Foster and Adoptive Parents Don't Care About the Corrupt CPS and Foster 'Care' System

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

When you're desperate to get a child, you are just happy to get one. Many couples can't have children for whatever reason, and adoption is the next best thing to get to have a child of their own. If not, then the foster acre system allows them to raise a child as well. Some couples choose not to have children, even though they can, and they also go through adoption or the foster care system.

flickr/public domain

Some couples may even want to do it to help, as they see all these children in the system as coming from abusive environments, have been orphaned, or other reasons where they child just needs a home to live in. But that's not always the case. I've posted about many times on the cases of Child Protective Services er... Procurement Syndicate, that is taking children from loving parents for bullshit made up reasons. Some children end up in worse situations. And even if not, they still undergo trauma from being separated from their rightful families by authoritarian assholes who have no right.

Could the lucrative adoption industry and the neediness of couples be a factor in helping the corruption of CPS and the foster care system?

In a comment sent to Health Impact News, a reader talks about her first hand experience of the evils of the foster care and adoption systems, and explains why the foster and adoptive parents aren't speaking out against the corruption of the the CPS of foster system.

Adoptive families don't speak up often because they are so desperate to get their hands on a child and never let go. They don't want to do anything to jeopardize their dreams coming true. After spending years on a waiting list, jumping through hoops to get approved, the trial period of getting approved finally nabs them a kid of their own.

Whether a child was "justifiably" taken or not, doesn't matter much. They just assume the CPS or social worker is doing their job perfectly well and would never take a child from a loving parent who did their child no harm. They don't make sure the child was ever in any real danger. They just see their wishes come true and are thankful for it.

We FINALLY got a child, by God it’s ours, and we won’t let anyone take it away!

The commenting reader says that the worst things an adoptive parents fears is the nightmare of "pen adoptions, birthparent contact and the child’s desire to search".

Some adoptive parents aren't ideal matches for the child, or any child. Some shouldn't have children, or certainly not have someone else's child in their custody. Even if a child comes from a n abusive home, the adoptive or foster parents can be as bad or worse than where they came from. When a child is unjustly taken from their parents, there is almost no situation that they get put into that makes it better than where they were.

All children should be with their loving parents. But being placed into an abusive situation when they were fine where they were kidnapped from is a new hell to live through. This is what happened to the commenter. Obviously not all adoptive parents are like this. Some are amazing people and make amazing adoptive or foster parents. But it's not the norm. It's more common than most people realize, where the opposite happens. Some people don't care about the child much at all, and simply think of getting a child like they would ordering a product for them to try out.

They aren't all "straight-A student, attractive, popular, star athlete, precious little Christian barbie or ken doll who has been molded out of the sinful unwed mother’s bad genes." as the commenter puts it. Many adoptive or foster parents have expectations of ideal children. When a child fails to deliver on the diealized dream someone has of the "product" they ordered, the situation can turn to "horrific emotional abuse, mental cruelty and possible physical punishment.".

The reason many abusive adoptive and poster parents get away with it, while the natural parents don't, is because of the idealized dreamy perception of adoptive as a "sacred cow" in society. There is an image of adoptive parents being so great because they are willing to take in the child of another. They must be warm, wonderful and amazingly selfless people to do that, to open their doors to the poor, unwanted and unloved child who is rejected or abused by their own parents. All due to the goodness and purify of their hears! What great people they must be!

By contrast, the image of the natural birth parents of the child up for adoption is that of a bad mother or father. Maybe the mother was a "bad girl" and never grew up or matured. The parent must be a heartless abandoner or abusive monster for the child to end up in the hand of social workers and sent to foster care or adoption. It's such a good things that the state intervened and took that poor helpless child away to a better future. That's the illusion being by the sacred cow.

The adoption system tends to treat children as property, with ownership papers to complete the transactions. The industry makes a lot of money, its multi-millions dollar industry. Fees often go into the thousands if not tens of thousands for would-be parents to get the most desirable children. It's like a marketplace for the exploited children who are kidnapped by the corrupt Child Procurement Syndicate, often held in foster 'care' homes as abusive prisons until they get adopted.

With more women being able to keep their babies due to the welfare state, this has created a drought in the market. Adoption agencies need a new source. Enter the wonderful CPS and foster care system to harvest the product.

As the commenter put it, having experienced the foster care and adoption system, kids are told to forget about their parents. They aren't going to see them ever again. "Just go home with this new couple. That's your new life, they are you mom and dad now."

The child never asked for this bullshit. And if they don't accept it, and don't "bond" with the new "parents", then they get diagnosed with "attachment disorder" and often get drugged into compliance into an environment that isn't for them.

Foster parents also get "reimbursed" for their "care" of children put into their homes. Many take in several children to collect on the money, and don't care about the children at all. It's all about a source of income, while they allow abuse to roam between the traumatized and dysfunctional children, or even abuse children themselves.

