Is It Time For A Spring Clean In The @familyprotection Community?

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


Ok! Before I start I would like to say that this is just MY opinion and I need some feedback from the @familyprotection community before I make any decisions, I also need this to be approved by @canadian-coconut who has no idea I am writing this post.

As some of you know I had a tough upbringing, this has hindered me in many aspects of my life but it has also given me an inner strength that has protected me in many ways. I am also not afraid to speak my mind when I feel it's needed.

What Is This All About?

We have been getting some much needed help with the day to day running of @familyprotection. Among other things, we've had some help with trying to keep track of who is donating a proportions of their rewards back to the cause and how much they are donating.

Why Is This Important?

It matters hugely in my eye's because if certain members are taking liberties with @familyprotection then it can have a huge knock on effect with the members who are doing their bit. Imagine if you donate 25% of your liquid rewards to FP but then you see people who never or very rarely give back, this will, and often does lead to bad feeling in the FP community. I know from personal experience because I donate a decent amount of my rewards from my FP posts back to the community.

What Will Happen If I Don't Give Back?

Ok, This is where I need the communities feedback, If it was up to me, then we should no longer be upvoting or resteeming posts from people who are obviously here for the money and I'm sure after a few failed attempts to cash in on our good nature then we would most likely not hear from these people again. If you have an opinion on this matter please let me know in the comment section of this post.


Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!

I know that it's not always that simple, and that some people are in a situation where they really need that money, this is all good and well but I would like to remind some people that without our generosity and willingness to help, you would most likely be getting very little in the way of rewards, so the way I see it, a percentage of something is better than nothing. Again your feedback is welcomed and I don't think this should be the case in VERY extreme cases like @hickorymack who REALLY needs every penny she can get to keep her children away from the legal kidnappers.

Some People Really Piss Me Off!

I won't name names, but some people who have been getting HUGE payouts are showing their true colours. One account has pulled in a massive $1.643 in total rewards and out of that they have only donated about $90, What A Fucking Joke! I'm sorry but this is just unacceptable and if it was up to me then this person would have been dropped a long time ago!

Good Cop, Bad Cop.

We are very lucky to have the presents of a true angel in our community, she really cares about the well being of so many people here on steemit and will often show how much she cares by means of upvoting with her enormous whale vote! Yes I'm talking about @canadian-coconut, this woman really does have a heart of gold but it seems certain people are taking advantage of Ca-Co's good nature!


Unfortunately for those people who are taking advantage, we also have a former street kid in this community who knows all the tricks in the book and can smell a rat a mile off, yes that's me @markwhittam. Up until now this street kid has been sitting back and patiently waiting for other members in the community to stand up and speak out against the takers, in previous posts I have express my opinion on this matter but the takers are continuing to show no sign that they really care and really want to help.

I would like to remind everyone that we can't force anybody to donate some of their rewards back to the cause, all we can do is stop supporting such people, and lets face it, we could really do without these parasites.

Closing Thoughts!

I really need some feedback from the community on this one! and I also don't want to cause unrest in the community but it had to be said. Can we, as a community come to some sort of agreement on how we should deal with this problem, I am sure that some of you are unaware of such behaviour and to be honest, I was unaware to the extent of this problem and I would like to thank @eco-alex for taking time from his many projects to compile a hit list, and a shit list of all our donors! Expect to see the hit list in the future fp posts, But Please don't make me publish the shit list, because you know I will!


Previous Rants from the Bad Cop.

No More Second Chances

How 2 donate to @familyprotection

Spamming of The @familprotection Tag


Look out for the Up and coming
rants from no more Mr Nice Guy!

We Are Not A Vote Buying Service!

Please Put More Effort into Your Posts if You Want to Be Taken Seriously.

We Are Only Human, and We Don't Have All The Answers!




I really hope that the perpetrators do the right thing.
It’s a fair warning you’ve given to those who haven’t done right by the movement.
Well said @markwhittam and kudos to you, @canadian-coconut and everyone else involved in #familyprotection

Great! Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated =)

I feels good that people understand me because I am aware that I can be a bit of an arse sometimes.

Hey,. Sometimes it takes being an arse to get your point across. 3 words to keep in mind... Firm... Fair ... and Consistent ...

Thank-you @markwhittam for putting this question out there.
I can be naive and you can be cynical -- but we usually balance each other out pretty well.
It will be great to hear what the community also has to say.

