!

This is a global problem we face. CPS is attacking families on all fronts and is epidemic in scope, We need to be strong and destroy them. Thanks for your good reporting and best wishes.

A happy family unit is damaging to a government because it can think and fight. A fractured family unit is a cash register to their ears and frail minds are prey to their every whim.

Exactly... The only threat to global hegemony is a healthy nuclear family. That's why they're fighting so desperately to destroy it!

I think we are at a major crossroads. It is time for the entire pizzagate to Franklin scandal and beyond to be brought to light, and that happens with the major disclosures and with the average person, speaking their truth. Thank you for being one of those fighting for disclosure.

Thank you... I'm beginning to believe we can win this fight!

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