The adoption industry is an evil and corrupt institution that is in dire need of being improved, the commented closes in saying. This is why adoptive and foster parents are not the places you're going to hear about the problems with the adoption or foster care system.

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Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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It’s all about the money!

I don't know... I'm a foster dad. first and foremost I think your post should be taken as anecdotal evidence. Just as what I'm about to say we are just single people... Single individual is experiencing something that can't be extrapolated to larger populations.

And no matter what the reason behind foster parents wanting kids, it's the states problem deciding whether or not the biological parent (s) is fit to have custody.

I'm not saying kids don't get taken away for less than ideal reasons, maybe they do... I actually don't know. I know for the ones under my care it was definitely warranted.... But I still don't think the state does enough.

Plus, it seems redundant to say that no matter how good the house they're sent to if a kid is taken away on justly it's not okay. That should go without saying...

The system is bloated... And Washington States system sure is underfunded and overworked. So that sentiment I can get on board with!

There will always be bad actors and systems, it's Human Nature. My foster kids get regular visitation with their bio mom. I just wanted to tell my story to give people another angle... More anecdotal evidence!

and Foster family should get paid... And sure that can leave two people getting it for the wrong reasons, but I believe I'm in it for the right reasons and I couldn't do it without that money.

In fact, I didn't sign up to be a foster parent but three sisters showed up on my door one day and didn't want to go back into the system with someone they didn't know.

You can't talk to half the people on this site, there's no reasoning with them. There is a organization out there of foster parents who specifically work to better the system. But unless someone like you or I write about them it won't ever appear on here and even if it did it wouldn't make one cent because it doesn't back up their narrative. At least in this article I seen a bit of credence given the chance that some foster parents are good people. I just replied to a lady the other day who said she couldn't find statistics on whether kids were better off with parents involved with the system or in the system. It wasn't hard to find, out of 1,750 children who died in 2016 eighty five came at the hands of the system the rest their deaths came at the hands of their parents.

I totally get your point, though for that statistic 1750 children who died in 2016 and 85 of them came at the hands of the system and the rest of the hands of their parents... The problem with that stat is there's more kids with bio parents than in the system anyways so it should be a percentage.

That is, 1750 - 85 = 1665 / total parents in US in 2016 = likely smaller # than same math done with system households & foster kids...thx for the reply!

You have to look further at the picture. In 2016 there were 126.22 million households, 27.98 percent of those household were single persons the rest families with children. Of those families with children there were over four hundred thousand children in foster care across the US. The 1,750 number comes from kids who were in foster care, kids whose parents had CPS called on them and were either being supervised by CPS in their homes and/or CPS released them back into their homes or were released from CPS supervision. Since every death of any child is investigated by CPS is how they discover that a family had prior contact with CPS, were in the foster care system of CPS, and/or were released from CPS supervision or were under supervision. That's why some state's CPS systems ( five of them) came to be sued, to many kids in or had contact with CPS in some form prior to their death so someone dropped the ball somewhere. Also note that some families contact with CPS didn't have to occur in that year, family supervision, release of supervision and/or release from foster care could have been in prior years to the children's deaths.

Procurement Syndicate, that is taking children from loving parents for bullshit made up reasons.

CPS also has many ABUSIVE foster Parents that get away with HORRIFIC Abuse, That Natural parents never did- Because the WHOLE SYSTEM IS SET up to Financially REWARD the Social Services office- per child taken away from their natural family. They are literally paid MORE money for each child- they TAKE away from their Natural Parents.

This whole system is just completely backwards. I can't believe there are parents out there who's children's security is at jeopardy because the parent smokes cannabis to treat medical conditions... Yet a child can be born with prescribed (to the mother) opiates in its system and everything's fine. Why? Because it was never about the protection of children. It was only ever about profit.

The pieces all add up.

Thank you for taking the time to write about this. It fills me with joy to know there are others out there who are on the same page around this subject. I enjoy your posts. Keep doing what you do!

True when it comes to States where marijuana is illegal... It's not necessarily the system's fault it's illegal in certain States I guess is what I'm saying. It's not really nearly as big of an issue here as it is in you know midwest states I'm sure.

That being said, the system is a mess and maybe that's because they're taking away kids that don't need to be get taken away it's just not what I've seen.

Im glad you live in a place that's not as scary as the written post above. I think my state might be better too but I can't speak from experience. All the scary experiences I had were in Arizona and can speak on the cannabis topic personally. I don't trust the system. And I don't trust the feds. I absolutely believe they are capable of ripping children from perfectly loving homes for their own twisted benefit.

Furthermore I was recently reading that here in my state, where cannabis is legal recreationally, a parent known by the state to use cannabis is called into CPS by state law. I just think it's so messed up.

Well said there, @krnel, you've really pointed out the nail on the wall there.

Well they literally make money off it, i don't think caring is part of the current vocabulary for most

Because of the current opiate crisis the foster care system is running in the red, there is not enough money to go around.

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The parenten have to read this post

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