Hopefully some people reading this post will modify their behaviour now that you have spelled out your expectations so clearly.

Thank you @canadian-coconut!

Yes! That's true we do compliment each other quite well =)

You have managed to keep me on a short leash for the most part, but I felt this was a problem that could cause some real unrest in the community and I wanted to bring it to their attention in my own special way ;)

Thanks for your support on this issue and yes, I hope that this hits home for those few that are not playing ball, it's a shame too because I don't want to lose anybody.

hey there

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vote and tell me if you like it

I can't do anything but agree with what you are saying @markwhittam. @canadian-coconut is a true diamond (well, I'd say gem, because I don't like diamonds lol). The situation @hickorymack was/is in, is important to note and I don't think anyone will hold it against her. I think that's what this community is for and I am hoping to see similar things happen in the future where people are truly helped out of a very bad situation. I completely understand that if people who donate a portion every time see that others don't do this, would be feeling like others take advantage, and it sure looks that way with behavior like that. Personally, I haven't always donated especially in the beginning. But, then I decided to donate the sbd from the steemian of the year post I made as I did it for Family Protection and not for myself. And later for the others I did. I was in a worse situation before, but even now, I still need money (who doesn't?). However, I think this project is too important not to support it in whichever way I can, so even if some of my bills aren't paid yet, I always think: this is money I wouldn't have had a couple of months ago so I can live without it now. I'll make it in other ways, I just have to step it up a bit. Now that being said, I don't check others and what they donate and when, I simply don't want to, so I'd be the last person to say something about it or even think it about that person. They have their reasons for not donating, I have mine for donating. But I do feel, that if there is a cause worthy of supporting, it is Familyprotection, so I hope everyone here feels the same way. I hope your post changes the way people think, because they might not even be aware of any wrongdoings. Love & Peace to everyone here in this community.

Thank you @misslasvegas!

We do what we can, but in some cases people are not doing much in the way of contributing even though they are clearly getting rewarded!

In the beginning of familyprotection, which was when you started writing fp post, the @familyprotection vision was not that clear, I didn't even know what direction it was going to take, but by know it is very clear, although maybe not for certain people.

I want to say that we value everyone's input now matter how big or small, but it has become apparent that this method does not work with certain people who for some reason believe that @familyprotection is nothing but a cash machine!

Thanks for your feedback on this issue and I value your honesty =)

I have been feeling that way for awhile now. I see quite a few writers donating some of their rewards back but then a lot of others never or very rarely do. It seems the ones the publish a post for the @familyprotection account the most often, are the ones that rarely or never donate. It does come off as if they are draining the rewards system and only in it to make a big hit for themselves. I definitely understand @hickorymack’s situation and I agree she needs every penny to protect her family right now.

My opinion would be to make a statement and do as you already stated, stop giving them the whale upvotes until they realize they really need to give back to the cause. However, I think they should have the chance to explain to you and Linda if they have a dire situation (if they really can’t donate and need every penny) before this happens. It might take a personal message to those that do not donate to really seek “why” they are not supporting back. I agree something needs to be done in order to keep funds coming back into this account so families can benefit from the monies.

Another opinion is this, since you all have Soooooo many posts to get through daily and there are Soooooo many new writers maybe there could be a limit set for how many upvotes per writer gets per week. I say this because some writers write every day and some a few times a week. Maybe there can be a limit to each writer that contributes...for instance they get the whale upvotes up to twice per week instead of daily. Their post can still be Resteemed to spread the information. I’m just throwing something out there but I know this may mean you would have to record more things and keep track of how many relevant posts everyone makes. I’m just trying to think of ways to make it easier on you all as well as spreading out the upvotes. But at the same time I don’t want to take away from those that do work hard to get great informative posts out there.

This is why I only vote on the ones that have been resteemed by the familyprotection account. I feel if it is there they have approved it and it is not spam or completwly unrelated. I think it should also add that these are the ones that have donated or are brand new.

I too only vote for the posts that have already been Resteemed by them. They do the hard part for us, fishing out the relevant ones from the non-relevant.

Well that’s just the thing, I believe some of the posts that are Resteemed are from users that Mark is addressing here in this post. That is why he is reaching out for suggestions on what to do about this. Everyone is still getting the upvotes whether they have donated or not. But now it’s reaching the point where some tough decisions are gonna have to be made by the leadership.

make a list of people that donate after each reward. I understand if someone really needs it for whatever reason maybe if a person has always donated and than informs mark that they are in a hardship for whatever reason and simply can not. We all have these types of needs once in a while. Or when a new poster comes into the community they are allowed 1 post that they are forgiven that they did not donate. You know send them a message reminding them just how important it is that they donate back into the cause.
Besides these reasons there should be no excuses on why they are not donating. So when a new post comes up if the person has proven they are not donating their post does not get resteemed. I can go into the familyprotection tag at any given time and click on to see new results and a huge list of spam comes up. I do not vote on any of those even if I read it and believe it belongs because I do not know why FP has not resteemed it. I know they also look to make sure it is not something that is simply been copy and paste as well as the content itself. So I have no way of knowing if a post is like that or not. So I do not vote on it. Which is why I said that Mark should have a list of creators that do not donate and their posts would no longer be resteemed.
Doing this will get rid of the people that are only posting for their benefit and it drains votes that could go towards others that are donating. I know how harsh it sounds but it is rather bothersome to keep seeing the same people with high rewards give little to nothing back.

They already know the ones that are and are not donating. These are the lists Mark mentioned above that @eco-alex has put together. I agree with you and I mentioned this to Mark about sending personal messages to see what’s really going on and giving folks a chance to explain their reasons for not giving back. I also agree the frequent non-givers should not have their posts Resteemed or upvoted with the huge whale votes. Hopefully soon the problem will get under control. It starts with posts like this and people throwing out ideas to try to come up with solutions :)

This should become a rule. I don't know whether familyprotection only upvotes the articles they resteem but it's another way of controlling quality of what is tagged and hopefully reducing tag spamming and tag abuse too.

Thank you @crosheille!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it, and your right in some cases its our most frequent writers that are taking liberties.

Thank you for voicing your opinion, and I hope as a community we can iron this out with relative ease, it's a shame I had to bring out the big guns but It's not the first time I've brought this up.

I like your suggestion and we'll consider it if we things don't change in the the very near future.

Thanks for your input @crosheille

Edited, ok I'm logging out of the FP account now =)


Oh no, you are definitely not the only one that sees what’s going on around here. It is a shame you have to keep bringing this up but it’s very necessary when dealing with a decentralized plattform. You kind of have to say it LOUD sometimes to get through to some.

I’m glad I could contribute some suggestions :)

Lol, I know it gets confusing running multiple accounts.

Wtg! My opinion, for what it is worth, is that you and @canadian-coconut should set down your ground rules and just go with your gut feeling of what is best for this community. You both are doing an amazing job and I am personally blown away by how much has already been accomplished by this community. It certainly has opened my eyes to the extent of corruption and abuse. The More research I do, the more I realize that I too was brainwashed in a lot of my training with both juvy and job Corp. Whatever you decide, I am certain you will have a majority that will stand behind and support your decisions.

Thank you @thethreehugs!

I appreciate your thoughts on this matter and I believe all of our eyes have been opened to the sheer extent of curruption that goes on Thanks to the existence of cps.

Thanks for your support.

Anytime my friend. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I totally agree with @thethreehugs.

Like you said, I was not aware of this kind of behavior and you are right we as a community have to do something to fix it and you did the right thing writing this post about it.
I totally agree with you about @canadian-coconut who has the heart of gold and I have all the respect and love for her and I'm sorry that you guys have to go through this selfish act of people here on this fp project when all you are trying to do is help.

Thank you @joalvarez!

It's a shame because I don't want it to be about the money, I would much rather focus on the the real problem at hand, but we are a community and we need unity or we have nothing. I hope this posts brings about change.

Thanks for the feedback

Well done for bringing this up and I think that your first instict is the right way to go. No votes, no leeches. Simples...
It will work and it is about time. Before any of this was mentioned, I took a look at fp's wallet to check donations received and my first impression was OK. But I only looked for a few minutes and I imagine this took @eco-alex a long time to gather this data. Sad that this is going on. IMO and I am open to correction, but part,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 is taking the piss in my book and if I see this I will make sure it is worthy before voting. Some post need to be split up, but some are just doing a "Harry Potter" ans stringing it out.
One pest has already stopped posting because his pay-out started to decrease and I reckon it's a way forward. If you start making strict ules then it will go against the 'Anarchist priciple' of the website(If that's what it truly stands for...Just ask @sift666). Be honest and ask questions first. When I first came to fp I blundered in like a bull and gave nothing back. This was only because I didnt know that is how it worked. It was when @richq11 mentioned that he intended to up-scale his donation rate, that I realised what the score was. After this I have tried to make regular donations from every pay-out. I have heard that I may be on the semi-low side of the scale and I have spoken to Linda about this. Please be aware of my initial ignorance when calculating my percentage as there will be a date that shows when 'the penny dropped'. I think you are right to be pissed off but I am not sure about the name&shame, as it could be a miscalculation(But then if you have some blatant piss-takers I suppose it is good for the community to know who is not on steemit for the right reasons)
Tough one bro, I don't envy you here...."Mo Money, Mo Problems"

Would just like to add an after-thought...

Please do not let this issue get out of control. I have spoke about how Lawful Rebellion was infiltrated and destroyed and it was done by those who were on the inside. They light the fire and watch it burn. Do not let this spoil the good vibe!! Those who wish to see this profile fail will go to great lenghts to see it done and that WILL include creating 2nd profile to stir things up and cause "drama"
Stay cool my friend and remember to sleep on it before you make you next move...
This is a fantastic thing that you have created and it will pay for you to be aware of the tactics that have been used to ruin those who have tried and failed.

I think posts like this are probably the best solution , since awareness often brings about change.. I like the idea of a hit list, where you really show appreciation to those who are participating in this in the way that FP need to make things work... There will always be people who abuse the system, and that is life! I think just stopping the VERY generous upvotes by @canadian-coconut should be enough to send a clear and passive message to those people who are more interested in rewards than the actual point of this whole mission.

I think a LOT of people also dont yet fully appreciate the depth of the problem, as if they did they would surely be supporting the cause more.. But as this list of heartbreaking stories grows i hope and trust that will change..

Mark, you and Linda are just SO dedicated and SO passionate and Strong that im sure everything will only improve in time. What you are doing is HARD work in many senses of the word, and I am honoured to be able to make whatever contribution i can to this.. much love you guys <3

Zap them! Don't put up with it... This is you're community- you're the Daddy and what you say goes (along with Linda). Make it clear- name names! I've been giving at least 10% even on payouts unrelated to @fp... With my financial probs now, if I can do it everyone can! Once I get Toy paid back I'll try to do more (between this and my involvement with @informationwar I'm stretched a little thin, plus I'm supporting 2 families with only what I make on here). Whatever I can do- just say the word! If I'm not doing enough- just say the word! If you don't stand up to the abusers and name names- we don't know who to stand up to... C'mon Dad- you can do this!

Zap them! Hahaha! If only I could =)

You are doing above and beyond for everyone you can and as I'm sure you already know, this rant was in no way directed in your direction, we at @familyprotection really want to help! So anyone in a pickle, like hickorymack or anouk.nox and yourself should never have to feel an obligation to support fp, if anything it should be the other way around, that's part of our mission.

Thanks @richq11!

I feel honored to support (I'll be sending some SBD today I'm waiting for a payout. I didn't want to send $4.08 lol). I'm also honored you allow me to use your tag, I'm grateful more than I can say to both you and Linda. Whenever I read these I keep thinking "God I hope he doesn't mean me!!!"

You need to call out the bad apples so the rest of us can know who they are (or email me a list and by God I'll do it for you!)

I agree 25% is a good amount to donate. The other 25% I am reinvesting back into my account and buy steem power with it. The other 50% I hold in SBD for when I nees the money to cash out or I want the extra steem power. I watch the market and when I see I can buy more steem with it that is what the extra is for. I can alao say that I have needed that money a few times to buy groceries when we were running short on money. But I am greatful for anything. And I agree when someine uses the familyprotection and it gets resteemed to that account they should have to give back. Just please do not raise the amount required past 25%. I know that if a case comes up that really needs the extra amount I will gladly give all that I have. But for the regular amount I like having that extra there for when I really need it.

Thank you for your feedback @curlfamilyvlog!

As it happens, we have not set any amount, I just said 25% as an example, I do believe people should give what they feel is right but if certain people think it's right to give nothing or very little, then those people are not on the same page as the rest of us.

It's a tough one to call but with the response to this post so far, it seems most of us are on a level playing field.

We'll see how it plays out!


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